Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

February 15, 2022


Bug Fixes

  • #I361949 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I363267 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOCX format document.
  • #I363976 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I363849 - Mail merge is now executed properly in a Word document.
  • #I353976 - Table is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX format document.


Bug fixes

  • #F167991 - [iOS] The TapGuesture will work properly for the up-down buttons custom view.


Bug Fixes

  • #F172317 - The cell width issue has now been resolved when applying column-span in the child grid.
  • The dash style is shown properly when drawing a pen with zero width.
  • #I363406 - Grid overlapping issue will no longer occur while exporting the hierarchical grid.
  • #I364934 - Key not found exception will no longer occur while drawing template from the existing PDF document.
  • #I365065 - Text box field values will be preserved properly when signing the PDF document.
  • #I364032 - Form fields are flattened properly when flattening the form fields in a specific document.
  • #I363434 - Free text annotation is now exported properly in XFDF format.


Bug Fixes

  • #I364177 - Layout slides are now referred properly while adding the slides into PowerPoint presentation.


Bug fixes

  • #I357176 – [iOS] Now, there will be no overlapping issue in SfDataForm when changing the visibility of items at a runtime.
  • #I361572 – [iOS] The DataFormNumericEditor border color will be updated properly.
  • #I362832 – [iOS] The DataFormDropdownEditor clear button will be clickable in the view.


Bug fixes

  • #FB32155 - [Android] The Java.Lang.NoSuchMethodError exception will no longer be thrown for GridSwitchColumn in Android API 19.
  • #FB30636 - [iOS] when AllowZooming property is enabled, every rows will be displayed properly while clearing StackedHeaderRows at RunTime.
  • #I360636 - [Android] The System.NotSupportedException will no longer be thrown when tapping outside of the grid and into another cell while in edit mode.
  • #FB32098 - [UWP] The edited cell value of GridDateTimeColumn will be updated properly in grid cell.
  • #I352705 - Editing now works properly in all columns when FrozenColumnsCount is set.


Bug fixes

  • #F171822 – [UWP] Now, ThumbStyle will be updated properly when enabling the IsVisible property dynamically for SfDateTimeRangeNavigator.


Bug fixes

  • #FB30585 - [UWP] Swiping will work properly after scrolling the list.


Bug fixes

  • #FB31938 - Refresh spinner will be displayed properly when resizing the app window or changing device orientation at runtime.


Bug fixes

  • #I362307 - [Android] Memory leaks will not occur when adding Shimmer inside the CollectionView.