
7 Jun 20173 minutes to read

Keyboard Navigation

You can use the keyboard short cut keys as an alternative to the mouse and interact with DropDownList widget.
Keyboard shortcut keys are,

Key Single selection Multi-selection

Access key

+ j
Sets focus to the input
Sets focus to the input
Up Selects the previous item when the popup is opened/closed Selects the previous item when the popup is opened/closed and clears all other selection
Down Selects the next item when the popup is opened/closed Selects the next item when the popup is opened/closed and clears all other selection
Page up Selects the item in next page (i.e.,) scrolls down to next set of items when the popup is opened/closed Selects the item in next page (i.e.,) scrolls down to next set of items when the popup is opened/closed and clear all existing selection
Page down Selects the item in previous page (i.e.,) scrolls up to previous set of items when the popup is opened/closed Selects the item in previous page (i.e.,) scrolls up to previous set of items when the popup is opened/closed and clear all existing selection
Left arrow Selects the previous item when the popup is opened/closed. But in RTL mode selects next item Selects the previous item when the popup is opened/closed and clears all other selection but in RTL mode selects the next item
Right arrow Selects the next item when the popup is opened/closed. But in RTL mode selects previous item Selects the next item when the popup is opened/closed and clears all other selection but in RTL mode selects the previous item
Backspace No actions Deletes the selected items from last when visual mode is enabled. (i.e.,) on first backspace key press, the last item will be selected and second backspace press will remove the corresponding item.
Tab Close the popup if it is opened and focuses to next DOM element Close the popup if it is opened and focuses to next DOM element
End Selects the last list item Select the last item and clear all selection
Home Selects the first list item Select the first item and clear all selection
Esc Close the popup if it’s opened Close the popup if it’s opened
Space bar Close the popup is it’s opened Check and uncheck the items which is focused.
Delete No actions Deletes the focused item in textbox when visual mode is enabled
Shift + up Selects the previous item when the popup is opened/closed Selects the immediate preceding item from current selected item
Shift + down Selects the next item when the popup is opened/closed Selects the immediate successive item from current selected item
Shift + home Select the first list item Select all items between focused item to first item
Shift + end Selects the last list item Select all items between focused item to last item
Shift + page up Selects the item in previous page (i.e.,) scrolls down to previous set of items when the popup is opened/closed Select all item between focused item to previous page or previous set of items when the popup is opened/closed
Shift + page down Selects the item in next page (i.e.,) scrolls up to next set of items when the popup is opened/closed Select all item between focused item to next page or next set of items when the popup is opened/closed
Ctrl + up Selects the previous item when the popup is opened/closed Maintain current selections and hovers to the previous item when the popup is opened/closed
Ctrl + down Selects the next item when the popup is opened/closed Maintain current selection and hovers to the next item when the popup is opened/closed
Alt + down Opens the popup if it’s closed Open the popup if it’s closed
Alt + up Closes the popup if it’s opened Close the popup if it’s opened
Enter Closes the popup if it’s opened Selects the focused item when ctrl key pressed otherwise closes the popup if it’s opened
Shift + Tab Focuses the previous DOM element Focuses the previous DOM element
Ctrl + shift + up Selects the previous item when the popup is opened/closed Maintains the existing items selection and selects the previous item from current selection.
Ctrl + shift + down Selects the next item when the popup is opened/closed Maintain the existing items selection and selects next item from current selection.


i) For Ctrl and Shift operations with multi-selection, the current focused item should be selected.

ii) No round robin method is used on navigating through the list items in pop up, so that navigation stops when reaching the start/end of the popup list.