Getting Started

7 Jun 20179 minutes to read

This section helps you to understand the getting started of the Tile component with the step-by-step instructions.

Create a Tile Component

The following steps guide you to add a Tile component.

1) To get start with how to use the Tile component within Angular-2 platform, refer the basic requisites and the configurations needs to be done on the system from here.

2) Create a simple Tile by adding ej-tile attribute for initializing a Tile component on the application.

  • HTML
  • <div class="tiles">
                    <div class="e-tile-column">
                        <ej-tile id="tile" imagePosition="fill" tileSize="medium" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption">

    Add the following code in the component’s constructor file for given the text of the Tile component.

  • export class AppComponent {
                 caption: any;
                 constructor() {
                    this.caption = { text: "Maps" };

    Get the following output from the above-mentioned code

    You can easily design a home page using tile control for easy navigation. Therefore, you require many different sizes of tiles aligned in a grid-like manner. The tiles will be aligned automatically to define the necessary tile elements inside the wrapper element, that contains a “e-tile-column” class. You can define all columns elements under the wrapper element with the tile “e-tile-group” class to make ‘n’ number of tiles as a grouped tile. Add the below mentioned code to the corresponding view page.

  • HTML
  • <div class="tiles">
        <div class="cols-sample-area">
            <div id="scrollTarget">
                <div class="e-tile-group">
                    <div class="e-tile-column">
                        <ej-tile id="tile1" imagePosition="fill" tileSize="medium" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption1">
                        <div class="e-tile-small-col-2">
                            <ej-tile id="tile2" imagePosition="center" tileSize="small" imageUrl=''>
                            <ej-tile id="tile3" imagePosition="center" tileSize="small" imageUrl=''>
                            <ej-tile id="tile4" tileSize="small" imageUrl=''>
                            <ej-tile id="tile5" tileSize="small" imagePosition="center" imageUrl=''>
                        <ej-tile id="tile6" tileSize="medium" imagePosition="center" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption2">
                        <ej-tile id="tile7" tileSize="medium" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption3">
                        <ej-tile id="tile8" tileSize="wide" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption4" imagePosition="fill">
                    <div class="e-tile-column">
                        <ej-tile id="tile9" tileSize="medium" imagePosition="fill" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption5">
                        <ej-tile id="tile10" tileSize="medium" imagePosition="center" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption6">
                        <ej-tile id="tile11" tileSize="wide" imagePosition="center" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption7">
                        <ej-tile id="tile12" tileSize="medium" imagePosition="center" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption8">
                        <ej-tile id="tile13" tileSize="medium" imagePosition="center" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption9">

    Add the following code in the component’s constructor file for given the text of the Tile component.

  • export class AppComponent {
        caption1: any;
        caption2: any;
        caption3: any;
        caption4: any;
        caption5: any;
        caption6: any;
        caption7: any;
        caption8: any;
        caption9: any;
        constructor() {
            this.caption1 = { text: "People" };
            this.caption2 = { text: "Play" };
            this.caption3 = { text: "Maps" };
            this.caption4 = { text: "Sports" };
            this.caption5 = { text: "People" };
            this.caption6 = { text: "Photo" };
            this.caption7 = { text: "Weather" };
            this.caption8 = { text: "Music" };
            this.caption9 = { text: "Favorites" };

    Run the above code to get the following output.


    You can find the Tile component properties from the API reference.