
The Rotator component provided the template support for having a customized appearance. Instead of having the same look for the rotator we can use our desired templates by using the template property.

You can refer the following code example to give the template for the rotator.

  • HTML
  • <ul id="sliderContent" ej-rotator [dataSource]="dataList" slideWidth="600px" slideHeight="223px" [enableAutoPlay]="true" [animationSpeed]="1200" [showPlayButton]="true" [template]="mytemplate">
  • JS
  • export class AppComponent {
        mytemplate: any;
        dataList: Array<any>;
        constructor() {
            this.dataList = [
                { text: "Louis", color: "#43BDC2", eimg: "03", desig: "Representative", country: "England" },
                { text: "Silivia", color: "#80C344", eimg: "04", desig: "Representative", country: "Norway" },
                { text: "Linden", color: "#F68A3F", eimg: "05", desig: "Representative", country: "Australia" },
                { text: "Lawrence", color: "#E4BF21", eimg: "06", desig: "Representative", country: "India" }
            this.mytemplate = '<div style="background-color:${color}; height:300px"> <div style="padding: 32px 10px 20px 40px"> <img class="eimgs" src="../images/rotator/${eimg}.png" alt="employee" height="159px" width="159px"/> </div>' + '<div style="padding: 0 100px 0 250px"><div class="ename"> ${text} </div> <div class="desig"> ${desig} </div><div class="cont"> ${country} </div></div></div>';
  • CSS
  • <style type="text/css" class="cssStyles">
            .eimgs {
                border-radius: 50%;
                background-color: #DDDDDD;
                float: left;
            .ename {
                font-family: segoe UI;
                font-weight: bold;
                font-size: 20px;
                padding-top: 10px;
                color: white;
            .desig {
                font-family: segoe UI;
                font-size: 14px;
                opacity: 0.8;
                color: white;
                padding-bottom: 3px;
            .cont {
                font-family: segoe UI;
                font-size: 14px;
                padding-top: 3px;
                border-top: 1px solid white;

    Providing template for each slide

    The property templateId enables to bind multiple customized template items in Rotator. Hence we set the different template for each slide of rotator.

  • HTML
  • <ul id="sliderContent" ej-rotator slideWidth="600px" slideHeight="223px" [showPager]="true" [templateId]="mytemplateid">
  • JS
  • <script id="tt1" type="text/x-jsrender">
            <div id="t1">
                <img class="image" src="http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/web/content/images/rotator/sea.jpg" title="Snowfall" />
        <script id="tt2" type="text/x-jsrender">
            <div id="t2">
                <video width="472" height="350" controls style="margin-left: -2px;">
                    <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
                    Your browser does not support the video tag.
        <script id="tt3" type="text/x-jsrender">
            <div id="t3" style="height:400px">
                <audio style="width:468px;margin-top:120px;" controls>
                    <source src="audio.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
                    Your browser does not support the audio tag.
        <script id="tt4" type="text/x-jsrender">
            <div id='text4' style="background-color:lightgray; margin-top:-20px; height:370px">
                <div id="t4" class="text">
                    <p><h2> World best mobile phones </h2></p>
                <ul class="text1">
                    <li><h4> Apple iPhone 6S  </h4></li>
                    <li><h4> Samsung Galaxy S7Edge </h4></li>
                    <li><h4> Oneplus 3 </h4></li>
                    <li><h4> HTC 10 </h4></li>
                    <li><h4> LG G5  </h4></li>
                    <li><h4> Google Nexus 6P  </h4></li>
                    <li><h4> Apple iPhone SE  </h4></li>
                    <li><h4> Sony Z5 Premium </h4></li>
                    <li><h4> Motorola Moto X Force </h4></li>
        <script id="tt5" type="text/x-jsrender">
            <div id="t5">
                <div class="leftPanel">
                    <img class="image" src="http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/web/content/images/rotator/tablet.jpg" title="nature" />
                <div class="rightPanel rightSide">
                    <div class="contentPanel" style="color:yellow"><b>Tablet</b> </div>
                        <li>A tablet computer, or simply tablet, is a mobile computer with display, circuitry and battery in a single unit.</li>
                            Tablets are equipped with sensors, including cameras, microphone, accelerometer and touchscreen.
  • JS
  • export class AppComponent {
        mytemplateid: any;
        constructor() {    
            this.mytemplateid = ['tt1', 'tt2', 'tt3', 'tt4', 'tt5'];