Accordion Panel Enabler

7 Jun 20174 minutes to read

Enable/Disable widget

You can enable or disable the Accordion widget on initial rendering using the enabled property. By default enabled property is set to true and the Accordion panels are always active.

The following steps explain that how to disable the Accordion widget

In the Accordion component HTML file add the below given code.

  • HTML
  • <ej-accordion [enabled]="false">
            <a href="#">Orubase</a>
            <!-- add accordion contents here to load contents under this header -->
            Orubase is the only mobile application development framework built especially for developing complex line-of-business mobile applications targeting iOS, Android, and Windows Phone platforms in the shortest possible timeframe.
            <a href="#">WinRTXAML</a>
            <!-- add accordion contents here to load contents under this header -->
            Essential Studio for WinRT contains all the controls you need to build line-of-business tablet applications including grid, chart, map, tree map, SSRS report viewer, rich-text editor, pdf viewer, gauges, barcode, editors, and much more. It also includes a unique set of controls for reading and writing Excel, Word, and PDF documents in Windows store apps.
            <a href="#">Metro Studio</a>
            <!-- add accordion contents here to load contents under this header -->
            Syncfusion Metro Studio is a collection of over 2500 Metro-style icon templates that can be easily customized to create thousands of unique Metro icons.

    Output for disabled Accordion control is as follows.

    Enable panel items

    You can enable the Accordion widget items on initial loading using enabledItems property. This property takes array of indices whose panel needs to be enabled in Accordion widget.

    The disabledItems property disables the Accordion items based on the index. This takes array of indices whose panel is to be disabled.

    Enabling accordion panel items

    The following steps explains you on how to enable the panel items in Accordion widget

    In the Accordion component HTML file add the below given code.

  • HTML
  • <ej-accordion [enableMultipleOpen]="true" [enabledItems]="enableditems" [disabledItems]="disableditems" [selectedItemIndex]="1">
            <a href="#">Orubase</a>
            <!-- add accordion contents here to load contents under this header -->
            Orubase is the only mobile application development framework built especially for developing complex line-of-business mobile applications targeting iOS, Android, and Windows Phone platforms in the shortest possible timeframe.
            <a href="#">WinRTXAML</a>
            <!-- add accordion contents here to load contents under this header -->
            Essential Studio for WinRT contains all the controls you need to build line-of-business tablet applications including grid, chart, map, tree map, SSRS report viewer, rich-text editor, pdf viewer, gauges, barcode, editors, and much more. It also includes a unique set of controls for reading and writing Excel, Word, and PDF documents in Windows store apps.
            <a href="#">Metro Studio</a>
            <!-- add accordion contents here to load contents under this header -->
            Syncfusion Metro Studio is a collection of over 2500 Metro-style icon templates that can be easily customized to create thousands of unique Metro icons.

    Create the Accordion control as follows.

  • HTML
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: 'src/accordion/accordion.component.html',
    export class AccordionComponent {
        enableditems: int;
        disableditems: int;
        constructor() {
            this.enableditems = [1, 2];
            this.disableditems = [0];

    Output for Accordion control with some enabled and disabled items, where first panel is disabled and it can’t be expanded or collapsed is as follows.