Thumbnail Compression

14 Aug 20181 minute to read

The “FileExplorer” allows thumbnail images to be compressed on the server side and loaded into the “FileExplorer” layout to improve performance when working with large size images.

You can enable this option using “enableThumbnailCompress” API of FileExplorer. For enabling this API, showThumbnail must be set to true in order to render thumbnail preview of images in Tile and LargeIcons layout.

The beforeGetImage event is triggered before loading a requested image from the server and getImage event is triggered after the requested image is loaded.

Refer following code block that will be helpful to you.

  • HTML
  • <ej-fileexplorer id="fileExplorer" path= ""
        width="100%" [layout]="tile" [enableThumbnailCompress]="true" style="display:block">


    In server side, don’t forget to add “GetImage” handling operation that helps to reduce the image size before loading.