Getting Started with WPF Report Designer

1 Sep 20212 minutes to read

Creating Report Designer through Visual Studio

You can create a simple application through the Visual Studio Designer with the Syncfusion WPF Report Designer control by using the following steps.

  1. Create new WPF application in Visual Studio.

  2. Add the ReportDesigner from the Toolbox.

    Drag and drop the ReportDesigner control from the Toolbox to the XAML Page.

    WPF ReportDesigner drag and drop from toolbox

  3. Add the following assemblies.

    • Syncfusion.Chart.Wpf
    • Syncfusion.Gauge.Wpf
    • Syncfusion.Grid.Wpf
    • Syncfusion.Linq.Base
    • Syncfusion.PropertyGrid.Wpf
    • Syncfusion.ReportControls.Wpf
    • Syncfusion.ReportDesigner.Wpf
    • Syncfusion.ReportViewer.Wpf
    • Syncfusion.SfMaps.Wpf
    • Syncfusion.SfSkinManager.Wpf
    • Syncfusion.Shared.Wpf
    • Syncfusion.Tools.Wpf


    Refer the above assemblies from the installed location, C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\WPF\25.1.35\Assemblies

  4. For creating ReportDesigner using code in Xaml.cs

    <syncfusion:RibbonWindow x:Class="ReportDesignerSampleApplication.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="600" Width="1000" Icon="App.ico" WindowState="Maximized">  
            <Reporting:ReportDesigner />
  5. Set Visual Style to the Report Designer.

    SkinStorage.SetVisualStyle(this, "Office2013");
  6. Run the sample application and you can see the Report Designer as displayed in the following screenshot.

    Report details of WPF ReportDesigner

Load RDL Reports

  1. Set RDL Report path.

    this.ReportDesignerControl.OpenReport(@"../../../ReportTemplate/Sales Dashboard.rdl");
  2. Run the sample application and you can see the Report Designer for corresponding RDL report as displayed in the following screenshot.

    RDL Report details of WPF ReportViewer

Load RDLC Reports

  1. Set RDLC Report path.

    this.ReportDesignerControl.DesignMode = DesignMode.RDLC;
    this.ReportDesignerControl.OpenReport(@"../../../ReportTemplate/RDLC/Sales Dashboard.rdlc");
  2. Run the sample application and you can see the Report Designer for corresponding RDLC report as displayed in the following screenshot.

    RDLC Report details of WPF ReportViewer