File Actions

16 Oct 20171 minute to read

The FileExplorer provides the support for file and folder related operations and these can be done through the toolbar items as well as through the context menu items.

File action through Toolbar

The toolbar element is placed in the Header section, and it having the list of tools to perform the file, navigation and search related operations.

File action through Context menu

The FileExplorer having the support for context menu which opens while right click on any file or folder. The context menu having the set of items which is used to perform the corresponding operations in a handy pick way. For example the user can delete the file through the context menu by right click on it.

In FileExplorer, in the following places the context menu appears.

  • While right click on treeview nodes (from navigation pane)
  • While right click on File / Folder
  • While right click on layout (content pane)