Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

March 23, 2023
We are pleased to announce that we have updated the versioning system of Essential Studio to a semantic format that provides greater clarity and consistency in versioning, making it easier for users to understand the significance of each Syncfusion release.

The new format consists of three components: Major, Minor, and Patch.

Format: Major.Minor.Patch
Example: 21.1.35

We believe that this change will enable our users to track and manage updates to our components effectively. We are excited to see how it enhances their experience.


Bug fixes

  • #I427769 - Selected dates won’t be cleared as you navigate to next month.


Bug fixes

  • #F179618 - Grouping of CardView now functions properly while changing the ItemSource at runtime.


Bug fixes

  • #I439798 - While using Win11 themes, the unwanted separator lines will not appear in ColorPickerPallete.


Bug fixes

  • #I425569 - The first item will no more be selected as you scroll across the input field.
  • #FB40212 - The selected item is highlighted when AutoComplete Suggest mode is enabled.


Breaking changes

We have discontinued support for .NET Framework version 3.5.


Breaking Changes

  • Default values of PositiveForeground, NegativeForeground, and ZeroColor properties are changed to default Foreground, in themes created using ThemeStudio

Bug fixes

  • #F179477 - Cursor position will be updated properly while pressing the decimal digit.
  • #I425793 - Background of the control will be in proper color in readonly state for themestudio themes.



  • #I427722, #I433286 - Convert a Markdown file to a Word document.
  • #I197763, #I227388, #I229518, #I298464, #I407308, #I437210 - Find elements in a Word document based on specified properties and their corresponding values.
  • #I425049 - Apply built-in table style as base style for a custom table style in a Word document.

Breaking Changes

  • From this release onwards, we no longer ship or support versions compatible with .NET Framework 3.5. Therefore, we strongly recommend upgrading to a higher version of .NET Framework, .NET 6.0 or 7.0. You can find the migration guide if you prefer to migrate from .NET Framework to .NET Core or .NET 5.0/6.0/7.0
  • #I424520 - An InvalidOperationException will be thrown when attempting to remove built-in styles from a Word document.


Bug fixes

  • #I428778,#I429489,#F179937 - New button will be properly visible according to IsNewButtonEnable.
  • #I427961 - Elements inside the autohidden window is now accessible and visible in the automation tree.
  • #I432220 - The docked window will now collapse immediately upon unpinning, even if an autohidden window is present on the collapsing side.
  • #I439047 - The autohidden window will not disappear upon pinning.
  • #I422837 - Beyond the Min and Max size constraints, the float window cannot be resized.
  • #I433937 - There will be no more memory leaks in the docking manager when switching to other windows.
  • #I422537 - The content of the AutoHidden window will no longer be collapsed when its context menu is opened.
  • #I427217 - The header text of the auto-hidden window will no longer get truncated at the bottom, and the text will display properly.
  • #I423332 - InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown when closing a float window from the DockingManager.
  • #I432816 - Floatwindow will no longer disappear when reloading the saved state after disconnecting a secondary monitor


Breaking Changes

  • Default values of PositiveForeground, NegativeForeground, and ZeroColor properties are changed to default Foreground, in themes created using ThemeStudio.

Bug fixes

  • #I425793 - Background of the control will be in proper color in readonly state for themestudio themes.



The EditControl has been updated with new colors for the JScript language in the dark theme.


Breaking Changes

  • Default values of PositiveForeground, NegativeForeground, and ZeroColor properties are changed to default Foreground, in themes created using ThemeStudio

Bug fixes

  • #I425793 - Background of the control will be in proper color in readonly state for themestudio themes.



  • #F38718 - Now, get the target swimlane value from the CardDragEnd event when a card is dragged from one swimlane.


Bug fixes

  • #I425793 - Background of the control will be in proper color in readonly state for themestudio themes.


Breaking changes


  • Added support to get and set custom properties in the form fields.
  • Provided support to add an image in the center of QRCode in PDF and Image.
  • #F179088 – Provided support for retrieving custom images from rubber stamp annotations.
  • Provided support for importing and exporting annotations with an appearance in JSON format.
  • #I420880 – Provided support for adding TrueType fonts with full embedding.
  • Provided support for extracting accessibility tags from the PDF documents.

Bug Fixes

  • #I437729 - Form fields are not preserved properly after converting PDF to PDF/A is now resolved.
  • #I425746 - Text extraction with line collection returns incorrect results for the specific document is now resolved.
  • #I436823 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when performing OCR for a specific PDF document.
  • #I438154 - “Parameter is not valid” exception occurs while performing redaction in a specific PDF document is now resolved.
  • #I438711 - Incorrect rendering no longer occurs while converting specific XPS files to PDF.
  • #I438588 - Text no longer breaks when saving a PDF with certain compression options enabled.
  • #I440543 - Text clipping no longer occurs when drawing the PDF grid with specific padding.
  • #I441813 - Unable to remove pages from the section of the PDF document is now resolved.
  • #I442052 - Invalid font style is no longer returned while extracting text lines from the PDF document.
  • #I440951 - The file size is now reduced properly during long-term verification with an external signature.
  • #I443203 - The unwanted characters are no longer returned during text extraction from the PDF documents.
  • #I437304 - Preservation issue no longer occurs while setting and flattening numeric values in the text box field.
  • #I436739 - Font color is not applied properly to the text box field items is now resolved.
  • #I438772 - Radio button field is now flattened properly in a specific PDF document.
  • #I440678 - PDF signature validation time taken is now reduced while validating the signature.
  • #F180498 - “IsLTVEnabed” no longer returns incorrect results while verifying signature validation for specific PDF documents.
  • #F180445 - “IsValid” API is not working properly in “TimeStamp” for invalid URIs is now resolved.
  • #I441102 - Fixed an issue where invalid revocation names were being displayed in the VRI dictionary when creating a long-term validation PDF.


Bug Fixes

  • #I442600 – Text selection will now be properly work after deleting freetext in PdfDocumentView.
  • #I439327 – Decimal point will be considered while saving rotated stamp annotation.
  • #I441328 – FreeTextAnnotation cursor will be visible properly in PdfDocumentView.
  • #I438604,#I438603,#I425909,#I438600 – Handled issues with stack frame given.
  • #I438533 - Resizing the rotated free text annotation will now be properly work.
  • #I437028 - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException and System.ArgumentException will no longer be thrown when rotate, select and delete pages in Organization panel.
  • #I433852 - The thumbnail images will now work properly generate after expanding thumbnail pane.
  • #I436623 - System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException will no longer be thrown when select text with auto scroll.
  • #I437030,#I436620 - System.NullReference will no longer be thrown while loading any Pdf documents.
  • #I436617 - Searching text will now work properly in WPF PDFViewer.
  • #I436621 - Freetext annotation will now properly be resized and moved in PdfViewer.
  • #I442994 - PDF pages will now be rearranged properly in PdfViewer.


  • The PDF Viewer’s built-in toolbar was redesigned to enhance user interaction and provide better visualization.

Breaking Changes

  • The PDF Viewer’s built-in toolbar was redesigned for better UI and UX. So exisiting toolbar’s design and usage will be different. If the user need to retrive the old toolbar design, user can change it in sample side.


Breaking Changes

  • Default values of PositiveForeground, NegativeForeground, and ZeroColor properties are changed to default Foreground, in themes created using ThemeStudio

Bug fixes

  • #I425793 - Background of the control will be in proper color in readonly state for themestudio themes.


Breaking Changes

  • From this release onwards, we no longer ship or support versions compatible with .NET Framework 3.5. Therefore, we strongly recommend upgrading to a higher version of .NET Framework, .NET 6.0 or 7.0. You can find the migration guide if you prefer to migrate from .NET Framework to .NET Core or .NET 5.0/6.0/7.0


Breaking Changes

  • CustomEditor created using ITypeEditor interface now requires implementation of ShouldPropertyGridTryToHandleKeyDown and Create(PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor).


  • #I39415 - ITypeEditor now supports the creation of editors for properties of dynamic objects and overriding keyboard navigation of the editor

Bug fixes

  • #I423116 - Description can be updated using the custom resource file.
  • #I432894 - The null reference exception will no longer be thrown when attempting to update the nested PropertyGrid item.
  • #I431025 - The NullReferenceException will no more be thrown when attempting to set the “IsExpanded” property of the “PropertyViewItem” within the “PropertyGrid” using a “Style.”


Bug fixes

  • #I433329 - There will be no more exception while selecting more command from QAT.
  • #F180431 - There will be no more exception while opening the shape menu in touch mode.
  • #I425908- No more binding error will be thrown in ribbon.


Bug fixes


Bug fixes

  • #I425440 - HorizontalcontentAlignment property will be working properly.
  • #I425873 - The DropDownButton of the DatePicker will close after the second click.
  • #I424704 - Pressing the tab key will now move focus to the next control in disabled inline editing.
  • #I433632 - Date from the dropdown can now be easily selected, even when there is a slight dragging when tapping using the touch screen.


Bug fixes

  • #I437160 - The watermark text will be positioned correctly in the default theme.
  • #I439606 - If the IsEmptyDateEnabled is enabled and the control loses focus when the date is empty, it will no longer select the previous date.
  • #I418692 - Unwanted Keystrokes is not required for Editing in Maskmode.


Bug fixes

  • #I436560 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when creating parent-child relationship on dropping a node over another.
  • #I425893 - Now, the invalid index exception will no longer be thrown when enabling the Routing functionality.
  • #I435573 - The DragOver event argument’s Target property will now precisely indicate the potential drop target.
  • #I437209 - Now, the nodes within the containers will load properly upon saving and loading.
  • #I438913 - Now, the DragLeave event will be triggered when leaving a node in preview mode.
  • #I436765, #I431211 - The diagram will now be printed without any blank pages.


  • #I421273 - Provided support for specifying the preferred export resolution using the DipX and DipY properties of the ExportSettings.



  • #I431280 - Added support to find and replace text inside the shape.
  • #I430182 - Added API to enable or disable tooltip for hyperlink.
  • #I423314 - Added API to access the scrollbars of the SfRichTextBoxAdv.
  • #I432708 - Added API to show or hide comments while printing.



  • #I436893 - Obtain recurrence user editing options (single or series selection for recurring appointments) in AppointmentEditorOpening and AppointmentDeleting events.
  • The default appointment rendering has been improved based on the available size of the cell in month view.
  • Now, the Scheduler appointments have mouse hovering support.


Bug fixes

  • #I440415 - Now, the Input View text color looks black.


Bug fixes

  • #I433632 - Time from the dropdown can now be easily selected, even when there is a slight dragging when tapping using the touch screen.



  • Asynchronous Loading - Provided support for asynchronous, on-demand loading for items in the TreeGrid.


Bug fixes

  • #I434115 - When the MinValueOnExceedMinDigit property is set to false, the value of the Double TextBox remains the same if the user enters a value less than the minvalue.


Bug fixes

  • #I424105 - ContextMenu of TabcontrolItems will be identical to MS ContextMenu.


Bug fixes

  • ##I428013,#I436242 - When closing the maximized TileViewItem, the KeyNotFoundException will no longer occur.

Visual Studio Extensions

New Feature

We’ve updated the release versioning system to a semantic format which provides greater clarity and consistency in versioning, making it easier for users to understand the significance of each release for our Syncfusion NuGet packages and extension utilities such as WPF Template Studio, Reference Manager, ItemTemplates, and Troubleshooter. This new format consists of three components: Major, Minor, and Patch. We believe that this change will enable our users to track and manage updates to our utilities.



  • Provided support for creating and modifying table slicers.
  • Date occurring conditional formatting is now supported in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Linear and Radial gradient fill for cells and shapes are now supported in Excel to PDF conversion.

Breaking Changes

Bug Fixes

  • #F180523 - Text color applied through RGB value in HTML String is now applied properly while resaving the Excel document.