Import and Export in Angular RichTextEditor

22 Feb 202213 minutes to read

Import feature provides support to import a word document into the editor textarea. To enable import option in the RTE tool bar, import toolbar items needs to be added in RTE toolbar toolsList using importExport which adds the tool in the toolbar. In importSettings url option, the server page for import is needed to be mapped. When you click the toolbar import icon, it opens a dialog to browse the select a word file. The selected word file will be imported into the editor textarea.

  • HTML
  • <textarea id="texteditor" ej-rte [(tools)]="tools" [importSettings.url]="url"></textarea>
  • HTML
  • import {Component} from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'sd-home',
      templateUrl: 'app/components/rte/rte.component.html'
    export class RTEComponent {
        url: string;
        tools: Object;
        constructor() {
            this.url = "";
   = {
                importExport: ["import"]

    Server configuration

    Currently word document can be imported in server-side only, through EJ’s helper functions in .NET. So, to use RTE import in your projects, it is required to create a server with any of the following web services.

    • Web API
    • WCF Service
    • ASP.NET MVC Controller Action
    • ASP.NET WebMethod

    Following code snippet demonstrate import with WebAPI controller.

  • C#
  • public class RTEController : ApiController
            public string Import()
                string HtmlString = string.Empty;
                if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.AllKeys.Any())
                    string RTEID = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["rteid"];
                    var fileName = RTEID + "_importUpload";
                    var httpPostedFile = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files[fileName];
                    if (httpPostedFile != null)
                        using (var mStream = new MemoryStream())
                            new WordDocument(httpPostedFile.InputStream).Save(mStream, FormatType.Html);
                            mStream.Position = 0;
                            HtmlString = new StreamReader(mStream).ReadToEnd();
                        HtmlString = ExtractBodyContent(HtmlString);
                        foreach (var item in DecodeKeys())
                            HtmlString = HtmlString.Replace(item.Key, item.Value);
                    else HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("Select any file to upload.");
                return HtmlString;
            public IDictionary<string, string> DecodeKeys()
                IDictionary<string, string> KeyValuePair = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                   {"\"", "'"},{"\r", " "},{"\n", "<br/> "},{"\r\n", " "},{"( )+", " "},{"&nbsp;", " "},{"&bull;", "*"},{"&lsaquo;", "<"},
                   {"&rsaquo;", ">"},{"&trade;", "(tm)"},{"&copy;", "(c)"},{"&reg;", "(r)"}
                return KeyValuePair;
            public string ExtractBodyContent(string html)
                if (html.Contains("<html") && html.Contains("<body"))
                    return html.Remove(0, html.IndexOf("<body>") + 6).Replace("</body></html>", "");
                return html;

    Server Dependencies

    Full list of assemblies needed for RTE Import are as follows

    1.  Syncfusion.EJ
    2.  Syncfusion.EJ.Export
    3.  Syncfusion.Linq.Base
    4.  Syncfusion.Compression.Base
    5.  Syncfusion.DocIO.Base

    Angular RichTextEditor Server Dependencies


    Export feature provides support to export editor textarea content into word and PDF files. To enable Export option in the RTE tool bar, wordExport , pdfExport toolbar items needs to be added in RTE toolbar toolsList using importExport which adds the tool in the toolbar. exportToWordSettings consists of url and fileName sub properties. In url property, the server page for export to word is needed to be mapped and In fileName property, the name for the exported word file is given. exportToPdfSettings consists of url and fileName sub properties. In url property, the server page for export to PDF is needed to be mapped and In fileName property, the name for the exported PDF file is given. When you click the toolbar pdfExport or wordExport icon, the contents of RTE are sent to the server. It performs XHTML Validation on the editor textarea content on the server. Once the XHTML validation and formatting is successful, it exports the content into a Word or PDF File.

  • HTML
  • <textarea id="texteditor" ej-rte [minWidth]="150" [value]="val" [(tools)]="tools" [exportToWordSettings.url]="wordurl" [exportToWordSettings.fileName]="word" [exportToPdfSettings.url]="pdfurl" [exportToPdfSettings.fileName]="pdf"></textarea>
  • HTML
  • import {Component} from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'sd-home',
      templateUrl: 'app/components/rte/rte.component.html'
    export class RTEComponent {
        wordurl: string;
        pdfurl: string;
        tools: Object;
        val: string;
        word: string;
        pdf: string;
        constructor() {
            this.val = "The RichTextEditor (RTE) control enables you to edit the contents with insert table and images," + " it also provides a toolbar that helps to apply rich text formats to the content entered in the TextArea.";
            this.wordurl = "";
            this.pdfurl = "";
   = {
                importExport: ["wordExport", "pdfExport"]
            this.word = "wordSample";
            this.pdf = "pdfSample";

    Server configuration

    Currently RTE content can be converted to word or PDF file formats in server-side only, through EJ’s helper functions in .NET. So, to use exporting in your projects, it is required to create a server with any of the following web services.

    • Web API
    • WCF Service
    • ASP.NET MVC Controller Action
    • ASP.NET WebMethod

    Following code snippet demonstrate exporting with WebAPI controller.

  • C#
  • public class RTEController : ApiController
            //Export to Word Document
            public void ExportToWord()
                string RTEID = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["rteid"];
                string FileName = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params[RTEID + "_inputFile"];
                string htmlText = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params[RTEID + "_inputVal"];
                WordDocument document = GetDocument(htmlText);
                document.Save(FileName + ".docx", FormatType.Docx, HttpContext.Current.Response, HttpContentDisposition.Attachment);
            //Export to PDF Document
            public void ExportToPDF()
                string RTEID = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["rteid"];
                string FileName = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params[RTEID + "_inputFile"];
                string htmlText = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params[RTEID + "_inputVal"];
                WordDocument document = GetDocument(htmlText);
                DocToPDFConverter converter = new DocToPDFConverter();
                PdfDocument pdfDocument = converter.ConvertToPDF(document);
                pdfDocument.Save(FileName + ".pdf",HttpContext.Current.Response,HttpReadType.Save);
            public WordDocument GetDocument(string htmlText) 
                WordDocument document = null;
                MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
                StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.Default);
                htmlText = htmlText.Replace("\"", "'");
                XmlConversion XmlText = new XmlConversion(htmlText);
                XhtmlConversion XhtmlText = new XhtmlConversion(XmlText);
                stream.Position = 0;
                document = new WordDocument(stream, FormatType.Html, XHTMLValidationType.None);
                return document;

    Server Dependencies

    Export Helper functions are available in the Assembly Syncfusion.EJ.Export, which is available in the Essential Studio builds. Full list of assemblies needed for RTE Export as follows

    1.  Syncfusion.EJ
    2.  Syncfusion.EJ.Export
    3.  Syncfusion.Linq.Base
    4.  Syncfusion.Compression.Base
    5.  Syncfusion.DocIO.Base
    6.  Syncfusion.PDF.Base

    Word Export

    Angular RichTextEditor Word Export

    PDF Export

    Angular RichTextEditor PDF Export