Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

April 12, 2022



  • #I368275 - Provided an API to convert Word document to HTML with Word compatibility.

Bug Fixes

  • #F172876 – Content control is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #I369614 - Font size is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I371158 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I372034 – A Picture inside a frame is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.


Bug fixes


Bug fixes

  • #I367177 - [UWP] The SubLayers will not be hidden when changing the LatlongBounds dynamically.

  • #I367177 - [Android] At zoom levels 17, the polygons will not jitter when performing panning or zooming.



  • #I361979 - Added support to load items from the existing signature field.
  • #I368179 - Added support to detect if the document signature is signed with a timestamp alone.
  • #I370995 - Added support to add line indent to the first line of the text.

Bug Fixes

  • #I373194 - Argument exception will no longer occur when inserting a page from one document into another document.
  • #F173841 - Grid Cell overlapping issue will no longer occur when drawing a PDF grid with a nested grid on a multi-page document.
  • #I369816 - Memory consumption issues will no longer occur when getting the form fields font repeatedly.
  • #I370457 - PDF pages are now shown properly after merging or appending multiple PDF documents into one PDF.
  • #I371079 - Index out of bounds exception will no longer occur when verifying the Digital signature.
  • #I366088 - PdfCertificate is now created without any delay with X509Certificate in an Offline environment.
  • #I372318 - The parent bookmarks are now removed from the PDF document without any issues.
  • #I372076 - The Destination page index is now retrieved properly for loaded named destinations.
  • #F173683 - Loaded annotation is now retrieved properly while using its name.
  • #I372976 - The check box border width can now be accessed properly without any issues in the PDF document.
  • #I373386 - Font height is now updated properly while creating a new TrueType font with the existing TrueType font.
  • #I372361 - Hyperlinks now works properly while converting conformance PDF to PDF A2B document.
  • #I370979 - There is no longer a hanging issue when calling the redact method on a specific PDF document.
  • #I371416, #I370670 - An exception will no longer occur when merging the document with other PDF documents.


Bug Fixes

  • #I367799 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening a PowerPoint presentation with customized SmartArt.
  • #I366014 – The Anchor center is now applied properly while converting a PowerPoint presentation to PDF.


Bug fixes

  • #F174120 - [Android] Now, the Transparent color of the SfCalendar will work correctly.
  • #I370152 - [Android] Now, the NullReferenceExecption will no longer be thrown when adding the BlackOutDates to the Sfcalendar in the MvvmCross sample.
  • #I371017 - [Android] Now, the AgendaviewItem text will display in correct size on tablet device.


Bug fixes

  • #I357139 - [iOS] The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown in iPhone 8 device.


Bug fixes

  • #I365007 - Now, CornerRadius property will work fine when using Style in SfChip.


Bug fixes

  • #I373494 - Now, the System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown when incorrect spelling or wrong string values are given in the resource file (.resx) for localization.
  • #I364009 - [iOS]Now, there will be no crash throw when copying and pasting the text in the DataFormMultilineText Editor on a real ipad device.
  • #30697 - [iOS]Now, There will be no daylight saving issue in DataFormTimePicker Editor.


Bug fixes

  • #I366905 - [iOS] The FrozenIndicator color will be updated properly for the GridCell when the BorderThickness is set using QueryCellStyle.
  • #I368231, #I369061, #I370006, #I371350 - [iOS] The control will not layout to the bottom of the screen with the latest Xamarin.Forms version.
  • #I363670 - Now, the selection will be cleared for previous edited cell when binding DataTable as ItemsSource.
  • #I370156 - [UWP] The memory leak issue will be resolved when the SfButton is used inside the GridTemplateColumn.


Bug fixes

  • #I365968, #I366926, #I367256, #368251, #I369887, #I370720, #I371083, #I371109, #I371655, #I371910, #I372270, #I372645, #I372761, #I372869, #I373493, #F169929, #F173331 - [iOS] The items will be layout properly when the ItemsSource is updated at run time with the latest Xamarin.Forms version.


Bug fixes

  • #I368951 - [Android] The ReturnType will work correctly when setting the Mask.


Bug fixes

  • #I370531- [iOS] The hyperlink is now editable when the hyperlink text is set in the HtmlText property in RichtextEditor.
  • #I373912- [iOS] The ‘HyperlinkSelected’ event is now triggered properly while selecting text with hyperlink.
  • #I370908- [iOS] The text formatting is now maintained properly while applying different formatting combinations.


Bug fixes

  • #I371837 - Now, the System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown when navigating from the Daysview to the Monthview and selecting the date.
  • #I369875 - [Android,iOS] Now, the Appointment will render correctly when the EndTime is set for the All-Day Appointment.


Bug fixes


Bug Fixes

  • #I371443 - Chinese text is now rendered properly in the worksheet to image conversion.
  • #I373897 - Exception is no longer thrown while loading data into a template marker with no value for some objects.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while converting an Excel document to PDF with an empty shared string.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while converting the Excel documents to PDF with pivot filter types.