Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

May 7, 2019


Bug Fixes

  • #232137 – The programmatic selection works properly with different time zones and daylight savings (iOS).
  • #232798 – The header of calendar view displays the Month name properly without truncating when the device language is set to Danish.


Bug Fixes

  • #231941, #142653 – The DataForm scrolling works properly when placing it inside the scroll view and updating the layout at run time (Android).


Bug fixes

  • # 233970- The capitalization keyboard will be shown when entering the text, if the SfMaskedEdit’s KeyboardFlags is set to CapitalizeCharacter.
  • # 233278 – The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown when setting the minimum length as zero in Mask.
  • # F144241 – The PromptChar characters will be hidden when loading the SfMaskedEdit.


Bug Fixes

  • #235217 - [iOS] Gray overlay can now be applied to ContentView when IsOpen API is set dynamically.


Bug Fixes

  • #I226140, I234553 – [iOS] When opening the popup, the overlay background color will now be applied for the full width and height of the screen for all orientations and orientation changes across all iOS devices.
  • #I230988 - Now, application will no longer be crashed when changing the main page at run time when the PopupView is open.
  • #I232086,I233641,I233633 - Now, application will no longer be crashed when opening and closing the popup multiple times using any combinations of IsOpen, SfPopupLayout.Show(), and SfPopupLayout.Dismiss().
  • #I233234 - Now, popup will be opened and closed properly for value changes in SfPopupLayout.IsOpen even when SfPopupLayout.RelativeView is set in XAML.


Bug Fixes

  • #232524 – The RRuleParser returns correct Interval value for Recurrence Appointments.
  • #143565 – The custom view occupies the entire month cell in schedule month view when using complex layout (Android)
  • #143587 – The schedule will move to the current date when update the date in Windows (UWP).


Bug fixes

  • #I234961- [Android] Now, the ObjectDisposedException will no longer be thrown when swiping to the left and right faster on a carousel page that contains SfTextInputLayout.


Bug Fixes

  • #227766, #231068 - Chart legend in now rendered properly while changing the chart type.
  • #231882 - Performance will not degrade on exporting pivot grid to Excel.
  • #232040 - Cell Styles are preserved properly after resaving the output file with Microsoft Excel.
  • #232473 - Macro name is now set properly in shapes.
  • #227998 - Pivot table with tabular layout no longer increases the page count in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #230759 - Conditional formatting with discontinuous range is now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #229528 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening a re-saved Excel document with ExcelIgnoreError option.
  • #F141716 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening the Excel file when a namespace is not defined.