Essential Studio for Xamarin.Android Release Notes

December 17, 2019



  • #65714, #66953, #85228, #171046, #F139709, #245097 - Added support for mathematical equations (MathML) in Word documents (DOCX and WordML).
  • #73803, #88325, #89142, #97223, #100048, #103105, #105507, #177795 - Added support to automatically resize the table to fit its content.
  • #F145606, #175965, #199216, #236159, #250497, #250237 -API has been added to change data source path and remove mail merge settings from a Word document (DOCX).

Bug Fixes

  • #256141, #247556 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening the DOCX format Word document.
  • #255070 - Grid after values of the table rows will be preserved properly while loading the RTF document.
  • #255039, #245828 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while saving the Word document.
  • #254719 - Text will be preserved properly when open and save the DOCX format Word document.
  • #254399 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening the Word document.
  • #254157 - Shape in text box is now preserved properly while saving the DOCX format Word document.
  • #253773, #252275 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening the DOCX format Word document.
  • #252537 - SVG images are now preserved properly when open and save the DOCX format Word document.
  • #253232 - List style is now preserved properly when open and save the Word document.
  • #253082 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while merging the DOCX format Word documents.
  • #252912, #249887 - Bookmark contents are now replaced properly while replacing the bookmark content in the Word document.
  • #251861 - Paragraph style is now preserved properly when open and save the Word document.
  • #251545 - Mapped content in content control is now preserved properly when open and save the DOCX format Word document.
  • #250506 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while inserting text into the bookmark in the Word document.
  • #250227 - The StackOverFlowException will no longer be thrown while opening the DOC format Word document.
  • #246574 - Date time is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format Word document to PDF.
  • #F149304 - Header/Footer contents will not be duplicated when the LinkToPrevious is modified.
  • #255069 - Watermark layout will be preserved properly while initializing the values using constructor.
  • #255509 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while getting the text from the Word document.
  • #253507 - Paragraph spacing will be preserved properly while converting the Word document to PDF.
  • #252379 - The text form field is now updated properly while saving the Word document.
  • #252217 - AutoshapeType is now read properly for VML structure text box in the Word document.
  • #252217 - AllowOverlap is now read properly for VML structure shapes and group shape in the Word document.
  • #F148303 - Text inside a group shape is now searched and replaced properly.
  • Document compatibility will be preserved properly while resaving the Word document
  • #250497 - IF field is updated properly when using updateDocumentFields in the Word document.
  • #250993 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while cloning the Word document.
  • The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while cloning the Word document.
  • #F147804, I250466 - The Hyperlink field is now updated properly in the Word document.
  • #250408, #253433, #251662 - The ArgumentException will be no longer thrown while opening the Word document.
  • #250042, #255301, #256507 - Styles template is now preserved properly when open and save the DOCX format Word document.
  • #249158 - Hanging issue has been resolved while opening a Word document.
  • #248402 - The Corruption issue has been resolved while saving the DOCX format Word document.
  • #247383, #F148303 - The InvalidOperationException will be no longer thrown while cloning a Word document.
  • #248409 - Section break is now preserved properly in Word to EPUB conversion.
  • #248400 - Corruption issue has been resolved while saving the DOCX format Word document.
  • #248024 - Text is now preserved properly while retrieving bookmark content from a Word document using the GetBookmarkContent API.
  • #239792 - Content control mapped text is preserved properly in Word to PDF conversion.
  • #246022 - The list is now preserved properly when show the track changes in the generated Word document.
  • #247034 - Watermark is now preserved properly while saving the DOC format Word document.
  • #199319 - Improved the stability by resolving a possible NullReferenceException of Word to PDF conversion.
  • #250884 - Cleared the memory leakage during Word to PDF conversion.
  • #251858 - Text in a rotated TextBox is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #250815 - Table cell is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #250550 - Footer content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #249809, #252063 - Text is aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #249288, #247991, #251298, #246790 - Table content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #249004 - Border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #249004 - Autofit textbox is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #247476 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting the Word document to PDF.
  • #247391, #256090, #F149111, #253512 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #246790 - Blank page preservation issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #246771 - Header content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #156982, #249734 - Blank page is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #F148161 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #254893 - File size of resultant PDF document will be reduced while converting a Word document to PDF with AutoTag.
  • #255280 - Form field is now hidden properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #252827, #253870, #252217 - Shapes are now properly preserved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #255040 - Text is now hyphenated properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #254892 - Paragraph top border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #254719 - White color text is now rendered properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #254421 - Footnote text is now aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #252217, #F148303 - Text wrapping with group shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #F148303 - Group shapes are now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #252063 - Unicode character is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #253870 - Picture is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #253521 - Bent and Curved connectors are now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #253660 - Paragraph is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #252063 - Footnote text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #252004 - Keep with next is now working properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #252004 - Textbox is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222803 - Picture in a group shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #F148303 - Font is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #254892 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #254565 - Spacing issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #252063, #254421 - Footnote numbering is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #251342 - Korean text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • Table cell border is now preserved properly in the converted PDF document at different zooming levels.
  • Bookmark text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • Table cell is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.



  • #78702, #135996 - Added support for creating PDF A1A, A2A, A2U, A3A, and A3U conformance documents.
  • #178545, #192882, #194650, #247660 - Added support to remove identical resources while merging the PDF documents.
  • #252741 - Provided support for adding LTV externally in digital signature.
  • #249016 - Added support for ZUGFeRD 2.0 in PDF creation.
  • #246605 - Form fields will be removed when removing the pages from the PDF document.
  • #F148570 - Added support for validating digital signature based on the incremental updates.
  • #F148363 - Added support for setting SignedName when signing the PDF document.
  • Added support for custom position for Popup annotation.

Bug Fixes

  • #249904 – Ink annotation will be preserved properly with different ink points.
  • #253601 – The ArithmeticException no longer occurs when signing signature using timestamp server.
  • #254728, #255513 – Text will be preserved properly while flattening the forms.
  • #254691 – PDF document no longer corrupted while performing compression.
  • #254637 – Exception no longer occurs while appending PDF documents.
  • #254064 – Exception no longer occurs while getting used font in PdfLoadedDocument.
  • #253953 – Exception no longer occurs while signing the PDF document with store certificate.
  • #253988 – PdfGrid header with PdfHTMLElement will be repeated properly.
  • #253835 – The NullReferenceException no longer occurs if borders are null.
  • #253859 – The NullReferenceException no longer occurs while splitting the PDF document.
  • #254552 – Encrypted PDF can be opened by native PDF Viewer in iOS.
  • #253203 – LTV will be enabled while signing the PDF document.
  • #247373 – Form fields will be flattened properly in PdfLoadedDocument.
  • #249445 – Transparency will be preserved properly while drawing text to existing PDF document.
  • #254893 – File size has been optimized in Word to PDF conversion.
  • #245556 - PDF conformance will be validated properly in online tools.
  • #255666 - Font name will be retrieved properly from PdfFormFields.
  • #253952 – Exception no longer occurs when exporting PDF to Image.
  • #254234 – Adjacent characters will be preserved properly when redacting PDF contents.
  • #251673 – The NullReferenceException no longer occurs when filling the form fields.
  • #255336 – EncryptAllContentsExceptMetadata will work properly in 256bit encryption.
  • #249332 – The NullReferenceException will no longer occur when getting destination of PdfLoadedDocumentLinkAnnotation.
  • #251487 – Default document information from portfolio will be retrieved properly.
  • #250869 – Performance of PDF to PDF A1B converter has been improved.
  • #251103 – Merging will now preserve all the pages from source documents.
  • #249164 – Header style will be preserved properly in PdfLightTable.
  • #250644, #F147502 – Image will be preserved properly with signature appearance.
  • #248130 – Exception will no longer occur while selecting the bookmark items from existing PDF document.
  • #245556, #252556 – Conformance will be validated properly in particular site for the created conformance document.
  • #250878 – Exception will no longer occur while merging the particular document.
  • #249822 – The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer occur while adding digital signature to the document.
  • #249904 – The PdfInkAnnotation will be preserved properly for two points.
  • #251928 – Date format will be preserved properly while flattening the XFA form field.
  • #250751 – Existing PDF document compression has been improved in file size.
  • #252156 – Characters will be preserved properly in XPS to PDF conversion.
  • #222803 – Lines will be preserved properly in EMF to PDF conversion.
  • #250380 – The NullReferenceException will no longer occur while importing pages from PDF document.
  • #250294 – The PDF document will no longer corrupted while loading and saving in same memory stream.
  • #247373 – Form fields will be flattened properly while merging the PDF documents.
  • #252063 – Images with color space will be preserved properly in PDF document.
  • #F148726 – The StackOverflow exception no longer occurs while finding corrupted document.
  • #F148569 – Exception no longer occurs while signing the PDF document using timestamp server.
  • Annotation color will be retrieved properly for FreeTextAnnotation.
  • FreeTextAnnotation content will be modified properly when changing the markup text.
  • Signature validation will be validated properly for modified PDF documents.



  • Exposed ScreenTip API to get and set the screen tip of IHyperLink.

Bug Fixes

  • #251612, #252515 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while saving the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #250068 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while setting the column span as 1 for table cell.
  • #252605 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while opening the PowerPoint presentation with ActiveX control.
  • #254235 - The FormatException will no longer be thrown while opening the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #251612 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while cloning the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #244971 - The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted while saving the document.
  • #250515, #251340, #251336, #254213, #250406 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting the PowerPoint to PDF.
  • #250570 - Tab spaces will be aligned properly while converting a PowerPoint presentation to PDF.
  • #254538 - PowerPoint presentation will be converted as PDF in minimal time.
  • #254651 - Text will be preserved properly while converting a PowerPoint Presentation to PDF.



  • Now, The chart control supports the stacked line and 100% stacked line chart types.
  • The ChartSeries ItemsSource now supports the DataTable binding.
  • Now, ChartLegend supports the customization of background and border.
  • Now, the support for the dashed line has been added to the LineSeries.

Breaking Changes

  • Data type of the ChartSeries ItemsSource property has been modified from IEnumerable to object.



  • The SfCheckBox control now supports the BorderWidth customization.



  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - The Excel VBA project is now supported.
  • The Top, bottom, above, and below rules in conditional formatting are now supported.
  • The Average(), Max(), Min(), Sum(), and Trim() methods in IRange are implemented.
  • Replace functionality is implemented for Range.

Breaking Changes

  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - VbaModuleType enum in VbaModuleType class specifies the Vba module type.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - IVbaModule interface is added for using Vba project module.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - Name property in IVbaModule interface specifies the Vba module name.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - Type property in IVbaModule interface indicates the Vba module type.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - Code property in IVbaModule interface specifies the Vba code for the module.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - DesignerStorage property in IVbaModule interface specifies the Vba project form module storage.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - IVbaModules interface is added for accessing Vba project module collection.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - Count property in IVbaModules interface specifies the number of Vba modules in the collection.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - IVbaModules[int index] property in IVbaModules interface gets the Vba module at the specified index in the collection.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - IVbaModules[string name] property in IVbaModules interface gets the Vba module with the specified name in the collection.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - Add() method in IVbaModules interface adds a Vba module to the Vba project module collection.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - Remove() method in IVbaModules interface removes a Vba module with the specified name.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - IVbaProject interface is added to be used for Vba project in the workbook.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - Name property in IVbaProject interface specifies the Vba project name.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - Description property in IVbaProject interface specifies the Vba project description details.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - Constants property in IVbaProject interface specifies the Vba project constants.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - HelpFile property in IVbaProject interface specifies the path of the help file.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - HelpContextId property in IVbaProject interface indicates the help context id in the help file.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - Modules property in IVbaProject interface specifies the Vba project module collection.
  • #75722, #87133, #89984, #104651, #114969, #118436, #124236, #137359, #153779, #230270, #254045 - VbaProject property is added to IWorkbook interface and implemented in WorkbookImpl class to get the Vba project in the workbook.
  • ITopBottom interface is added to represent the top or bottom conditional formatting rules.
  • Type property in ITopBottom interface specifies whether the ranking is evaluated from the top or bottom.
  • Percent property in ITopBottom interface specifies whether the rank is determined by a percentage value.
  • Rank property in ITopBottom interface and TopBottomImpl class specifies the maximum number or percentage of cells to be highlighted for the conditional formatting rule.
  • IAboveBelowAverage interface is added to represent the above or below conditional formatting rule.
  • AverageType property in IAboveBelowAverage interface specifies whether the conditional formatting rule looks for cell values above or below the range average or standard deviation.
  • StdDevValue property in IAboveBelowAverage interface and AboveBelowAverageImpl class specifies standard deviation number for AboveBelowAverage conditional formatting rule.
  • TopBottom property in IConditionalFormat interface gets the TopBottom conditional formatting rule.
  • AboveBelowAverage property in IConditionalFormat interface gets the AboveBelowAverage conditional formatting rule.
  • ExcelCFTopBottomType enum is added to specify whether the TopBottom conditional formatting rule looks for ranking from the top or bottom.
  • ExcelCFAverageType enum is added to specify whether the AboveBelowAverage conditional formatting rule looks for cell values above or below the average.
  • TopBottom value is added to ExcelCFType enum to represent the conditional formatting rule to highlight the top 10 or bottom 10 cells with the values.
  • AboveBelowAverage value is added to ExcelCFType enum to represent the conditional formatting rule to highlight the cells that contain values above or below the range average.
  • Sum() method is implemented in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes to return the sum of numeric cells in the range.
  • An overload to Sum() method is implemented in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes to return the sum of numeric cells along with date formatted cells in the range, with a boolean to consider date as number.
  • Average() method is implemented in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes to return the average of numeric cells in the range.
  • An overload to Average() method is implemented in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes to return the average of numeric cells along with date formatted cells in the range, with a boolean to consider date as number.
  • Min() method is implemented in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes to return the minimum value from the numeric cells in the range.
  • An overload to Min() method is implemented in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes to return the minimum value from the numeric cells and date formatted cells in the range, with a boolean to consider date as number.
  • Max() method is implemented in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes to return the maximum value from the numeric cells in the range.
  • An overload to Max() method is implemented in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes to return the maximum value from the numeric cells and date formatted cells in the range, with a boolean to consider date as number.
  • Trim() method is implemented in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes to trim the empty rows at the top and bottom of the range, and the empty columns at the left and right of the range.
  • Replace() method in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes replaces the specified old string value with the specified new string value.
  • An overload to Replace() method in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes replaces the specified old string value with the specified new string value, based on the ExcelFindOptions.
  • An overload to Replace() method in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes replaces the specified string value with the specified double value.
  • An overload to Replace() method in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes replaces the specified string value with the specified datetime value.
  • An overload to Replace() method in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes replaces the specified string value with the specified array of new string value in the direction specified by a boolean.
  • An overload to Replace() method in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes replaces the specified string value with the specified array of new integer value in the direction specified by a boolean.
  • An overload to Replace() method in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes replaces the specified string value with the specified array of new double value in the direction specified by a boolean.
  • An overload to Replace() method in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes replaces the specified string value with the specified new value from DataTable.
  • An overload to Replace() method in NameImpl, RangeImpl, and RangesCollection classes replaces the specified string value with the specified new value from DataColumn.

Bug Fixes

  • #248627, #249737 - FormulaHidden property now works properly while saving an Excel file in binary format.
  • #240237 - Diamond shape inside the text box is now preserved properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #246292 - Exception is no longer thrown while loading the Excel file with duplicate hyperlink relation.
  • #246462 - Unicode languages are now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #248378 - Super script is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #240237 - Text within the shapes are now arranged properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #245763 - Performance issue in Excel to PDF conversion is now resolved.
  • #250058 - Table query fields are now updated properly when table range has more columns.
  • #251122 - Exception is no longer thrown on invoking AutoFitColumn for empty worksheet.
  • #249565 - Exception is no longer thrown while deleting and creating a table with the same name.
  • #250189 - Pivot table is now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #249466 - Autofit row height is now proper for “Arial” fonts.
  • #249233 - AutofitColumns is now proper for wrap text applied cells.
  • #253015 - Font is now correct while converting Excel document in Linux environment.
  • #250108 - Size property is now updated properly for AutoShapes.
  • #250310 - Conditional format is now copied properly while using horizontal argument and copy style in template maker.
  • #249733 - Legend is now preserved properly while setting a text to data label in line charts.
  • #249432 - Performance is improved in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #253221 - Arabic text is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #253074 - Rotated text is now rendered properly in worksheet to image conversion.
  • #251343 - Exception is no longer thrown while converting the Excel document into PDF with scatter line chart.
  • #251914 - Textbox background color is now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #251498 - Charts in Excel to PDF converted documents are now visible in PDF XChange Editor.
  • #252776 - Styles are preserved properly while add copying worksheets with ParseOnDemand option.
  • #251321 - Exception is no longer thrown while converting Excel document with large range as print title.
  • #250406 - XmlException is no longer thrown on parsing the Excel workbook.
  • #252776 - Add copying the worksheet with ParseOnDemand option no longer hides the columns in the saved Excel document.
  • #254666 - Transparency is now set properly for AutoShapes.
  • #251345 - Text is no longer cropped when the length exceeds the cell width in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #250406 - Exception is no longer thrown on parsing the cell style name with empty name or name length greater than 255.
  • #254623 - External data properties are now preserved properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #253078 - Excel file is no longer corrupted while copying worksheets with more number formats from different workbooks.
  • #255064 - Timeout exception is no longer thrown while refreshing the query table.
  • #253937 - Gridlines in merged cells are now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #F148410 - Japanese characters are now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #F146791 - Performance is improved while adding picture multiple times.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while saving the Excel document in CSV format.
  • Rotation angle for the text in text box is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Date format m/d/yyyy h:mm is now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • AutoShape and TextBox are now preserved properly while resaving the Excel document and converting the same to PDF.
  • Font name, size, and color of the chart elements are no longer changed while cloning the workbook.
  • Issue while clearing border using BorderNone() method is now fixed.
  • Table named ranges are now added properly to the workbook named range collection.
  • Conditional format is now applied properly while using different cases for text in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Error display text is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Conditional format style is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion when StopIfTrue is set to the condition.
  • Data is no longer lost while using Range.ClearAll option.
  • Conditional format Blanks, NoBlanks, Errors, and NoErrors are now applied in Excel to PDF conversion.