Setting Range

7 Jun 20171 minute to read

The range of the ProgressBar is set by using minimum and maximum values. The Minimum value specifies the value where the ProgressBar shows the process to have started. The Maximum value specifies the value where the process is completed. You can set the range by using the minValue and maxValue property. You can refer to the below code.

  • HTML
  • <div class="control">
        <ej-progressbar id="progressBar" [minValue]="minvalue" [maxValue]="maxvalue" [value]="val" [height]="height" [width]="width" (create)="onCreate($event)"></ej-progressbar>  
  • HTML
  • import {Component} from '@angular/core';
    selector: 'sd-home',
    templateUrl: 'app/components/progressbar/progressbar.component.html'
    export class ProgressBarComponent {  
        minvalue: number;
        maxvalue: number;
        val: number;
        height: number;
        width: number;
        constructor() {
            this.minvalue = 40;
            this.maxvalue = 80;
            this.val = 80;
            this.height = 20;
            this.width = 500;
        onCreate($event) {
            var progress = $("#progressBar").data("ejProgressBar");
            progress.setModel({ text: progress.getValue() });

    The following screenshot displays the output.