Getting started with Xamarin.Android ComboBox

22 Jul 202210 minutes to read

This section explains the steps required to create combo box, populate it with data, and filter suggestions.Here we create a simple sample for changing the resolution and this section covers only the minimal features that are needed to get started with the ComboBox.

Referencing Essential Studio components in your solution

After installing Essential Studio for Xamarin,find all the required assemblies in the installation folders,

{Syncfusion Installed location}\Essential Studio\\lib

Add the following assembly references to the Android project,


Adding SfComboBox

The following steps help to add SfComboBox control.

  • Add the following namespace for the added assemblies.
using Syncfusion.Android.ComboBox;
  • Then, add the SfComboBox control with a required optimal name using the included namespace.
// Set the layout to display the control
LinearLayout linearLayout = new LinearLayout(this);
linearLayout.LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(500, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent);          linearLayout.SetBackgroundColor(Android.Graphics.Color.White);

// Add the Combobox Control
SfComboBox comboBox = new SfComboBox(this);
comboBox.LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, 50);

//Add the control in layout to display

The following screenshot depicts view of the control after adding SfComboBox.

Xamarin.Android ComboBox adding items

Adding items

A list of string with resolution list are created and added to the combo box source. This list is populated as suggestion list by setting the ComboBoxSource property based on text entry.

You can set the suggestion list to the SfComboBox using the ComboBoxSource property and you can customize the dropdown height using the MaximumDropDownHeight property.Add the ComboBoxSource for the SfComboBox as in the following.

// Set the layout to display the control
LinearLayout linearLayout = new LinearLayout(this);
linearLayout.LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(500, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent);
linearLayout.SetPadding(10, 0, 10, 0);

// Add the Combobox Control
SfComboBox comboBox = new SfComboBox(this);
comboBox.LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, 50);
//Add the items
List<String> resolutionList = new List<String>();
resolutionList.Add("1920 x 1080");
resolutionList.Add("1680 x 1050");
resolutionList.Add("1600 x 900");
resolutionList.Add("1440 x 900");
resolutionList.Add("1400 x 1050");
resolutionList.Add("1366 x 768");
resolutionList.Add("1360 x 768");
resolutionList.Add("1280 x 1024");
resolutionList.Add("1280 x 960");
resolutionList.Add("1280 x 720");
resolutionList.Add("854 x 480");
resolutionList.Add("800 x 480");
resolutionList.Add("480 X 640");
resolutionList.Add("480 x 320");
resolutionList.Add("432 x 240");
resolutionList.Add("360 X 640");
resolutionList.Add("320 x 240");

//Add the ComboBox source
ArrayAdapter<String> resolutionListDataAdapters = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, resolutionList);
comboBox.ComboBoxSource = resolutionListDataAdapters ;
//Set MaximumDropDownHeight
comboBox.MaximumDropDownHeight = 150;

//Add the control in layout to display

The following screenshot depicts view of the control after adding items.

Xamarin.Android ComboBox modes

Refer to this link link to learn more about the options available in SfComboBox to populate data.

Combo box modes

The SfComboBox supports both editable and non-editable text boxes to choose selected items in given data source. Users can select an item from the suggestion list.


The default value of the IsEditableMode property is false.

Non-editable combo box

Non-editable mode is used to prevent users from typing and allows them to select items from drop-down list. If the “IsEditable” property is set to false, it is set to be non-editable mode. In non-editable mode, the suggestion box can be displayed by clicking the control or drop-down button.

// Set the layout to display the control
LinearLayout linearLayout = new LinearLayout(this);
linearLayout.LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(500, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent);
linearLayout.SetPadding(10, 0, 10, 0);

// Add the Combobox Control
SfComboBox comboBox = new SfComboBox(this);
comboBox.LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, 50);

//Add the items
List<String> resolutionList = new List<String>();
resolutionList.Add("1920 x 1080");
resolutionList.Add("1680 x 1050");
resolutionList.Add("1600 x 900");
resolutionList.Add("1440 x 900");
resolutionList.Add("1400 x 1050");
resolutionList.Add("1366 x 768");
resolutionList.Add("1360 x 768");
resolutionList.Add("1280 x 1024");
resolutionList.Add("1280 x 960");
resolutionList.Add("1280 x 720");
resolutionList.Add("854 x 480");
resolutionList.Add("800 x 480");
resolutionList.Add("480 X 640");
resolutionList.Add("480 x 320");
resolutionList.Add("432 x 240");
resolutionList.Add("360 X 640");
resolutionList.Add("320 x 240");

//Add the ComboBox source
ArrayAdapter<String> resolutionListDataAdapters = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, resolutionList);
comboBox.ComboBoxSource = resolutionListDataAdapters ;
//Set MaximumDropDownHeight
comboBox.MaximumDropDownHeight = 150;
//Set IsEditableMode
comboBox.IsEditableMode = false;

//Add the control in layout to display

Xamarin.Android ComboBox editing

## Editable combo box

In editable mode, the combo box allows users to edit in the text box that shows suggestions in drop-down list based on the input. With the previous codes, the ‘IsEditableMode’ property can be set to true. This helps users to edit the SfComboBox control.

// Set the layout to display the control
LinearLayout linearLayout = new LinearLayout(this);
linearLayout.LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(500, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent);
linearLayout.SetPadding(10, 0, 10, 0);

// Add the Combobox Control
SfComboBox comboBox = new SfComboBox(this);
comboBox.LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, 50);

//Add the items
List<String> resolutionList = new List<String>();
resolutionList.Add("1920 x 1080");
resolutionList.Add("1680 x 1050");
resolutionList.Add("1600 x 900");
resolutionList.Add("1440 x 900");
resolutionList.Add("1400 x 1050");
resolutionList.Add("1366 x 768");
resolutionList.Add("1360 x 768");
resolutionList.Add("1280 x 1024");
resolutionList.Add("1280 x 960");
resolutionList.Add("1280 x 720");
resolutionList.Add("854 x 480");
resolutionList.Add("800 x 480");
resolutionList.Add("480 X 640");
resolutionList.Add("480 x 320");
resolutionList.Add("432 x 240");
resolutionList.Add("360 X 640");
resolutionList.Add("320 x 240");

//Add the ComboBox source
ArrayAdapter<String> resolutionListDataAdapters = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, resolutionList);
comboBox.ComboBoxSource = resolutionListDataAdapters ;
//Set MaximumDropDownHeight
comboBox.MaximumDropDownHeight = 150;
//Set IsEditableMode
comboBox.IsEditableMode = true;

//Add the control in layout to display

Xamarin.Android ComboBox selecting item

Selecting item

When selecting an item from the drop-down list, the selection changed event will be called. Using the following code snippet, a dialogue box will be displayed when a new item is selected from the suggestion box.

// Set the layout to display the control
LinearLayout linearLayout = new LinearLayout(this);
linearLayout.LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(500, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent);
linearLayout.SetPadding(10, 0, 10, 0);
//Create Alert
AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogue = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);

// Add the Combobox Control
SfComboBox comboBox = new SfComboBox(this);
comboBox.LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, 50);

//Add the items
List<String> resolutionList = new List<String>();
resolutionList.Add("1920 x 1080");
resolutionList.Add("1680 x 1050");
resolutionList.Add("1600 x 900");
resolutionList.Add("1440 x 900");
resolutionList.Add("1400 x 1050");
resolutionList.Add("1366 x 768");
resolutionList.Add("1360 x 768");
resolutionList.Add("1280 x 1024");
resolutionList.Add("1280 x 960");
resolutionList.Add("1280 x 720");
resolutionList.Add("854 x 480");
resolutionList.Add("800 x 480");
resolutionList.Add("480 X 640");
resolutionList.Add("480 x 320");
resolutionList.Add("432 x 240");
resolutionList.Add("360 X 640");
resolutionList.Add("320 x 240");

//Add the ComboBox source
ArrayAdapter<String> resolutionListDataAdapters = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, resolutionList);
comboBox.ComboBoxSource = resolutionListDataAdapters ;
//Set MaximumDropDownHeight
comboBox.MaximumDropDownHeight = 150;
//Set IsEditableMode
comboBox.IsEditableMode = true;

//Create SelectionChanged Event
comboBox.SelectionChanged += (object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) => 
    //Set Alert Title
    //Set Alert Message
    alertDialogue.SetMessage(Resolution was changed);
    //Show the Alert
//Set OK button
alertDialogue.SetPositiveButton("OK", (object sender, DialogClickEventArgs e) =>

//Add the control in layout to display

The following screenshot depicts the output of previous codes.

Xamarin.Android ComboBox samples

You can find the complete getting started sample from this Link