How To

18 Dec 201716 minutes to read

Cross-origin resource sharing support for FileExplorer

Cross-origin request

The FileExplorer can browse and manage files on remote servers, which is located in other domains. If a server is located on a different domain, on a different port or using different protocol (HTTP / HTTPS) such requests are considered to be “cross-origin requests”. These type of requests are prohibited by IE9 and its earlier browsers.

Enabling cross-origin request in IE8 and IE9

By default, Internet Explorer 9 and earlier prohibits cross-origin requests for Internet Zone, also it ignores Access-Control-Allow headers. To enable cross-origin in IE8 and IE9, we have specified two type of options. As per the requirements, you can use any option that is mentioned below.

Option 1: Enabling cross-origin in IE through browser settings

To enable cross-origin access using settings of IE browser, go to Tools->Internet Options->Security tab, click on “Custom Level” button. Find the Miscellaneous and select “Enable” option, which is available under “Access data sources across domains” settings.

If your server is located in Intranet Zone, In IE Browser, confirmation dialog will be popped during first cross-domain request as “This page is accessing information that is not under its control. This poses a security risk. Do you want to continue?

To suppress this warning, you need to specify the “Access data sources across domains” setting to “allow”.

Option 2: Using JSONP for cross-origin request

Using JSONP data type, you can perform cross origin-request. To enable cross-origin request, in your FileExplorer, you have to specify ajaxDataType as “JSONP”. And we have provided “doJSONPAction” method to handle “JSONP” type AJAX request on server side. Please refer below code snippet to specify ajaxDataType as “JSONP”.

  • HTML
  • <ej-fileexplorer id="fileExplorer" path= ""
        ajaxAction="" ajaxDataType="jsonp" style="display:block">

    If we specify “ajaxDataType” as “JSONP”, data will be received in string format while calling “doJSONPAction” method of Web API Controller, here you need to deserialize the received “json” data into FileExplorerParams object. After performing corresponding operations, you have to specify the response data in serialized format with wrapped callback function. Please refer below code snippet to handle “JSONP” operations on server.

  • C#
  • [HttpGet]
                public object doJSONPAction(string callback, string json)
                    object Data = null;
                    var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    FileExplorerParams args = (FileExplorerParams)serializer.Deserialize(json, typeof(FileExplorerParams));
                        switch (args.ActionType)
                            case "Read":
                                Data = FileExplorerOperations.ReadData(args.Path, args.ExtensionsAllow);
                            case "Search":
                                Data = FileExplorerOperations.Search(args.Path, args.ExtensionsAllow, args.SearchString, args.CaseSensitive);
                            case "CreateFolder":
                                Data = FileExplorerOperations.NewFolder(args.Path, args.Name);
                            case "Paste":
                                Data = FileExplorerOperations.Paste(args.LocationFrom, args.LocationTo, args.Names, args.Action, args.CommonFiles);
                            case "Remove":
                                Data = FileExplorerOperations.Remove(args.Names, args.Path);
                            case "Rename":
                                Data = FileExplorerOperations.Rename(args.Path, args.Name, args.NewName, args.CommonFiles);
                            case "GetDetails":
                                Data = FileExplorerOperations.GetDetails(args.Path, args.Names);
                        HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(string.Format("{0}({1});", callback, serializer.Serialize(Data)));
                        return "";
                    catch (Exception e)
                        FileExplorerResponse Response = new FileExplorerResponse();
                        Response.error = e.GetType().FullName + ", " + e.Message;
                        HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(string.Format("{0}({1});", callback, serializer.Serialize(Response)));
                        return "";
                public void doJSONPAction()
                    if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.Count > 0)
                        FileExplorerOperations.Upload(HttpContext.Current.Request.Files, HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.GetValues("Path")[0]);
                public void doJSONPAction(string ActionType, string Path, string SelectedItems)
                    if (ActionType == "Download")
                    FileExplorerOperations.Download(Path, HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.GetValues("Names"));
                else if (ActionType == "GetImage")

    In IE8 and IE9 Browser, These options helps to render our FileExplorer control with cross-origin resource support.

    Service for FileExplorer

    Generally web based file explorer needs a service for handling the file related operations in server end. In same way, our “FileExplorer” control uses server side functionalities for handling the file operations in flexible way, that means you can implement this server side functions in any languages (like C#, VB, Java, PHP, etc.) and can customize it as per your requirement.

    By default, we have provided these server side AJAX handling functionalities in “C#” for managing physical filesystem and you can check it with “FileExplorerOperations” file, which is available at following Web API service application.

    Web API service:

    Note: In this Web API application, we have provided “FileOperationController” file, which contains “doJSONAction” action method. When you make AJAX request, “doJSONAction” method will be called with AJAX request parameters then it calls the corresponding built-in file handling methods (Read, Search, Download, Upload, Remove, Rename etc.) that are available in our “FileExplorerOperations” class based on the “ActionType” parameter value.

    Note: First run the provided Web API service, then you will get an URL like ”http://localhost:51460/“ (Here port number may change). As per port number, replace the specified URL in “path” and “ajaxAction” of “FileExplorer”.

    Here we have created the file handling service using Web API application (.NET). If you want to use any other languages or platform for implementing this file handling service, you can achieve this. Please refer following table, this may be helpful to you to create your own service for FileExplorer.

    Create a Web API service for FileExplorer using “Syncfusion.EJ” assembly

    Please refer following steps to create a Web API service for FileExplorer using “Syncfusion.EJ” assembly.

    Step 1: Create a new ASP.NET Web API project using Visual Studio.

    Reference link

    Step 2: Add “Syncfusion.EJ” assembly reference, which is available at following location of your system.

    (Installed location)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\{}\Assemblies

    For example, If you have installed the Essential Studio package within C:\Program Files(x86), then navigate to the below location,

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\{}\Assemblies\4.5

    This assembly contain built-in file handling methods such as (Read, Search, Download, Upload, Remove, Rename etc.) and it will be available in “FileExplorerOperations” class.

    Step 3: Add “FileExplorerController.cs” file in the controller part of Web API project.
    This file, contains action handler methods. Based on the request parameters, it helps to call the built-in file handling methods of Syncfusion.EJ assembly.

    Step 4: Add following content in the “WebApiApplication” class of “Global.asax.cs” file.

  • C#
  • protected void Application_Start()
            name: "Action",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = System.Web.Http.RouteParameter.Optional }
        protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request.Headers.AllKeys.Contains("Origin") && Request.HttpMethod == "OPTIONS")
                Response.StatusCode = 200;

    Step 5: In “Web.config” add following code under <system.webServer> tag

  • C#
  • <httpProtocol>
            <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="accept, maxdataserviceversion, origin, x-requested-with, dataserviceversion,content-type" />
            <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
            <add name="Access-Control-Max-Age" value="1728000" />

    Step 6: Add “FileBrowser” directory and it contains a files that is viewed by FileExplorer.

    Now the Web API service for FileExplorer component is created. After running that service, you will get a base URL like “http://localhost:64218/”. (Port number may vary)

    After that, you can use this service for your FileExplorer component as shown in below code block.

  • HTML
  • <ej-fileexplorer id="fileExplorer" path= "http://localhost:64218/FileBrowser/"
        ajaxAction="http://localhost:64218/api/FileExplorer/FileOperations" style="display:block">

    Parameter list for AJAX request and response of FileExplorer

    By default, we send following parameters in AJAX request. Using this details, you can perform the file handling operations of FileExplorer. After performing the file operations, you have to return the response data in proper format. This response data and request parameters are explained in following table. By referring to below table, you can create your custom functions to perform server side operations of “FileExplorer”.

    </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </table>

    Default Request Parameter

    Response data

    Action Performed/ Details


    String ActionType,

    String Path,

    String ExtensionsAllow,

    IEnumerable SelectedItems

    Response data should be in JSON format with key name as ‘files’ and JSON fields should be with following field names







    If needed, customer can also add additional data along with the JSON result.




    {files:[{name: "7.png", type: "File", size: 11439, dateModified: "3/31/2015 3:16:38 PM", hasChild: false},{name: "human.png", type: "File", size: 11059, dateModified: "3/31/2015 3:16:35 PM", hasChild: false}]}

    Read the file and folder details from the given path and return details in specified JSON format.


    String ActionType,

    String Path,

    String Name,

    IEnumerable SelectedItems

    Response data should be in JSON format with key name as ‘files’. In that returning JSON, "name” field is necessary.

    {"files":[{"name":"New folder","type":"Directory","size":0,"dateModified":"2/25/2016 7:31:02 AM","hasChild":true,"isFile":false,"filterPath":null}],"details":null,"error":null}

    Create the new folder in given path


    String ActionType,

    String LocationFrom,  

    String LocationTo,

    String[] Names,

    String Action,

    IEnumerable CommonFiles

    IEnumerable SelectedItems

    IEnumerable TargetFolder

    Here you may return the pasted file details or empty.

    Paste the content from source to target place.

    Here Action specifies the operation type “move” or “copy”


    String ActionType,  

    String[] Names,

    String Path

    IEnumerable SelectedItems

    Here you may return the removed file details or empty.

    Delete the file/ folder from given path


    String ActionType, 

    String Path,

    String Name,

    String NewName,

    IEnumerable CommonFiles

    IEnumerable SelectedItems

    Here you may return the renamed file details or empty.

    Rename the file or folder from the given path


    String ActionType, 

    String Path,

    String[] Names,

    IEnumerable SelectedItems

    Response data should be in JSON format like below

    {details:[{CreationTime:"4/28/2015 9:44:32 AM", Extension:".png", Format:"Archive", FullName:"F:\All samples\FileExplorer_Custom\FileExplorerContent\human.png", LastAccessTime:"4/28/2015 9:44:32 AM", LastWriteTime:"3/31/2015 3:16:35 PM", Length:11059, Name:"human.png"}]}

    get the details of the file/folder from the given path and return data in JSON format


    String ActionType,

    String Path,

    String[] Names,

    IEnumerable SelectedItems


    download the file from the given path


    String ActionType, 

    IEnumerable FileUpload,

    String Path

    IEnumerable SelectedItems


    upload the file to the given path


    String Path,

    IEnumerable SelectedItems

    Should return image in HttpResponseMessage.

    Used to get image form the given physical path.


    String ActionType,

    String Path,

    String SearchString,

    Bool CaseSensitive

    String ExtensionsAllow

    IEnumerable SelectedItems

    It should return data in JSON format with key name as ‘files’ and JSON fields need to be with following field names










    "files":[{"name":"bird.jpg","type":"File","size":102182,"dateModified":"1/9/2016 6:48:42 AM","hasChild":false,"isFile":true,"filterPath":null},

    {"name":"sea.jpg","type":"File","size":97145,"dateModified":"1/9/2016 6:48:42 AM","hasChild":false,"isFile":true,"filterPath":null }],




    It used to search all the matched files and sub-folders in the given folder path also it filters the specified files using it types.