Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

August 22, 2019


Breaking Changes

  • Upgraded the Xamarin.Forms dependency version of SfListView from to You should upgrade the Xamarin.Forms NuGet version to or higher in your application while using SfListView. Also, for Android platform, the target framework or compile SDK version of the application should be equal or greater than the latest API (9.0) available.


Bug Fixes

  • #238763 - Performance will be fast in DisplayItemsEnumerator class for long list in DataSource control.


Bug Fixes

  • #241691 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOC format Word document.
  • #240393 - Line numbers are now preserved properly when resaving the Word document.
  • #242018 - Text encoding issue has been resolved while opening a RTF format Word document.
  • #241885 - Line spacing is now preserved properly while converting a Word document into HTML.
  • #F143774 - Paragraphs are now preserved properly while performing horizontal cell merge in a Word document.
  • #241475 - Nested IF field result is now preserved properly while converting a Word document as a Text file.
    List value is now updated properly when converting a Word document to HTML.
  • #237339 - ActualFormatType is now considered as DOCX when creating a new Word document from scratch.
  • #239792 - Character format is applied properly in Inline content control while opening Word document.
  • #239895 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when updating the fields in the Word document.
  • #239579 - Text border is preserved properly when converting HTML to Word document.
  • #238722 - Character format is applied properly while updating document fields.
  • #F143772 - Nested bookmark is now preserved properly while opening a DOC format Word document.
  • #225399, #220198, #209881, #209466, #204167 - RTL text alignment and indent issues has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #242278, #241397, #240195, #240030, #239658, #238960, #238709, #238528, #237804 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #243412 - Tab leader is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #239746, #238528 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #226594 - Underline is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF in fast rendering.
  • #242601 - Font is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #242252 - TOC text color is now drawn properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #239895, #240393, #226352 - Paragraph is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #230817, #240393 - Shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #240393 - Spacing issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #238528 - Blank page preservation issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #238528 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #240393, #239828 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting the Word document to PDF.
  • #239439 - Vertical text fill color is now drawn properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #237804 - Tab is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #239439 - Text box is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #238072 - Horizontally merged table cell border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #239746 - Hyperlink is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #239917, #241373 - Font is now embedded properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #241373 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.


Bug Fixes

  • #240456 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when merging the particular documents.
  • #241481 – Free text annotation will no longer return invalid text.
  • #242049 – PdfAnnotation will be cleared properly while removing the annotations.
  • #238304 – Font name will be retrieved properly from the PdfLoadedAnnotation.
  • #239222, #239219 – Radio button page will be null if it is not added in the page.
  • #238725 – Inserting long text in PdfLightTable cell works properly.
  • #238603 – 3D annotations will be rendered properly with different Pdf3DRendermode.
  • #238517 – PdfFreeTextAnnotation color will be preserved properly.
  • #242310 – Signature information will be rendered properly when applying security.
  • #244368 – Radio button will be added to the existing PDF documents.
  • #242644 – Symbols will be encoded properly in Code 39 Extended and Code 93 Extended barcodes.
  • #242717 – PdfLayoutResult will return proper bounds when enabling auto tag.
  • #243273 – Radio button field will be flattened properly in all PDF pages.
  • #242335 – Text will be rendered properly when filling and flattening text with right alignment.
  • #241159 – Code 32 barcode is now preserved properly for the input text containing zero.
  • #239832 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when using barcode in the shell component.
  • #240712 – InkAnnotation will be preserved properly when flattening.
  • #F145476 – Content inside the child grid will be wrapped properly.
  • #F145826 – Barcode will be generated properly with PdfCode93Barcode.
  • PdfTiffImage will be rendered properly in PdfGrid.
  • Underline will no longer be added for trailing white spaces when drawing text.
  • Fore color will be retrieved properly from the text box field.
  • PdfSignatureField name will be preserved properly.
  • Font size of the form field will be calculated based on the field size.


Bug Fixes

  • #F145117 - Font size will be applied properly for second paragraph of table cell.
  • #243282 - Images are now preserved properly while performing clone and merge in PowerPoint presentation.


Bug Fixes

  • #237027 - Text invisibility will no longer occur due to BindingContext of AccordionItem gets overridden with Accordion control BindingContext.
  • #240339 - [iOS] When the orientation is changed, SfAccordion will load inside SfNavigationDrawer without any crash.
  • #F146288 - [UWP] Performance will not be affected when SfAccordion is loaded inside ScrollView.


###Bug Fixes

  • #241909 – [Android,iOS] The performance of SfCalendar has been improved while loading more SelectedDates in calendar.

  • #244566 – [Android] Now, BlackoutDates of calendar has rendered properly while swiping calendar view in Vivo or Mi devices with customized OS.

  • #146559, #244641 – [Android] The NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while swipe the calendar in MVVMCross framework.


Bug fixes

  • #F146102 - [iOS] Now, the trackball axis label does not display incorrect data while adding more than one series with different data point count.
  • The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when setting value for axis TrackballLabelStyle without adding ChartTrackballBehavior.


Bug fixes

  • Now, the dynamic changes of the DisplayMemberPath property is updated properly in SfChipGroup.



  • #243601 - Automation Id support has been provided.

Bug fixes

  • #243941 - [Android] Memory Leak has been fixed.



  • #244059, #239672 – Provided support to customize the editor background color of dataform floating label layout by using the ContainerBackgroundColor property of SfDataForm or TextInputLayoutSettings.

  • #239672 – Provided support to hide the dataform floating label by using the ShowHelperText property of SfDataForm or TextInputLayoutSettings.


Bug Fixes

  • #239225 - Now the value in the table summary row/cell will be updated properly for runtime collection changes and property changes even when the summary column is of type GridUnboundColumn.


Bug Fixes

  • #235758 - In Android, Application will no longer crash when Expander is loaded in Tabbed page.
  • #242042 - The ListViewItems loaded in SfExpander control will collapse properly when the expander item is collapsed and ItemTapped event will not trigger unnecessarily during collapsed state.


Bug fixes

  • #143249 - [Android] Shape will be positioned properly when adding the shape on the cropped image and saving the image.
  • #143249 - [UWP] The toolbar icon will be updated properly.
  • #242670 - IsImageEdited property value will be return false after saved the changes.

Breaking Changes

  • Modified the toolbar built-in FontFamily styles.


Bug fixes

  • #240706 - SymbolPointer is rendered at the maximum scale value when setting the pointer value greater than maximum value.

  • #241573 - The ScaleOffset value is considered for Annotation rendering.

  • #242461 - Exception no longer be thrown when setting annotation’s ScaleValue and the minimum and maximum values of scale to zero.


Breaking Changes

  • Upgraded the Xamarin.Forms dependency version of SfListView from to You should upgrade the Xamarin.Forms NuGet version to or higher in your application while using SfListView. Also, for Android platform, the target framework or compile SDK version of the application should be equal or greater than the latest API (9.0) available.


  • #244267 - In iOS, support to handle DelayContentTouches property of ListView’s ScrollViewer in application level has been provided.
  • #146534 - ListView will update now properly when using RangedObservableCollection.

Bug Fixes

  • #243655,#244828,#243880 - In Android, ListView will now render properly when loaded inside StackLayout/ScrollView.
  • #241844 - Selection works properly in SfListView control while clicking the child item which doesn’t have tap gestures.
  • #241688 - [UWP] Swiping works properly when rotator is placed inside SfListView.
  • #241699 - [Android] SfListView will not execute LoadMoreCommand for tap event and will execute on some slight move action when LoadMoreOption is AutoOnScroll.
  • #241306 - Dynamic sorting works properly in SfListView control.
  • #242429 - DataSource property works properly in multi triggers.
  • #145904 - ListViewItems will not scroll automatically when model property changes updated at runtime in SfListView control.
  • #242427 - ListViewItems are clipped properly when StickyGroupHeader is true and ItemsSpacing has more value in SfListView control.
  • #F146265, #238980, #243528 - [Android] The ListViewItems content will be loaded properly when carousel page and tabbed page is swiped continuously in SfListView control.
  • #242060 - ListViewItems are aligned properly when loaded in Expander control.
  • #236357, #237094, #237851 - [iOS] SfNumericUpDown will increase/decrease properly for a single tap when placed inside SfListView control.
  • #239474, #244154 - SfListview with DynamicHeight mode will update the footer size at runtime.
  • #238885 - In SfListview, Automation ID will be updated properly in Grid Layout for initial view.
  • #242042 - ListView ItemTapped event will no longer fire while tapping the empty space below Expander with ListView as Content after collapsing.


Bug fixes

  • #240298 - [iOS] User interaction will work on marker when applying template for marker.

  • #146374 - [Android] The ZoomLevelChanging works properly on canceling the event when current level is less than specified value.

  • #243373 - [Android] The data labels will be displayed properly for small area (cities) in maps.



  • [Android] Now, the SfNumericTextBox supports custom font family name as like mentioned in this link.



  • #I238377 – [Android] Now, the SfNumericUpDown supports custom font family name as like mentioned in this link.


### Bug fixes

  • #241052 - [Android] The image set as content inside the SfParallaxView will be loaded properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #242025 – [UWP] An item with the same key has already been added exception will no longer be thrown when loading a PDF document.
  • #242412, #242159, #F145996 - [Android] Free text annotation will be preserved properly while saving the PDF document.
  • #241433 - [Android] Keyboard will not popup immediately after loading the PDF document in Android v8.0.
  • #235803 - [UWP] Signature field will now be displayed properly on loading the specific PDF document.
  • #242412 - [iOS] The foreground color of free text annotation will now be preserved properly while saving the PDF document.
  • #240975 - [Android] Application will no longer be crashed while unloading the PDF document.
  • #241631 - [iOS] The ZoomPercentage property will be set properly.
  • #241631 - [iOS] Application will no longer be crashed while loading the PDF document with the MaximumZoomPercentage property value been set.
  • #238423 - [Android] [Android] Application will no longer be crashed when long pressing on a particular PDF document.
  • #240659 - [Android] The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while loading a PDF document, when SfPdfViewer is placed inside the SfPopupLayout.
  • #244324 - [UWP] The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while unloading SfPdfViewer.
  • #241481 - Text of the FreeText annotations will be displayed properly.
  • #237265 - Now, the ExtractText API extracts the text properly from a PDF document.
  • #240712, #242178 - Signature strokes will be preserved properly while saving the PDF document.
  • #241228 - Annotations will be removed properly from SfPdfViewer on using RemoveAnnotation method.
  • #237175 - Text size will not be changed when we load the saved PDF document from SfPdfViewer in Adobe Reader and tap on the text box field.
  • #243273 - Form field values will be preserved properly while saving the PDF document.
  • #242651 - Application will no longer throw System.FormatException while extracting the text from the PDF document in German culture.
  • #243055 - Form fields are not editable when the ReadOnly property of the respective field is set to true.
  • #239481 - Now, text in the FreeText annotation will be preserved properly while printing the PDF document.
  • #243728 - [Android, iOS] Application will no longer be crashed when tapping the scroll head when SfPdfViewer is in unloaded state.
  • #F146060 - Now, setting the PageNumber property navigates to the appropriate page of SfPdfViewer.
  • [iOS] Application will no longer be crashed when loading the PDF document that contains form fields.
  • [iOS] Application will no longer be crashed when navigating the pages using scroll head.


Bug Fixes

  • #243334 – [Android] Now, the SfPicker items are displayed properly when navigating back to the previous page in tabbed page.


Bug Fixes

  • #245476 - Now, popup view will not crop at the edges and auto size will be applied properly for all values of SfPopupLayout.PopupView.AutoSizeMode.
  • #245206 - [UWP] Showing popup in full screen will work properly for all templates.


Bug Fixes

  • #244531, #245000 – [Android] Now, SfRating control is displayed properly when scrolling the items inside the ListView or CollectionView.


Bug Fixes

  • #Feedback-7973 – [Android] Now, SfRotator works properly without any crash when clearing the items.


Bug Fixes

  • #244944 – [UWP] ScheduleView property binding works properly when switching from MonthView to DayView by clicking more appointments count in schedule month cell.


Bug Fixes

  • #243353 – [UWP] Now, the tab items are properly rendered when adding SfTabView inside the SfPopupLayout.
  • #244940 – Now, the SelectionIndicatorSettings class style is applied for SfTabItem properties.



  • #I242321 – Now, the SfTextInputLayout supports providing style for assistive labels through implicit and explicit style.



  • #242078 - SfTreeView will not crash when exit the window.
  • #243699 - The SelectedItems will now gets disposed properly in SfTreeView control.


Bug Fixes

  • #230042, #231663 - Number and date time values are now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #237114, #237576 - Line shapes are now rendered properly when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #240083 - Number alignment is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #235971 - Chart series type is now preserved properly while saving the workbook with combination chart.
  • #240200 - Pivot table background color is now preserved properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #240677 - Pivot chart is now preserved properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #240083 - Chart data points will no longer be missed when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #239969 - Argument exception will no longer be thrown on opening the Excel file containing external workbook.
  • #230937 - Excel document is now converted properly while using the OFFSET function.
  • #236370 - DateTime value is now returned correctly in UK culture.
  • #238322 - Pivot table row header is now preserved properly when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #236131 - PivotTable will no longer be crashed on refreshing the resaved Excel file.
  • #239384 - Performance delay will no longer occur while resaving the Excel document.
  • #237809 - Conditional format formula for specific text is now updated properly while copying cells.
  • #236873 - DisplayText is now returned correctly when accessing the date time using formula with DDDD number format.
  • #238626 - Creating table with invalid table name will throw an exception.
  • #236136 - PercentOfParent option is now set correctly while creating a pivot table.
  • #237114 - AutoShape text is now rendered properly when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #239217 - Cell text with lesser than and greater than symbols are now preserved properly when converting the worksheet to HTML.
  • #236197 - Time value is now set correctly for 1904 enabled workbook.
  • #241751 - Checkboxes are now checked properly after resaving the Excel document.
  • #238322 - Grand totals of rows and columns are now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #241336 - Excel document containing conditional formats will no longer be corrupted on inserting a row.
  • #237235 - Legend is now preserved properly on setting custom data label.
  • #240083 - Chart data point will no longer be missed when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #242245 - Performance has been improved while opening the SpreadsheetXML file.
  • #241403 - Vertical text alignment now works properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #242613 - Japanese characters are now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #242913 - Font name and font size will no longer be changed while opening the Excel document.
  • #244193 - Exception will no longer be thrown on converting the Excel document with date time to PDF.
  • #239659 - Checkbox when removed is now preserved properly.
  • #F144906 - Active worksheet is now unselected when multiple worksheets are selected in the Excel file.
  • #F145816 - Exception will no longer be thrown on saving the workbook after invoking IApplication.IsSupported() method.
  • Exception will no longer be thrown when getting intersect range from invalid named ranges.
  • Saving the input document as xlsx file after saving it as xml document will no longer be corrupted.
  • CalcEngine will no longer be reinitialized after performing Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Legend text color is now preserved properly on saving the Excel document.
  • Chart is now preserved properly on copying the worksheet using the AddCopy() method.
  • Output Excel file will no longer be corrupted when an empty pivot table is updated with data and saved using XlsIO.
  • Exception will no longer be thrown while using named range for page setup in XlsIO.
  • Formula is now correct on resaving the Excel document containing formula with external workbook reference.