
6 Dec 201810 minutes to read

Show/Hide the items

Particular currently showing button items can be hidden. Also it provides the options to show the hidden button again. These functionalities can be achieved using showItem or hideItem method.

Hide the Button item based on given index

  • HTML
  • <table width="500px">
            <td> Group Buttons </td>
    			<ej-groupbutton  id="GroupButton" groupButtonMode="radiobutton" (create)="create($event)">
                Credit Card
                Debit Card
                Net Banking
        <br /><br />
  • HTML
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: './GroupButton.component.html'
    export class GroupButtonComponent {
        constructor() {
        create(e) {
            var groupButtonObj = $("#GroupButton").data("ejGroupButton");

    Show the hidden Button item based on given index

  • HTML
  • <table width="500px">
            <td> Group Buttons </td>
    			<ej-groupbutton  id="GroupButton" groupButtonMode="radiobutton" (create)="create($event)">
                Credit Card
                Debit Card
                Net Banking
        <br /><br />
  • HTML
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: './GroupButton.component.html'
    export class GroupButtonComponent {
        constructor() {
        create(e) {
            var groupButtonObj = $("#GroupButton").data("ejGroupButton");


    Particular Items can be enabled/disabled using enableItem, disableItem methods. This takes the index of the button as the argument.

    Also entire GroupButton can be enabled or disabled using enable (), disable public method.

  • HTML
  • <table width="500px">
            <td> Group Buttons </td>
    			<ej-groupbutton  id="GroupButton" groupButtonMode="radiobutton" (create)="create($event)">
                Credit Card
                Debit Card
                Net Banking
        <br /><br />
  • HTML
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: './GroupButton.component.html'
    export class GroupButtonComponent {
        constructor() {
        create(e) {
            var groupButtonObj = $("#GroupButton").data("ejGroupButton");


    Getting Index of given Element

    By passing the jQuery element of the required button to getIndex public method, we can get the index of that passed button element.

  • HTML
  • <table width="500px">
            <td> Group Buttons </td>
    			<ej-groupbutton  id="GroupButton" groupButtonMode="radiobutton" (create)="create($event)">
                Credit Card
                Debit Card
                Net Banking
        <br /><br />
  • HTML
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: './GroupButton.component.html'
    export class GroupButtonComponent {
        constructor() {
        create(e) {
            var groupButtonObj = $("#GroupButton").data("ejGroupButton");
            var element = $("#GroupButton").find('li')[0];

    Getting state of given Button

    You can get the selection state of required button by passing that button jQuery element to isSelected public method.

  • HTML
  • <table width="500px">
            <td> Group Buttons </td>
    			<ej-groupbutton  id="GroupButton" groupButtonMode="radiobutton" (create)="create($event)">
                Credit Card
                Debit Card
                Net Banking
        <br /><br />
  • HTML
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: './GroupButton.component.html'
    export class GroupButtonComponent {
        constructor() {
        create(e) {
            var groupButtonObj = $("#GroupButton").data("ejGroupButton");

    Also you can get the active / disabled state required button by passing that button jQuery element to isDisabled public method.

  • HTML
  • <table width="500px">
            <td> Group Buttons </td>
    			<ej-groupbutton  id="GroupButton" groupButtonMode="radiobutton" (create)="create($event)">
                Credit Card
                Debit Card
                Net Banking
        <br /><br />
  • HTML
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: './GroupButton.component.html'
    export class GroupButtonComponent {
        constructor() {
        create(e) {
            var groupButtonObj = $("#GroupButton").data("ejGroupButton");