LiveTile Configuration

17 Dec 20185 minutes to read

Live Tiles are used to display the current or up to date information like scores, stocks, weather, etc. You can enable Live Tile using [livetile-enabled] property set as true. The [livetile-type] property allows you to specify the type of animation while updating the information in Tile.

There are three types of Tile animation supported: Flip, Slide and Carousel.

The [livetile-imageUrl] property sets background image for Live Tile. This property accepts array values so you can specify the image url’s for all the Tile components that are used in single Live Tile.

You can specify time interval for each Tile [ej-livetile] property. Time interval is given in milliseconds. The default value is 2000.

Refer to the following code examples.

  • HTML
  • <div class="e-tile-group">
        <div class="e-tile-column">
            <ej-tile id="tile6" tilesize="medium" imageposition="center" imageurl='' [caption]="caption1">
            <div class="e-tile-small-col-2">
                <ej-tile id="tile2" imageposition="center" tilesize="small" imageurl=''>
                <ej-tile id="tile3" imageposition="center" [livetile]="liveTile1" tilesize="small">
                <ej-tile id="tile4" [livetile]="liveTile2" tilesize="small">
                <ej-tile id="tile5" tilesize="small" [badge]="badge1" imageposition="center" imageurl=''>
            <ej-tile id="tile6" tilesize="medium" imageposition="fill" [livetile]="liveTile3" [caption]="caption2">
            <ej-tile id="tile7" tilesize="medium" imageposition="center" [livetile]="liveTile4" [caption]="caption3">
            <ej-tile id="tile8" tilesize="wide" imageposition="center" [livetile]="liveTile5" [caption]="caption4">
  • TS
  • export class AppComponent {
        caption1: any;
        caption2: any;
        caption3: any;
        caption4: any;
        liveTile1: any;
        liveTile2: any;
        liveTile3: any;
        liveTile4: any;
        liveTile5: any;
        badge1: any;
        constructor() {
            this.caption1 = { text: 'Play' };
            this.caption2 = { text: 'People' };
            this.caption3 = { text: 'Photos' };
            this.caption4 = { text: 'Weather' };
            this.liveTile1 = {
                updateInterval: 3000, enabled: true, type: 'flip', imageUrl: ['',
                    '', '']
            this.liveTile2 = {
                updateInterval: 3500, enabled: true, type: 'flip',
                imageUrl: ['', '', '']
            this.liveTile3 = {
                updateInterval: 5000, enabled: true, type: 'slide',
                imageUrl: ['', '', '']
            this.liveTile4 = {
                updateInterval: 4000, enabled: true, type: 'slide',
                imageUrl: ['', '', '',
                    '', '']
            this.liveTile5 = {
                updateInterval: 3000, enabled: true, type: 'carousel',
                imageUrl: ['', '', '']
            this.badge1 = { enabled: 'true', value: '10' };

    Live tile configuration