Getting Started with Carousel

29 Jun 20202 minutes to read

This section provides a quick overview for working with Essential Carousel for Xamarin.iOS. It guides you to the entire process of creating a SfCarousel in your Application.

Referencing Essential Studio components in your solution

After installing Essential Studio for Xamarin, you can find all the required assemblies in the installation folders, typically:
{Syncfusion Installed location}\Essential Studio {version number}\lib

And below assembly reference to the iOS unified project.


Add SfCarousel

  • Adding namespace for the added assemblies.
  • C#
  • using Syncfusion.SfCarousel.iOS;
    • Now add the SfCarousel control with a required optimal name by using the included namespace.
  • C#
  • SfCarousel carousel = new SfCarousel();

    SfCarousel items can be populated with a collection of image data. An example to populate image collection as carousel items as follows

  • C#
  • NSMutableArray<SfCarouselItem> carouselItemCollection = new NSMutableArray<SfCarouselItem> ();
    for(int i=1;i<18;i++)
        SfCarouselItem item = new SfCarouselItem();
        item.ImageName = "image"+i+".png";
    carousel.DataSource = carouselItemCollection;

    Set Gap between Items

    SfCarousel provides option to set the distance between the items in the panel. This can be done by using the Offset property in SfCarousel control.

  • C#
  • SfCarousel carousel = new SfCarousel();
    carousel.SelectedIndex = 2;
    carousel.Offset = 20;

    Setting the height and width of carousel’s Item

    ItemHeight and ItemWidth properties are used to change the height and width of carouselItem in carousel panel.

  • C#
  • SfCarousel carousel = new SfCarousel();
    carousel.ItemWidth = 150;
    carousel.ItemHeight = 170;

    Tilt Non Selected Items

    Items in the SfCarousel control can be rotated in user defined angle. RotationAngle property is used to decide the angle in which items should be rotated

  • C#
  • SfCarousel carousel = new SfCarousel();
    carousel.SelectedIndex = 2;
    carousel.Offset = 20;
    carousel.RotationAngle = 45;

    Overview Image
    You can find the complete getting started sample from this link.