Pulsing Tile Control in WPF Hub Tile (SfHubTile)

SfPulsingTile control allows to create a tile similar to Music and Video hub tile in Windows Phone. The content zooms in/out randomly with random translation in X and Y axis.

Setting Title, Header and Image on Pulsing Tile

You can set the title, header and image on SfPulsingTile by setting Title, Header and ImageSource properties.

<!--Pulsing Tile-->
<syncfusion:SfPulsingTile x:Name="pulsingTile" Header="Pulsing Tile" Title="This is title area." Background="DeepSkyBlue">
	<Image Source="Assets\PulsingTile.jpg" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />

wpf pulsing tile structure

Customizing Animation

You can change pulsing tile animation by using pulsing scale, pulsing duration, RadiusX and RadiusY properties.


The PulseScale property specifies the range of translation in the x- and y-axis while pulsing the content.

<!-- SfPulsingTile Control -->
<syncfusion:SfPulsingTile x:Name="pulsingTile" Width="200" Height="200" PulseScale="2" Header="PulsingTile" >
	<Image Source="Assets/PulsingTile.jpg" Stretch="UniformToFill" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Height="200" />


The PulseDuration property specifies the time taken for a single scaling animation to complete in pulsing tile.

<!-- SfPulsingTile Control -->
<syncfusion:SfPulsingTile x:Name="pulsingTile" Width="200" Height="200" PulseDuration="00:00:00.5" Header="PulsingTile" >
	<Image Source="Assets/PulsingTile.jpg" Stretch="UniformToFill" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Height="200" />


The RadiusX property specifies the range of the translation in the pulsing tile along the x-axis.

<!-- SfPulsingTile Control -->
<syncfusion:SfPulsingTile x:Name="pulsingTile" Width="200" Height="200" RadiusX="100" Header="PulsingTile" >
	<Image Source="Assets/PulsingTile.jpg" Stretch="UniformToFill" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Height="200" />


The RadiusY property specifies the range of the translation in the pulsing tile along y-axis.

<!-- SfPulsingTile Control -->
<syncfusion:SfPulsingTile x:Name="pulsingTile" Width="200" Height="200"  RadiusY="100" Header="PulsingTile" >
	<Image Source="Assets/PulsingTile.jpg" Stretch="UniformToFill" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Height="200" />