Image customization

Customizing inner circle

Using Class

The RadialSlider property innerCircleImageClass allow to set image for the inner circle of the RadialSlider. By default, the Radial Slider innerCircleImageClass is set as null. Refer to the following code example.

Add the following code in your HTML page to render the RadialSlider.

  • HTML
  • <ej-radialslider innerCircleImageUrl="" [radius]="radius" [innerCircleImageClass]="imageClass">

    Add the following code in constructor file.

  • @Component({
        styles: ['.myClass{ background-image : url("");}']
        export class AppComponent {
            radius: number;
            constructor() {
                this.radius = 100;

    The following screenshot illustrates the output of above code.

    Customization Images

    Using image URL

    The RadialSlider property innerCircleImageUrl allow to set URL image to the inner circle of the RadialSlider. By default, the Radial Slider innerCircleImageUrl is set as null.

    Refer to the following code example.

    Add the following code in your HTML page to render the RadialSlider.

  • HTML
  • <ej-radialslider [radius]="radius" [innerCircleImageUrl]="imageUrl">

    Add the following code in constructor file.

  • export class AppComponent {
            radius: number;
            constructor() {
                this.radius = 100;
                this.imageUrl= "";

    The following screenshot illustrates the output of above code.

    Customization Image using url