Add Group Tiles

8 Jun 20176 minutes to read

To make a Tile as grouped tile, you can use the following mentioned pre-defined classes.

Class Name Explanation
e-tile-group To group the column elements
e-tile-column To align the tile in column manner
e-tile-small-col-2 To align the small size tiles

Refer to the following code example for render the Group tiles.

  • HTML
  • <div class="e-tile-group">
            <div class="e-tile-column">
                   <!— Add tile control here -->

    To render column grouped tile, you need to render the number of tiles inside a <div> element with class e-tile-column. Then that column group element is appended to a <div> with class e-tile-group.

    To render small-col-2 grouped tile, you need to render the number of tiles inside a <div> element with class e-tile-small-col-2. Then that small-col-2 group element is appended to a <div> with class e-tile-column. Then you need to append those column inside the main group <div> element.

    Refer the following code examples.

  • HTML
  • <div class="e-tile-group">
                <div class="e-tile-column">
                    <ej-tile id="tile1" imagePosition="fill" tileSize="medium" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption1">
                    <div class="e-tile-small-col-2">
                        <ej-tile id="tile2" imagePosition="center" tileSize="small" imageUrl=''>
                        <ej-tile id="tile3" imagePosition="center" tileSize="small" imageUrl=''>
                        <ej-tile id="tile4" tileSize="small" imageUrl=''>
                        <ej-tile id="tile5" tileSize="small" imagePosition="center" imageUrl=''>
                    <ej-tile id="tile6" tileSize="medium" imagePosition="center" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption2">
                    <ej-tile id="tile7" tileSize="medium" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption3">
                    <ej-tile id="tile8" tileSize="wide" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption4" imagePosition="fill">
                <div class="e-tile-column">
                    <ej-tile id="tile9" tileSize="medium" imagePosition="fill" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption5">
                    <ej-tile id="tile10" tileSize="medium" imagePosition="center" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption6">
                    <ej-tile id="tile11" tileSize="wide" imagePosition="center" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption7">
                    <ej-tile id="tile12" tileSize="medium" imagePosition="center" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption8">
                    <ej-tile id="tile13" tileSize="medium" imagePosition="center" imageUrl='' [caption]="caption9">
  • TS
  • export class DefaultComponent {
      caption1: any;
      caption2: any;
      caption3: any;
      caption4: any;
      caption5: any;
      caption6: any;
      caption7: any;
      caption8: any;
      caption9: any;
      constructor() {
        this.caption1 = { text: 'People' };
        this.caption2 = { text: 'Play' };
        this.caption3 = { text: 'Maps' };
        this.caption4 = { text: 'Sports' };
        this.caption5 = { text: 'People' };
        this.caption6 = { text: 'Photo' };
        this.caption7 = { text: 'Weather' };
        this.caption8 = { text: 'Music' };
        this.caption9 = { text: 'Favorites' };