Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

June 30, 2022


Bug fixes

  • #I374402 - When IsCheckable is enabled, the IsChecked property will now be updated on click.


Bug fixes

  • #I369899 - When using ComboBoxAdv in a DataGrid, there won’t be any memory leaks.
  • #FB34177 - Memory related to ComboBoxAdv will be released after closing the window containing it.
  • #F175713, #I387765, #388071, #I388567 - All items in the Collection Binded to the ItemsSource will be displayed without any crash.
  • #385831 - The Items will no more disappear on Selecting and Deselecting Operations.
  • #386548 - The Items will no more disappears after second selection.


Bug Fixes

  • #I378895 - Foreground of the Calendar can be changed using Implicit style of CalendarDayButton.



  • #FB28877- Insert text wrapping break in a Word document.
  • #I61189, #I244076 – Customize the mail merge execution to start a new page for each group of records in a Word document.
  • #I343315 – Access or set the internal margins for shapes in the Word document.
  • #I315632 – Create a Waterfall chart in the DOCX format document.
  • DotDotDashHeavy, DottedHeavy, and Thick underline styles render as they are in the input Word document during Word to PDF conversion.

Bug Fixes

  • #I380680, #I381402 - Bookmark content is now deleted properly while calling DeleteBookmarkContent API.
  • #I379675 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while deleting the bookmark content.
  • #I379146 - Map chart is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #I378787 - Shape border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I376761 - Table is now preserved properly while resaving a DOC format document.
  • #I375541 - TextBox line join type is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX document to PDF.
  • #I376003 - Words and characters counts are now updated properly while calling UpdateWordCount API.


Bug fixes

  • #I385099 - DocumentTabs will be rendered properly when TabStripPlacement is Bottom in DockingManager.
  • #I383262 - Binding errors will no longer be thrown in DockingManager when float window is generated.
  • #F174151 - The NativeFloatWindow can now be placed at the desired position in runtime using the FloatWindowRect property.
  • #F173291 - TabControlExt’s SelectedItem will no longer be changed when right-clicking on the content area.
  • #I373474 - Document window will be rendered properly when TDIIndex has been set for the element.
  • #F174280 - The Icon visibility issue will no longer occur in the document tab when ThemeStudio themes are applied.
  • #I378855 - The header can now be removed in DockStateChanged event.
  • #I384230, I384588, I385192 - The document window will no longer show any unwanted headers.
  • #I379434 - The NativeFloatWindow content background will vary in accordance with the selected theme.
  • #I374169 - Docking should save its state automatically when application closes.
  • #I343147 - Layout of DockingManager will be updated properly when DockSide of the child elements are changed dynamically.
  • #I381611 - The XamlParseException will no longer occur when floating a window when SfSkinManager Lime and Blend themes are applied to the control.
  • #I367102 - When more groups are added to and withdrawn from DockingManager, there will no longer be a memory leak with DocumentTabControl.
  • #I382641 - Dock item rearranging and resizing issues will no longer occur when switching the tabs.
  • #I381818 - When we choose another child in dock state, ActiveDocument won’t be null anymore.


Bug fixes

  • #I381231 - The Decimal Digits can be modified even after the value reaches the MaxLength.


Bug fixes

  • #I372880 - The UI element and its text are now aligned properly in FindReplaceDialog of EditControl.
  • #I372053 - The Text property now updated properly while typing the text in already created line item of EditControl.
  • #I376010 - Command-line now works properly after the string in C# editor.
  • #I376010 - Text format converted to command format after removing the top of the command line block issue is fixed.
  • #I376731 - Search functionalities now works properly in Edit Control.
  • #I380786 - InsertText function now works properly in EditControl.
  • #I383769 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer occur while typing open bracket after if condition in EditControl.
  • #F175638 - Performance delay will no longer occur while performing scrolling operation in EditControl.
  • #I376010, #F174311 - Text will not been shown as blurry in EditControl while using SQL editor.


Bug fixes

  • #I377125 - Application memory no longer increases drastically while performing navigation operation in HierarchyNavigator control.
  • #I382751, #I385432 - Command binding now works properly in MenuItemAdv.



  • Added a PDF/A-4 conformance creation and conversion support.
  • #I381316 - Added support to create, edit, and remove watermark annotations.
  • Added a high-level API to convert images to PDF documents.
  • Added support to create, edit, and remove the rich media annotations.
  • #F174432 - Added support to get the timestamp certificate from the signature validation result.
  • #I364032 - Added support to flatten annotations without calling the save method.
  • #I360243, F174432 - Added support to get the detail of the signature’s validity from the PdfSignatureValidationResult.
  • Added the property changed event support for the annotations.
  • Added support to split a PDF document by fixed and custom ranges.
  • #373919 - Updated the latest version BlinkBinaries which includes fixes and security updates in the HTML to PDF.
  • #118797 - Added support for the Image OCR to a PDF document and the PDF A document.

Bug Fixes

  • #I380779 - The PDF form field visibility is not working properly from an existing PDF document.
  • #I384734 - The Preservation issue no longer occurs while adding Unicode characters to the PDF form fields.
  • #I385168 - The orientation is properly preserved while trying to import the rotated PDF pages to a new pdf document.
  • #I382887 - The invalid cross-reference table exception will no longer occur while merging a PDF document.
  • #I381950 - The widget annotation properly shows in viewers after merging the cropped PDF documents.
  • #I382355 - A fatal error will no longer occur while opening a PDF document with open and repair mode.
  • #I381563 - An exception will no longer occur when reusing the input stream without closing a PDF document completely.
  • #I380561 - The dropdown field values are imported properly with the dynamic xml file.
  • #F175170 - The PDF signature validation passed when verifying digitally signed with the ECDSA-SHA256 algorithm.
  • #I379400, I380182 - The preservation issue will no longer occur while adding the image into the signature appearance and draw position.
  • #I380425 - The shape is preserved properly while converting the Presentation to a PDF document.
  • #I378529 - The preservation issue will no longer occur after rotating the document and adding a stamp to a PDF document.
  • #I369183 - The rotation is considered while creating a template from the rotated PDF document.
  • #I385801 - The document corruption issue will no longer occur while modifying a specific Pdf document.
  • #I380301 - The runtime and preservation issue will no longer occur when flattening the form field in a particular PDF document.
  • #F35262 - The PdfGrid is preserved properly at the bottom while adding the header and footer.
  • #I383513 - The acrobat reader recognized the required mark fields for the text box and list box created using the PDF library.
  • #I386166 - The incorrect field name exception will no longer occur when trying to receive the value from the newly added form field.
  • #I381517 - Now, the border width is set properly to the textbox field.
  • #I382945 - The invalid type cast exception will no longer occur while retrieving the newly added form fields.
  • #I381698 - The preservation issue will no longer occur after filing the back color to the combed text box field in a PDF document.
  • #I379204 - The preservation issue will no longer occur while filling the text box field on a particular PDF document.
  • #I379233 - Shapes are properly drawn with the transparent color using PdfPen.
  • #I372110 - The Pages are properly added when you collect the page record collection from the loaded PDF document.
  • #I374592 - The bookmark child is not exported multiple times while splitting a PDF document.
  • #I372759 - The numeric format is considered when filling a text form field in a PDF document.
  • #I371581 - The annotations will be active after flattening annotations in the specific PDF documents.
  • #I374556 - The PdfGrid borders are preserved properly while setting the pagination bounds.
  • #I375568 - Now, shapes are filled properly with transparent brush colors.



  • #I238304,#I332950,#I333956,#I335518– Provided support to load, edit, and delete squiggly annotations.
  • #I308118,#I332947,#I333956,#I335519– Provided support to load, edit, and delete free text callout annotations.
  • Provided keyboard accessibility and UI narration support for PdfViewerControl.

Bug Fixes

  • #I377903 – The PDF pages will now be positioned properly in fit width zoom mode, even if the document pages vary in size.
  • #I377298 – The Popup note content is now preserved properly after saving the PDF.


Bug Fixes

  • #I380434 - Line spacing is now applied properly while converting a PowerPoint presentation to PDF.


Bug fixes

  • #FB21547- Range Colors are now applying properly.


Bug fixes

  • #I373677 - The CollectionEditor of PropertyGrid will function properly when the ExpandMode is nested.
  • #F173504 - When scrolling, editors like CurrencyTextBox, DoubleTextBox, IntegerTextBox, PercentTextBox, and DomainUpDown will no longer increase or decrease value unless the editor is focused.
  • #I378345, #I343447 - NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when setting a null value for a property in NestedMode.
  • #I384589 - GridSplitter of the Description Panel can be accessed using its name GridSplitter.


Bug fixes

  • #I377570 - Binding errors will no longer be thrown in Ribbon when resizing the ribbon window.
  • #I372752 - The screen renders without crashing when Alt+space is pressed.
  • #I377251 - On closure, BackStage event will not be fired twice.
  • #I377087 - When the mouse is released from the dropdown arrow, the Ribbon Gallery dropdown menu will not collapse.


Bug fixes

  • #I373863 - The background property of accordion items now works properly when applying fluent theme in SfAccordion control.


Bug fixes

  • #I381341 - The current cell border is now properly rendered when adding the StackedHeaderRow in DataGrid with themes.


Bug fixes

  • #I373177 - When AllowNull and AllowInlineEditing properties are true, SfDatePicker will accept the null value after FocusLost and Enter keys are pressed.


Bug fixes

  • #I385651 - Now, SourceID property of PasteCommandInfo will return the corresponding copied element’s ID in ItemAdded event.


Bug fixes

  • #F175253 - Control will not crash when opening the image file after cropping and saving the image.


Bug Fixes

  • #I370571 - Document default values now preserved properly on exporting as HTML
  • #I379407 - Exception is no longer thrown on deleting content
  • #I378029 - Nested list is now properly displayed in the exported HTML
  • #I377584 - Document is no longer corrupted while exporting as DOC format
  • #I380839 - Header images are now preserved properly
  • #F35328 - Exception is no longer thrown on using increase and decrease font size command



Breaking Changes



  • #I364294, FB11350 – Provided support to render the chart series based on the data index without sorting the data by adding ArrangeByIndex property in SfSmithChart.


Bug fixes

  • #I373210 - While correcting the faulty word, the SfSpellChecker default black color cleared.


Bug Fixes

  • #I359457 - The SfSpreadsheet ribbon bar’s fill option is now working properly.


Bug fixes


Bug Fixes


Bug fixes

  • #I374741, I372908 - The duplicate content will no longer appear when IsDisableUnloadTabItemExtContent property is true.


Bug fixes

  • #I374987 - The collapse pane and positioning issue will no longer occur when TabSplitterItem Orientation is in vertical mode.


Breaking Changes

  • #I375327 - IsSerializePivotCache boolean property is added in IPivotCache interface to save pivot cache when required.
  • #I376580 - Changed the visibility of the CompoundFileException class from internal to public to catch the exception in the try-catch block.

Bug Fixes

  • #I382987 - The application hanging issue while opening the Excel document with whitespace in drawing XML element is fixed.