WPF Autocomplete (SfTextBoxExt) Overview

16 Oct 20231 minute to read


SfTextBoxExt is an extended version of the TextBox control. Most of the functionality of SfTextBoxExt is inherited from the TextBox class.

Key features

  • AutoComplete modes: The control provides the suggestions based on a predefined collection while typing.
  • Watermark: The control will prompt some information when it is not in focus and contains an empty string.
  • Filtering suggestion items: Suggestions can be filtered in 18 different modes like StartsWith, EndWith, Contains, Equals, and Custom. AutoComplete provides both the case-sensitive and insensitive modes.
  • Popup delay: The filtering process can be delayed. Displaying filtered suggestions from a drop-down list may also be delayed for a period of time.
  • Minimum prefix characters: Instead of displaying suggestion list on every character entry, matches can be filtered and displayed after a few character entries.
  • Customization support: AutoComplete provides the options to customize both text box and drop-down list.
  • Diacritic sense: The control provides the populating the items from a language with letters containing diacritics, and search for them with English characters from an en-US keyboard.
  • Highlighting Text: The control provides the highlighting the matching text in the suggestion list based on the input given in it.
  • Custom filter: AutoComplete provides filter the items in the suggestion list based on their filtering condition.
  • Multi selection support: Selecting multiple items from a suggestion list.
  • Suggestion box adjustment: Adjust the position of popup relative to the control.
  • Enable auto size: Auto sizing can be enabled in AutoComplete control so that the control will extend its layout based on the tokens size in wrap mode.
  • AutoComplete template: It can be used for own template.
  • NoResults found template: Set the desire text, if the typing item does not exists in the collection.
  • Retrieving the selection: Retrieve the selected item, index, and value.