
8 Jun 20176 minutes to read

This feature is used to search the contents in the Spreadsheet. You can use allowSearching property to enable or disable this feature.

You have following options in Searching.

  • Find
  • Replace
  • GoTo
  • GoTo Special

The following code example describes the above behavior.

  • HTML
  • <ej-spreadsheet id="spreadsheet" [allowSearching] = "true">
                        <e-rangesetting [dataSource]="spreadData"></e-rangesetting>
  • import {Component, ViewEncapsulation} from '@angular/core';
    import {SpreadsheetService} from './services/spreadsheet.service';
      selector: 'ej-app',
      templateUrl: 'app/app.component.html',  //give the path file for spreadsheet control html file.
    export class AppComponent {
        public spreadData;
        constructor(public SpreadsheetService: SpreadsheetService) {
                this.spreadData = SpreadsheetService.getDefaultData();

    The following output is displayed as a result of the above code example which shows the find and Select button.


    This is used to search the contents of a cell. You can do this by one of the following ways,

    • Using “Find” option in Find and Select button of OTHERS tab in ribbon to open the Find and Replace dialog.
    • Using findNext and findPrevious methods to search the given value in workbook.
    • Using Ctrl + F key to open the Find and Replace dialog with Find tab enabled.

    The following output is displayed as a result of Find and Replace dialog with Find tab enabled.

    You can customize the following settings in find option.

    • Match Case - Search content should have same casing compared with the cell content.
    • Match Entire Cell Content - Search content should match with entire cell content.
    • Look in - You can search the contents by values, formulas and comments.
    • Within - You can search the content within the sheet or workbook.
    • Search - You can search the contents by rows or columns.
    • Replace Direction - You can replace the contents by up or down direction.

    Find and Replace dialog with Settings tab enabled.


    This is used to replace the contents of a cell. You can do this by one of the following ways.

    • Using “Replace” option in Find and Select button of OTHERS tab in ribbon to open the Find and Replace dialog.
    • Using replaceAllByBook or replaceAllBySheet method to replace the contents.
    • Using Ctrl + R key to open the Find and Replace dialog with Replace tab enabled.

    Find and Replace dialog with Replace tab enabled

    The following code example describes the above behavior.

  • HTML
  • <ej-spreadsheet id="spreadsheet" [allowSearching] = "true" (loadComplete)= loadComplete($event)>
                        <e-rangesetting [dataSource]="spreadData"></e-rangesetting>
  • import {Component, ViewEncapsulation} from '@angular/core';
    import {SpreadsheetService} from './services/spreadsheet.service';
      selector: 'ej-app',
      templateUrl: 'app/app.component.html',  //give the path file for spreadsheet control html file.
    export class AppComponent {
        public spreadData;
        constructor(public SpreadsheetService: SpreadsheetService) {
                this.spreadData = SpreadsheetService.getDefaultData();
        loadComplete(event) {
          let xlObj = $("#spreadsheet").data("ejSpreadsheet");
          xlObj.XLSearch.replaceAllBySheet("Shoes", "Slippers", true, false);
          //xlObj.XLSearch.replaceAllBySheet("Shoes", "Slippers", true, false);

    The following output is displayed as a result of the above code example.

    Go To

    This feature is used to navigate to the particular cell in the worksheet or workbook.

    You can do this by one of the following ways,

    • Using “Go To” option in Find and Select button of OTHERS tab in ribbon to open the Go To dialog.
    • Using Ctrl + G key to open the Go To dialog.

    Go To dialog

    The following output is displayed as a result of goto to cell “F10”.

    GoTo Special

    This feature is used to quickly select cells of a specified type within the worksheet. You can do this by following ways,

    • Using “Go to Special” option in Find and Select button of OTHERS tab in ribbon to open the Go To dialog.

    • Using “Go to Formulas” option in Find and Select button of OTHERS tab in ribbon to highlight the cells, which contains formulas.

    • Using “Go to Comments” option in Find and Select button of OTHERS tab in ribbon to highlight the cells, which contains comments.

    • Using “Go to Conditional Formats” option in Find and Select button of OTHERS tab in ribbon to highlight conditional format applied cells.

    • Using “Go to Data Validation” option in Find and Select button of OTHERS tab in ribbon to highlight the data validation applied cells.

    • Using “Go to Constants” option in Find and Select button of OTHERS tab in ribbon to highlight the cells, which contains constant values.

    The following output is displayed as a result of goto constants which selects the cells containing constant values.