Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

December 22, 2020


Bug fixes

  • #303893 - [iOS] Now, when using PRISM, NullReferenceException will not be thrown when navigating back to a page with datagrid that has TableSummary rows.


Bug Fixes

  • #304210 - Pivot table page field filter is now working fine.
  • #305776 - Pivot filter MeasureHierAttribute is now handled properly.
  • #299134 - Excel document with pivot table filters and pivot table number formats are now working fine.
  • #302479 - Excel document with pivot table is no longer corrupted while resaving.
  • #304958 - Standard width is now correct after AddCopy operation.
  • #304403 - Image position is now correct after autofit columns operation in a copied worksheet.
  • #F160013 - Unicode symbols are no longer missed in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Scatter chart with smooth line is now rendered properly while converting the chart to image.