Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

May 17, 2022


Bug fixes

  • #I374402 - When ‘IsCheckable’ is enabled, the ‘IsChecked’ property will now be updated on click.
  • #I373801 - The carousel items can now be navigated by swiping.


Bug Fixes

  • #I373903 - Shape is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I379163 - Text is now wrapped properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I373485 - Decimal tab is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I376688 - Chinese text is now wrapped properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I377704 - Page margin is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I377575 - The OpenXmlPackageException will no longer be thrown while opening a Word document.


Bug fixes

  • #F174151 - The NativeFloatWindow can now be placed at the desired position in runtime using the FloatWindowRect property
  • #F174280 - The Icon visibility issue will no longer occur in the document tab when ThemeStudio themes are applied.



  • #I375706 - The last digit will no more be overwritten when the input exceeds MaximumDecimalDigits limit.


Bug fixes

  • #I372053 - The Text property now updated properly while typing the text in already created line item of EditControl.

Gantt Control

Bug fixes

  • #I374902 – ZoomFactor value will work properly when GridSplitter is moved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I376601 - Stack overflow exception will no longer occur while drawing a PDF template in a PDF document.
  • #I376827 - Now, the file size has been optimized when compressing a PDF document.
  • #I376946, #I377764 - An exception will no longer occur when accessing bounds after removing the annotation from a PDF document.
  • #I374931 - The PDF document opens properly in the Firefox browser after loading the document using the PDF library.
  • #I375835 - The preservation issue will no longer occur when compressing the PDF document.
  • #I376554 - The null reference exception will no longer occur in the page number field when saving the PDF document.


Bug Fixes

  • #I378640, #I376955 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while saving the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #I376372 - Bold style is now returned properly from existing PowerPoint presentation.
  • #I375198 - List type is now returned properly from existing PowerPoint presentation.


Bug fixes

  • #I373677 - The CollectionEditor of PropertyGrid will function properly when the ExpandMode is nested.


Bug fixes

  • #I375356 - NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when bound the SelectedIndex property with empty DataGrid.
  • #I376160 - NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while doing keydown after changing the ItemsSource.


Bug fixes

  • #I372253 – Now, no duplicate cards will be displayed when KanbanColumn property is changed.


Bug fixes


Bug Fixes

  • #I375206 - Now, the UI filter is applied properly, When a node is expanded and collapsed with the FilterLevel set to Extended.


Bug fixes

  • #I374987 - The collapse pane and positioning issue will no longer occur when TabSplitterItem Orientation is in vertical mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #I374768 - Not supported exception thrown while applying minimum and maximum bounds for category axis in the chart has been resolved.
  • #I377731 - Data is now imported properly even when the list objects namespace contains system.
  • #I375960 - Formula being considered as string when used in named range while creating the Excel document is now resolved.
  • #F172299 - Merged cells borders are now preserved properly while importing data into the Excel document using template markers.