Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

May 12, 2021



  • #318805 - Added support to set locale identifier for bidirectional languages in Word document.

Bug Fixes

  • #318882, #319716 - Mail merge is now executed properly in a Word document.
  • #318634 - Footer is preserved properly while merging the RTF format documents.
  • #318345 - Text in content control is now preserved properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #317490 - Grid span is now parsed properly while opening a DOCX format document.
  • #319208, #321962, #323896 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while a opening the DOCX format document.
  • #321276 - The text formatting switch is now preserved properly for formula field.
  • #321276 - The text Format for IF field is now updated properly in the Word document.
  • #320883 - Merge field inside formula field is now updated properly in the Word document.
  • #321276 - Formula field inside SET field is now updated properly in the Word document.
  • #320188 - After Width of a row is now parsed properly while opening the DOCX format document.
  • #321098 - InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown while saving the DOCX format document.
  • #321579 - Comment is now preserved properly while resaving the DOCX format document.
  • #323670 - Font name is now parsed properly while opening the HTML format document.
  • #322767 - DocVariable field is now updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #325573 - Formula field is now updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #325658 - Word document is now open properly in Microsoft Office 2007 application.
  • #322766 - Preferred cell width is now parsed properly while opening the RTF format document.
  • #324732 - Arabic text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #318245 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #323148 - Cell border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #321119, #321126 - Emoji is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #323695, #323697 - Extra table preservation issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #322630 - Floating table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF
  • #316394, #320184 - Image is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #319607 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to Image.
  • #325849 - Page bottom border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF when surround footer option is disabled.
  • #317423 - Paragraph before spacing is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #322780, * #324282 - Paragraph spacing issue is now resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #319085 - Shape is now aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #317704 - Custom line shape is now preserved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #324707 - Symbol is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #319081 - Table border is now preserved properly converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #318004 - Table position is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #324779 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Doc format document to PDF.
  • #324490 - Text in rotated shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #322780, #324285 - Text is now aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #322780 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF
  • #320184 - Image overlapping issue while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #308099 - Paragraph border is now preserved properly while converting Word document to PDF.
  • #F164005 - TOC navigation is now working properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #323148 - Vertically merged table cell text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #319433 - The ObjectDisposedException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.


Bug Fixes

  • #311180, #317448 –PDF tags will be added properly with parent tags in a PDF document.
  • #314496 - Remainder text will be updated properly while layout the string with multiline.
  • #312509 - PdfLoadedFreeTextAnnotation returns proper bounds from the particular PDF document.
  • #317545 - Bookmarks will be displayed properly in Adobe document cloud web viewer.
  • #315262 - Ink annotation will be preserved properly while flatten with particular PDF document.
  • #316316 - Exception will no longer occurs while loading large PDF documents.
  • #318660 - Extra new line character will not be added in text box field.
  • #318010 - Characters will be preserved properly while creating appearance for form fields.
  • #319553 - PDF compression will optimize the file size properly with particular document.
  • #319401 - Document will be preserved properly while loading and saving the particular PDF document.
  • #319073 - Font preservation issue will no longer occurs with PdfHtmlTextElement.
  • #321713 - Annotations will be preserved properly while import and flatten.
  • #321475 - Exception will no longer occurs while filling the form fields.
  • #322161 - PdfGrid will be paginated properly with PdfTextElement.
  • #322536 - Bookmarks will be retrieved properly while getting from existing PDF document.
  • #322533 - Content will be redacted properly with particular PDF document.
  • #322529 - Extra PDF pages will not be added with EndPageLayout event.
  • #322273 - Form field will be preserved properly while changing the forecolor.
  • #322933 - PdfGrid will be preserved properly with pagination bounds.
  • #323087, #323578 - Bounds will be return properly in EndPageLayout event.
  • #323900 - Tags structure will be preserved properly with PdfGrid.
  • #320547 - Exception will no longer occurs while exporting PdfGrid.
  • #323642 - Exception will no longer occurs while loading PDF document.
  • #324594 - Pdf417Barcode will be rendered properly with float XDimension value.
  • #324789 - XPathException will no longer occurs while loading XFA document.
  • #324973 - JavaScript actions will be removed properly from existing PDF document.
  • #324966 - PdfCode39ExtendedBarcode will be preserved properly while drawing to PDF page multiple times.
  • #F164131 - Euro characters will be preserved properly while filling form field.
  • #F164353 - check box fields will be imported properly in a PDF document.


Bug Fixes

  • #317830 - The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted while removing the unused layout slide.
  • #323915 – Replaced image is now updated properly while saving the PowerPoint document.


Bug fixes

  • #I325384 - Now, when items source is changed in runtime, old items will be removed and new items will be rendered properly in view even when running Xamarin.Forms version 5.0 or upwards.


Bug fixes

  • #I326860 - [UWP] Now, dropdown view is positioned correctly when added the control inside SfTextInputLayout.


Bug fixes

  • #I318382 - [iOS] The label text is now updated properly without cropping when adding the SfBorder inside the list view.
  • #I323885 - [iOS] Now, the System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown when adding the SfBorder in the list view inside the tab view.


Bug fixes


Bug fixes

  • #I307022 - [Android,UWP] Now, the month cell customization with the CellTemplate is rendering properly.
  • #I314566 - The IsInAccessibleTree property will now work on dynamically changing.


Bug fixes

  • #322971 - [Android,iOS] The children of a card layout will now align properly even when RTL is enabled.


Bug fixes

  • #I325791 - [UWP] Focus now switches correctly between multiple SfComboBoxes.


Bug fixes

  • #I326245 - [iOS] The left padding issue in the DataFormAutoCompleteEditor will no longer occur.


Bug fixes

  • #I324652 - Now, runtime changes to values of GridColumn.HeaderText property are rendered properly in view.


Bug fixes

  • #322996 - [Android] Entered text in the previewer will no longer exceed the pop-up view.
  • #323470 - [iOS] Moving the added shape will no longer alter the position of the image in zoomed state.
  • #164489 - Added text can now be moved anywhere on the image and its size will be based on the zoom factor.
  • #324347 - ObjectDisposedException will no longer be thrown when adding control in a pop-up view.
  • #323996 - [Android] The image will now display properly even after adding shape, undo, and rotate and again adding shape, then undo it.
  • #324044 - IsImageEdited property will now properly update the image in customized state.
  • #164637 - Selection handler is now added properly while adding a line programmatically at load time and application will no longer crash on moving the added line.


Bug fixes

  • #320117 – [Android] Marker will now position properly for ImageryLayer even after reaching the maximum zoom level.
  • #319015 - [Android,iOS] Map will no longer fluctuate on scrolling the page.
  • #323246 - Control will no longer throw NullReferenceException exception when loading latitude longitude bounds through LatLngBoundsconstructor.
  • #315404 - [Android] White space will no longer be seen when loading a map with deep zoom level and changing the center point.
  • #324969 - User interaction will be performed on marker tooltip template view.
  • #322234 - MarkerSelected event will now be raised for the top marker alone when a bunch of markers is placed in the same position.


Bug fixes

  • #318402 - [Android] Masked edit will no longer throw an exception when using the specific RegX type and pressing the clear button.
  • #321270 - [UWP] The application will no longer crash when pasting the wrong input in SfMaskedEdit
  • #322197 - [UWP] The control will no longer throw an exception when a Mask value is provided, the IsReadOnly property is set dynamically, and text is entered.



  • #318638, 320552 - Implemented the support to render the image content for the signature form fields with the image decode parameters.
  • #322438 - Improved the annotation adding behavior by adding annotations only when dragged on the page and preventing addition when the page is tapped.
  • #316296 - [UWP]Implemented the support to provide a quality factor for print.
  • [UWP] Implemented the support to customize the print previewer with print settings in the Xamarin.Forms.UWP platform.

Bug Fixes

  • #323648 - [Android]Thickness of the selected annotation is now changed properly.
  • #323032 - [UWP]Application will no longer throw an exception while rendering the PDF page.
  • #323154 - The Free text annotation position is no longer misplaced in a particular PDF document after save and reload.
  • #316992 - The handwritten signatures are no longer duplicated while importing.
  • #322434 - [Android, iOS] The text markup annotations are now rendered while importing the annotation data multiple times.
  • #321879 - The signature image content is no longer missing while loading a particular PDF document.
  • #322216 - [Android]Application will no longer crash with exception while loading a particular PDF document.
  • #322075 - [iOS]The PDF contents are now displayed properly in a particular document.
  • #321535 - [UWP]The Undo operation is now working properly for a handwritten signature.
  • #321588 - The CustomStampView property is no longer returned null in the stamp annotation events.
  • #321271 - The password-protected PDFs are now loaded properly.
  • #321265 - [UWP]Application will no longer crash with exception while clicking the previous page button in the built-in toolbar.
  • #163833 - [Android]The AddStamp API is now working properly for all coordinates.
  • #163731 - [Android]The search box text color is now applied properly in the built-in toolbar.
  • [Android] The context menu items will no longer get cropped while selecting the text at the edge of the pages.
  • #320126 - [Android, iOS] Annotation properties are will no longer missing while importing and exporting the text markup annotation.
  • #319845 - [iOS]The Free text annotation border color is now updated properly after exporting and importing.
  • #319285 - [UWP]Font files created in a local folder are now removed properly.
  • #161853 - [UWP]Application will no longer crash with exception while disposing a particular PDF document.
  • #319374 - [UWP]The multi-stroke handwritten signatures are now added properly while adding programmatically.
  • #316763 - [UWP] Application will no longer crash while loading a particular PDF document.
  • #318602 - [UWP]Annotations are no longer missing in the exported image while using the ExportAsImage API.
  • #318615 - Arrow annotations are no longer misplaced, and the free text annotations are no longer missing while importing in the rotated PDF document.
  • #318138 - [Android]The edit text view of the free text annotation is now displayed properly.
  • #317746 - The text search instance is now highlighted properly for a particular PDF document.
  • #317752 - [UWP]Border width property of an annotation is no longer changed while importing and exporting the annotation multiple times.
  • #317581 - [iOS]Page number is now updated properly in the scroll-head while using the GoToPage API.
  • #316726 - [UWP]Application will no longer crash while using the document link annotation in the single-page mode after zooming.
  • #316992 - [UWP]The text markup annotation is now exported and imported properly for a particular PDF document.
  • #312712 - Checkboxes are now imported properly while using the ImportFormData API.
  • #315992 - [Android]Page navigation is now working properly while using the document link annotation.
  • #316106 - [UWP]The ZoomPercentage API is now working properly.
  • #316134 - [Android] The Custom stamp annotation is no longer cropped while resizing.
  • #315855 - [iOS]The AnnotationSettings.Selector.StrokeColor API is now working properly.
  • [UWP] Application will no longer crash while navigating pages using the document link annotation.
  • [Android] Application will no longer crash while scrolling in a particular PDF document.
  • #315078 - [Android, iOS] Annotation can now be drawn over the ink Annotation.
  • #315109 - [iOS] The color of the ink annotation no longer changes while setting the opacity.
  • [iOS] Checkboxes are now saved correctly if the document is saved more than one time.
  • #314585 - Application will no longer crash while switching between tab views which has SfPdfViewer.
  • [Android] Application will no longer crash while loading a particular PDF document from URL.
  • #313507 - [UWP]The PDF page now fits the viewport while loading a document multiple times in a page by page view mode.
  • #162259 - [Android, UWP] Application will no longer crash while unloading a particular PDF document.
  • #314391 - Radio buttons are no longer rendered in a different shape for a particular PDF document.
  • #300400 - The free text annotation position will no longer change in the other PDF viewers for a particular document after save.
  • #162158 - The RemoveAnnotation API is now working when using in the InkAdded event.
  • #312353 - Signature is missing while loading for a particular PDF document.


Bug fixes

  • #FB24380 - Now, the popup content will be rendered properly for available size, when popup is displayed in full screen mode and AutoSizeMode is set as Height.


Bug fixes

  • #I319838 - [UWP] Now, vertical scrolling of ListView works without conflict with the Rotator’s horizontal swipe gestures.
  • #I322791 - [Android] Now, the items get aligned correctly at the center on initial loading.


Bug fixes

  • #I322682 - [iOS] The AgendaView header background color will no longer change when dynamically hiding and showing the AgendaView.


Bug fixes


Bug fixes

  • #321777 - [UWP] Text property will be changed properly when updating it dynamically.

Visual Studio Extensions

Bug Fixes

  • #Feedback24602 - The Parameter incorrect error 0x80070057 issue in Syncfusion Xamarin extensions has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I317738 - Button position is now proper while resaving the Excel document.
  • #I313290 - Fixed Argument Exception while converting Excel to HTML.
  • #I317793 - Fixed issue of pivot table fonts getting changed while resaving the Excel file.
  • #I318471 - Font is correct in RTF text while parsing bullet formatting.
  • #I319080 - Correctly handled the Pivot cache area reference.
  • #I318774 - Two different types of conditional format icon sets are now applied correctly.
  • #I320381 - Excel file with the black-and-white option enabled in page settings is now converted properly to PDF.
  • #I319833 - OutOfMemoryException thrown while converting Excel to PDF is now resolved.
  • #I317378 - Cell border position is now correct for RTL direction in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I318795 - Hebrew text is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I318796 - Shape text for RTL direction is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I320700 - List data validation works properly when changing the culture to “pt-PT”.
  • #I315937 - Data is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion when using table formulas.
  • #I320153 - Pivot table auto-sort based on a data field is now correct.
  • #I318796 - Shape position is now proper for RTL direction in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I321087 - Table style color is now handled properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I323053 - List Data validation is now proper when resaving the Excel file in different cultures.
  • #I321505 - Argument separator is now correct for table formula in Spain culture.
  • #I315863 - Can’t Parse Formula exception thrown while saving the workbook after CopyTo is now resolved.
  • #I315863 - Fixed NullReferenceException while copying the workbook with unknown names.
  • #I315348 - Trendlines are now removed properly when they are deleted using the Legend Entries.
  • #I324692 - Font color is now applied correctly for RTF text.
  • #I314857 - Cell values with custom number format and word-wrap applied being replaced with # in Excel to PDF conversion is now resolved.
  • #I315699 - Format exception thrown while applying the number format with culture code is now resolved.
  • Fixed ObjectReferenceException while opening the Excel document.
  • Pivot border is now handled correctly in Pivot Layout.
  • Scatter chart with color to data point is now rendered correctly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • IndexOutOfRangeException thrown while converting chart series in PPTX to PDF is now resolved.
  • Worksheet protected with empty password is now handled correctly.