Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

June 30, 2021


Breaking Changes

  • The Syncfusion ReportViewer, ReportWriter, and ReportDesigner component assemblies and samples are no longer shipped with the Essential Studio setup in the v19.2.0.44 release. It is available as part of the Bold Reports product and is not included in the Essential Studio.

Theme Studio

Bug fixes

  • #I323931 - Exported fluent theme projects are now properly built.


  • The elegant 30+ new palettes has been provided in fluent, material and office 2019 theme variants.


Bug fixes

  • #I323387, #I323840, #I324319- When using the same theme in dynamically generated WPF windows, an exception will no longer occur.
  • #I323904, #I322537 - KeyNotFoundException will no longer occur on applying custom theme.
  • #F163397 - The invalid markup extension type exception is no longer thrown by the SkinManagerExtension in SfSkinManager.
  • #I323919 - Properties applied in XAML are properly reflected when the SfSkinManager theme is applied and ApplyStylesOnApplication is set to true.
  • #I331651 - The override style settings in a ListView were proper while applying the theme.


Bug fixes

  • #I321319 - In the vertical direction, ChromelessWindow now maximizes fully.
  • #F164362 - ChromelessWindow is now properly aligned on dual monitor.
  • #I324421 - ChromelessWindow border is now updated properly when setting CornerRadius.


Bug fixes

  • #F164098 - Invalid operation exception will no longer occur when change the item in ComboBoxAdv.
  • #I326075 - The ComboBoxAdv BorderThickness property now works properly when using the default theme.
  • #I326657 - DropDown now opens properly when users press the drop down arrow in ComboBoxAdv, which is placed inside the ToolBarManager.


  • Edit multiple items in the display text area using tokens and also users can find suggestion list of filtered items from the drop-down list of the ComboBox.
  • Users can override the selected items programmatically by using the OnItemChecked and OnItemUnchecked methods of the ComboBox.



  • #I310674 - Support has been provided to trim the trailing zeros in decimal digits using the MinimumCurrencyDecimalDigits and MaximumCurrencyDecimalDigits properties.


Bug fixes

  • #F165062 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown on setting the MinDateTime and MaxDateTime in DateTimeEdit.
  • #I330214 - Now, the DateTimeEdit control is updated properly when the focus is lost.
  • #I330662 - Now, the today button is disabled when the today date is below the value of MinDateTime property.
  • Now, IsEmptyDateEnabled property works fine when focus is lost from DateTimeEdit. The validation of year field in value also works properly.



  • #I318805 - Added support to set locale identifier for bidirectional languages in Word document.
  • #I319018 - Provided an API to access parent comment in the Word document.
  • Provided a support to preserve the Underline (Words, DashHeavy, DashLong, DashLongHeavy, DotDashHeavy) styles while converting a Word document to PDF/Image.

Bug Fixes

  • #I325966, #I325957 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I325867, #I324520, #I326706 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOC format document.
  • #I327499, #I329126 - Formula field is now updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #I322766 - Table cell width is now parsed properly while opening a RTF format document.
  • #I327547, #I329193 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while executing mail merge in the Word document.
  • #I327306 - Nested table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I327715 - Mail merge is now executed properly in a Word document.
  • #I327638 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a RTF format document to DOCX.
  • #I329491 - Bookmark content is now deleted properly while calling DeleteBookmarkContent() method.
  • #I329195 - Shape border is now preserve properly while converting a DOCX format to PDF.
  • #I331676 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while closing a Word document.
  • #FB25492 - TC field is now preserved properly in Table of Contents while calling UpdateTableOfContents() method.
  • #FB25336 - Page number format is now preserved properly in Table of Contents while calling UpdateTableOfContents() method.
  • #FB24958 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening a Word document.
  • #I318882, #I319716 - Mail merge is now executed properly in a Word document.
  • #I318634 - Footer is preserved properly while merging the RTF format documents.
  • #I318345 - Text in content control is now preserved properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #I317490 - Grid span is now parsed properly while opening a DOCX format document.
  • #I319208, #I321962, #I323896 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while a opening the DOCX format document.
  • #I321276 - The text formatting switch is now preserved properly for formula field.
  • #I321276 - The text Format for IF field is now updated properly in the Word document.
  • #I320883 - Merge field inside formula field is now updated properly in the Word document.
  • #I321276 - Formula field inside SET field is now updated properly in the Word document.
  • #I320188 - After Width of a row is now parsed properly while opening the DOCX format document.
  • #I321098 - InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown while saving the DOCX format document.
  • #I321579 - Comment is now preserved properly while resaving the DOCX format document.
  • #I323670 - Font name is now parsed properly while opening the HTML format document.
  • #I322767 - DocVariable field is now updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #I325573 - Formula field is now updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #I325658 - Word document is now open properly in Microsoft Office 2007 application.
  • #I322766 - Preferred cell width is now parsed properly while opening the RTF format document.
  • #I324732 - Arabic text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I318245 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I323148 - Cell border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I321119, #I321126 - Emoji is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I323695, #I323697 - Extra table preservation issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I322630 - Floating table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF
  • #I316394, #I320184 - Image is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I319607 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to Image.
  • #I325849 - Page bottom border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF when surround footer option is disabled.
  • #I317423 - Paragraph before spacing is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I322780, #I324282 - Paragraph spacing issue is now resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I319085 - Shape is now aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I317704 - Custom line shape is now preserved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I324707 - Symbol is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I319081 - Table border is now preserved properly converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I318004 - Table position is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I324779 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Doc format document to PDF.
  • #I324490 - Text in rotated shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I322780, #I324285 - Text is now aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I322780 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF
  • #I320184 - Image overlapping issue while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I308099 - Paragraph border is now preserved properly while converting Word document to PDF.
  • #F164005 - TOC navigation is now working properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I323148 - Vertically merged table cell text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I324672, #I329332 - Shape is now positioned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I326436 - Table overlapping issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I326929 - Bullet list is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I327443 - Table cell text is now aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I328739 - Unicode text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I327806 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I329334 - Extra space preservation issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I329997 - Custom heading paragraphs are now exported as bookmarks while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I329771 - List heading style paragraph is now preserved properly in the exported bookmarks while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I329164 - Scaling issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #FB25086 - Paragraph is now aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • Symbol is now preserved properly in the shapes while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • TC fields are now updated properly while updating Table of contents.


Bug Fixes

  • #I322103 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown on closing new TabGroup in DockingManager.
  • #I320972 - VisualTreeChangedException will no longer raised on docking the window in DockingManager.
  • #I324026 - InvalidOperationException will no longer occurs on moving child element to float in DockingManager.
  • #I323683- InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown when trying to dock a float window.
  • #I328017 - Now, the Dock As Tabbed Document and Close option in context menu can be localized in DockingManager.
  • Now, close option in context menu is disabled when CanClose property value of DockingManager is false.
  • #I327747 - Now, the NativeFloatWindow is updated above the window containing DockingManager.
  • Now, the correct document item is moved to float state when the content of document item is dragged in DockingManager.


Behavior Changes

  • #I310674 - Now, DoubleTextBox gives high precedence to NumberDecimalDigits property when using the MinimumNumberDecimalDigits, MaximumNumberDecimalDigits and NumberDecimalDigits properties . DoubleTextBox gives high precedence for MinimumNumberDecimalDigits, MaximumNumberDecimalDigits only when the value of NumberDecimalDigits property is set to -1.


Bug fixes

  • #I317976 - Now, Context prompt is properly working in EditControl for all themes.
  • #I322898 - If the Intellisense items are surrounded by double quotes, nested Items are now properly displayed in the Intellisense Box.
  • #I324086 - The cursor line is now visible when using the InsertText function to insert new text into EditControl.


Bug fixes

  • #I326268 – An argument exception will no longer be thrown when inserting a single task dynamically into an empty gantt.

  • #F164557 – The background panel will now be refreshed when changing the ScheduleType dynamically to numeric.

  • #F163751 - Gantt schedule will now be stretched to fill the entire available space when changing the control size dynamically.

  • #F165936 - Task will be updated by pixels while dragging or resizing, after disabling the ShowHolidays.


Bug fixes

  • #I322832 - After minimizing and opening the form, there will be no empty space in the right side of the GroupBar.
  • #I314665 - MenuItemAdv header get appeared in when checking the item in Lime theme.



  • #325146 – Added support to remove images from existing PDF document.
  • #301474 – Added support to tract the redaction progress using RedactionProgress event.
  • #301474 – Added support to get the PdfRedactionResult from redact operation.
  • #321746 – Added support for AutoResizeText in PdfTextBoxField.
  • #317785 – Added support for scope attributes in tagged PDF.
  • #320718 – Added support to embed font option in PdfTrueTypeFont in .NET core.
  • #321533 – Added support to export the check box field using export value.
  • Added support to redact the path/shapes from existing PDF document.

Breaking Changes

  • #323576 – BorderWidth API type changed for form fields from int to float.
  • #307759 – Exposed the property to get the unsupported images instead of using overload method in OCR processor.

Bug Fixes

  • #329164, #331682 – Content will be preserved properly while converting Word to PDF conversion.
  • #326563, #327602 – Header Checksum Illegal exception will no longer be occur while saving a PDF document.
  • #329519 – PDF document will be preserved properly after manipulating the PDF forms.
  • #330183 – PdfTag will be added properly with PdfArtifact for shapes.
  • #329907 – PDF file size will be optimized while import pages from existing PDF document.
  • #328478 – Annotation collection will work properly while import annotations.
  • #329822 – Form fields will be preserved properly while flatten the form in existing PDF document.
  • #329563 – Lines will be preserved properly during EMF to PDF conversion.
  • #328979 – Extra page will no longer be added after adding template to PDF document.
  • #327397, #329534 – PdfGrid column styles will be applied properly to the table cells.
  • #328471 – Annotation will be cleared properly with clear API from Annotation collection.
  • #327697 – Export XFDF with PdfLineMeasurementAnnotation will work properly.
  • #327995 – Rendering issue will no longer occur while converting EMF to PDF.
  • #327777 – Exception will no longer occur while compressing particular PDF document.
  • #327093 – PDF A2B conformance will be preserved properly.
  • #326671 – PDF A conformance will be preserved properly in form filling with XMP meta data.
  • #326750 – PdfTag will be preserved properly while adding content in header graphics.
  • #326806 – Documents will be preserved properly while merging with OptimizeResources option.
  • #324920 – Annotation appearance will be preserved properly while flatten the Annotation from a PDF document.
  • #324688 – Selected value will work properly in PdfComboBoxField.
  • #325139 – Improved the stability of import form field in existing PDF document.
  • #324758 – Remainder text result will be updated properly with PdfStringLayouter in the mentioned size.
  • #314007 – PdfRubberStampAnnotation will be preserved properly with rotation.
  • #329501 – PdfGrid will no longer overlap while using pagination bounds.
  • #330064 – Arrows will be rendered properly in XPS to PDF conversion.
  • #329850, #F165845 – PdfTag will be preserved properly with nested tables.
  • #329454 – PdfGrid cell bounds will be returned properly for columns with span in BeginCellLayout event.
  • #329218 – PdfTag will be added properly for Pdf417Barcode.
  • #329170 – Form fields will be preserved properly while merging PDF documents.
  • #328237 – Text extraction issue will no longer occur after converting PDF to PDF A1B with the particular document.
  • #327126 – PdfGrid will be paginated properly, and will return the correct layout result.
  • #327485 – PdfSignature will be valid even after signing multiple times with different libraries.
  • #321178 – PdfGrid border will be preserved properly with nested grids.
  • #323248 – PdfGrid will be paginated properly with PdfTextElement.
  • #326334 – Conformance will be preserved properly while converting PDF to PDF A1B.
  • #326095 – Barcode will be preserved properly with text in a PDF document.
  • #322979 – Signature field will be rendered properly while flatten the PDF document.
  • #321178 – PdfGrid will be preserved properly with given location and bounds.
  • #F165145 – NullReferenceException will no longer occur while getting forms from existing PDF document.
  • #F159404 – ZUGFeRD conformance will be preserved properly in .NET core.
  • #F165868 – PdfGridRow will be paginated to the next page automatically, if it is not fit on a page.
  • #F164923 – StackOverflowException will no longer occur with PdfDocumentAnalyzer.
  • #311180, #317448 –PDF tags will be added properly with parent tags in a PDF document.
  • #314496 - Remainder text will be updated properly while layout the string with multiline.
  • #312509 - PdfLoadedFreeTextAnnotation returns proper bounds from the particular PDF document.
  • #316714, #317396 - Contents will be preserved properly while converting HTML to PDF.
  • #317545 - Bookmarks will be displayed properly in Adobe document cloud web viewer.
  • #315262 - Ink annotation will be preserved properly while flatten with particular PDF document.
  • #316316 - Exception will no longer occurs while loading large PDF documents.
  • #318660 - Extra new line character will not be added in text box field.
  • #319212 - Font rendering issue will no longer occurs while converting PDF to PDF A1B conformance.
  • #318010 - Characters will be preserved properly while creating appearance for form fields.
  • #319553 - PDF compression will optimize the file size properly with particular document.
  • #317565 - The PDF file size is now optimized while creating font from file path.
  • #319681, #324029 - Contents will be preserved properly while converting EMF to PDF.
  • #319401 - Document will be preserved properly while loading and saving the particular PDF document.
  • #320756 - Exception will no longer occurs while converting PDF to PDF A2B.
  • #319073 - Font preservation issue will no longer occurs with PdfHtmlTextElement.
  • #321713 - Annotations will be preserved properly while import and flatten.
  • #321475 - Exception will no longer occurs while filling the form fields.
  • #322161 - PdfGrid will be paginated properly with PdfTextElement.
  • #316394 - Images will be preserved properly while converting Word to PDF conversion.
  • #322536 - Bookmarks will be retrieved properly while getting from existing PDF document.
  • #322533 - Content will be redacted properly with particular PDF document.
  • #322529 - Extra PDF pages will not be added with EndPageLayout event.
  • #322273 - Form field will be preserved properly while changing the forecolor.
  • #322709, #F159404, #318565 - ZUGFeRD conformance will not be affected while adding attachments.
  • #322933 - PdfGrid will be preserved properly with pagination bounds.
  • #323087, #323578 - Bounds will be return properly in EndPageLayout event.
  • #323900 - Tags structure will be preserved properly with PdfGrid.
  • #320547 - Exception will no longer occurs while exporting PdfGrid.
  • #324050, #324047, #324011, #324029 - Rendering issues will no longer occurs while converting EMF to PDF.
  • #323642 - Exception will no longer occurs while loading PDF document.
  • #324782 - Images will be preserved properly while converting Word to PDF.
  • #324594 - Pdf417Barcode will be rendered properly with float XDimension value.
  • #324789 - XPathException will no longer occurs while loading XFA document.
  • #324973 - JavaScript actions will be removed properly from existing PDF document.
  • #324966 - PdfCode39ExtendedBarcode will be preserved properly while drawing to PDF page multiple times.
  • #F164131 - Euro characters will be preserved properly while filling form field.
  • #F164353 - check box fields will be imported properly in a PDF document.
  • #322808 - Text will be preserved properly while converting PDF to PDF A1B.
  • Annotation name will be returned properly from existing annotation.
  • Radio button form field will be preserved properly with selected value.
  • PdfRubberStampAnnotation will be preserved properly while adding in rotated PdfPage.
  • BorderWidth will be preserved properly while import annotations.
  • Text will be returned properly from PdfLoadedTextBoxField.
  • Image will be preserved properly while adding images to particular PDF document.



  • #I289470,#I314647,#I316832 – Provided the support to import and export annotations using the PDF Viewer.
  • #I315536,#I315537,#I316832,#I316955 – Provided the support to modify annotations programmatically.
  • #I272711 – Provided the support to add, remove and modify the Cloud annotations in PDF Viewer.
  • #F162991 – Provided the localization support for annotation subject and arrow styles.
  • Improved the UI appearance of internally used Windows.

Bug Fixes

  • #FB24666 – The application is no longer crashes while pressing the Ctrl key when a free text box is selected.
  • #FB24420 - The standard stamps will now be loaded properly while loading PDF documents.
  • #FB24783 – The zoom percentages are now updated properly when changing the Zoom property value.
  • #FB24973 – The memory consumption is now optimized when printing large documents.
  • #I313583 – The PDF documents which are loaded from the UNC path will now be saved properly.
  • #I312236 – The custom stamps will now be loaded with their original size into the PDF Viewer.
  • #I315346 – The System.NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when accessing the LoadedDocument property of the PdfViewerControl.
  • #I317094 - The Radio Button form fields will no longer overlap each other.
  • #I320685 – The System.UnauthorizedAccessException will no longer be thrown while saving the PDF document.
  • #I322169 – The Copy exception details to the clipboard option in the notification bar will no longer be shown if there is no exception.
  • #I323179 – The System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while searching the case-sensitive texts.
  • #I323720 – Changes in form fields will now be reflected on the LoadedDocument property of the PdfViewerControl.
  • #I325578 - The notification bar will now be shown whenever the System.UnauthorizedAccessException thrown while saving the PDF document.
  • #I316988 – The particular PDF document is now rendered properly in higher zoom percentages.
  • #I322647 – The text lines from the PDF document are now extracted with proper bounds.
  • #I326543 - The PDF Viewer is now loaded properly when switching the PDF documents continuously.
  • #I325090 – Text present in a PDF document is now found properly with the SearchNextText method.
  • #I325766 - The System.InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown while scrolling the contents too fast.
  • #I324920 - Images are now exported properly from the PDF document with the correct size.
  • #I326961 – Images are now exported properly from the PDF document with annotations and form fields.
  • #I327061 – The application is no longer freezes or crashes while scrolling and zooming in the PDF document.
  • #I328133 – Thumbnail navigation is now proper while changing the pages in the PDF Viewer.
  • #I329540 – All the text occurrences are now properly found in the PDF document.
  • #I330841 - Memory consumption is now optimized in rendering thumbnail images.
  • #I318828 – The text lines are now extracted properly from the given PDF document.
  • #I317435 – The time consumption of extracting images is now optimized if there is no image on the pages.
  • #I317439,#I320958 - The performance of the text extraction is now improved.
  • #I322837 – The System.NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when extracting text from the PDF documents.
  • #I323929,#I326555 - Images are now exported properly from the PDF document.
  • #I330736 - Images are now extracted properly from the Particular PDF document.


Behavior Changes

  • #I310674 - Now, PercentTextBox gives high precedence to PercentDecimalDigits property when using the MinPercentDecimalDigits, MaxPercentDecimalDigits and PercentDecimalDigits properties . PercentTextBox gives high precedence for MinPercentDecimalDigits, MaxPercentDecimalDigits only when the value of PercentDecimalDigits property is set to -1.



  • #I208525, #I312566 – Added multicolumn text rendering support in PowerPoint to Image and PDF conversions.

Bug Fixes

  • #I317830 - The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted while removing the unused layout slide.
  • #I323915 – Replaced image is now updated properly while saving the PowerPoint document.
  • #I323915 - Picture is now replaced properly when PowerPoint document contains JFIF image.
  • Improved the tab splitting behavior in PowerPoint to Image and PDF conversions.



  • #I307602 - Now, the CustomEditor that does not have a default constructor can be created using the ConstructorParameters property.

Bug Fixes

  • #I307875 - PropertyGrid will no longer throws System.MissingMethodException.
  • #I324755 - NullReferenceException and InvalidOperationException will no longer occurs on refreshing property grid during value changed.
  • #I324643 - Now, the DisplayName of the PropertyGrid Item is displayed in the description template of PropertyGrid.
  • #I322528 - Now, the binding error will no longer occurs on refreshing the PropertyGrid.
  • #I326847 - Now, the custom editors set for property items in AutoGeneratingPropertyGridItem event is updated properly.
  • #I326911 - Now, the selected property item is updated properly in PropertyGrid when assigned null value to SelectedPropertyItem property.
  • #I324755 - Now, value of the property item is reset to old value when Esc key is pressed. propertyGrid is updated properly when it is refreshed in Loaded event of MainWindow and ValueChanged event of PropertyGrid. The UI of the PropertyGrid control is updated properly when RefreshPropertyGrid method is used in Loaded event of MainWindow.


Bug Fixes

  • #I319404 - After the Backstage close, the RibbonTab will be properly displayed when the theme is changed.
  • #I321291 - Now, ShowInMoreCommands property in Ribbon is properly working.
  • #I322577 - In the Office2013White theme, the hover color is now appropriate for BackStage items.
  • #I317817 - When using the standard window, the backstage back color is now updated properly.
  • #I323895 - The Ribbon’s height is now properly updated.
  • #I323903 - Now while resizing the window, CollapsedImage property set to auto in size.
  • #I315235 - Now, Ribbon items are properly added in QAT on using UniqueItemName in Ribbon.
  • #I325129 - Visibility property of Ribbon is now working properly on changing its value dynamically.
  • #I326835 - Improved the xml comments in Ribbon.
  • #F164545 - Now, when dynamically creating UI in the runtime, ThemeStudio themes are applied properly.
  • #I322577 - The color of the BackStageButton will now change in accordance with the Ribbon’s BackStageColor property.
  • #I328567 - When the LargeIcon is set, ribbon items are now properly displayed in the QAT window.
  • #I329070 - When using ContextTabGroups in Ribbon, the title of the RibbonWindow is properly placed.
  • #F165775 - Based on the screen bounds, the ApplicationMenu is now properly displayed.
  • #I330125 - The InvalidOperation exception is no longer thrown when utilizing ItemsSource with DropDownMenuGroup in RibbonBar.
  • #I330464 - Now, The Visibility property should work for RibbonButton, even the associated bar added in QAT.


  • Provided the support to place the RibbonBars at right side of the Ribbon.
  • Provided the support to resize the RibbonBars based on the order specified in the RibbonTab.



  • Load any user control at the right side of the title bar in the RibbonWindow.


Bug Fixes

  • #I323303 - Now, The SfBadge adorner will be cleared when the target element is collapsed.




Bug fixes

  • #I329696 - Segment selection is now working properly for partially visible segments in FastColumnBitmapSeries.
  • #I330509 - Minimum value is now updating properly in NumericalAxis when changing the y-value of all data point to zero dynamically.
  • #I329940 - Now, the BubbleSeries will render properly for partially visible segments when zooming in the chart.

Breaking changes

  • The default appearance of the print dialog window and zooming toolbar has been changed for better UI.


Bug Fixes

  • #I321754 - Now, RowDragDropController.Drop event is triggered properly when drag and drop row from one DataGrid to another.
  • #I320253 - NullReferenceException is no longer been thrown while using DataGrid in Windows server.


  • Provided the support to set the visibility of the grid lines by using SfDataGrid.GridLinesVisibility property for record rows and SfDataGrid.HeaderLinesVisibility property for header row.


Bug Fixes

  • #I328367 - Now, numeric input from keyboard number pad works properly in SfDatePicker.


Bug Fixes

  • #I314806 - The Hierarchical tree layout will be rendered properly when updating the DataSource at runtime.
  • #I318505 - The TargetInvocationException will no longer occur while clearing and updating the node collection with annotation.
  • #I312708 - Now, the DataSourceCollection will be updated properly while removing and inserting the same data into the collection.
  • #I324857 - The ArgumentException will no longer occur in the CloneNode method while dragging and dropping the symbol from the ListView.
  • #I315219 - The ConnectorPort’s size will be updated properly when the size is updated at runtime.
  • #I326305 - The Z-Index will be preserved properly while dragging and dropping nodes from the stencil.
  • #I324595 - Now, the child class details will be retrieved properly while dragging and dropping an item from the TreeView.
  • #I325606 - Now, the Drop event will be fired properly while dragging and dropping items from the TreeView to Diagram.
  • #I324857 - Exception will no longer occur in the CloneNode method while dragging and dropping an item from the Listview.
  • #I327997, #I329338 - The SfDiagramRibbon assembly reference missing issue in the ThemesStudio exported .NetCore projects are resolved.


  • Support has been provided to display the ripple animation effect when hovering over ports.
  • Support to select the multiple stencil symbols and add them to the diagram by simply dragging and dropping onto the diagram page has been provided.
  • Provided the support to rearrange the symbols position within the symbol group by dragging and dropping the selected symbol to a new position.
  • Support to built-in context menu with cut, copy, and paste items have been provided for the Symbol. Custom context menu items can also be defined.
  • Provided the support to display symbols in the stencil in two different modes: icons only and names under icons.
  • Support to add more search keywords to search for the stencil symbols that have been provided.

Breaking changes

  • By default, the ripple animation effect will be displayed when hovering over ports.



  • #I329786 - Provided support for programmatic elliptical dimension toggle cropping with ratio.


Bug fixes

  • #F165151 - The last pointer will be added when adding multiple pointers dynamically, and pointers and ranges binding will be working fine.



  • #I314261 - Provided support to add multiple shapes in a single ShapeFileLayer.

Bug fixes

  • #I325593 - Mouse wheel zoom will now work relative to the mouse cursor position for ImageryLayer.


Bug Fixes

  • #F164784,I317390 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown when focusing the SfMaskedEdit.
  • #I317390 - Now, the SfMaskedEdit control moves the cursor to initial index in the editor when text is cleared using Delete key.


Bug Fixes

  • #I322572 - NullReferenceException is no longer been thrown while clearing the SelectedItems collection if the visibility of SfMultiColumnDropDownControl is collapsed or not loaded.



  • #I319103 - Provided support to avoid default decimal digits by using the AllowDefaultDecimalDigits property.



  • #I282790, #I301416, #I247990- Added support to preserve floating image and text box with square wrapping style.

Bug Fixes

  • #I325776 - Null reference exception will be no longer thrown on opening customized context menu.
  • #I324641 - Table title and description is now preserved properly while export as XAML.
  • #I325677 - New paragraph is now inserted properly on pressing enter key.
  • #FB24439 - Key not found exception will be no longer thrown on opening dialog with custom theme.
  • #I321731 - Table horizontal alignment is now proper while parsing the word document.
  • #I318021, #I323296 - Null reference exception will be no longer thrown while deleting an image.
  • #I317480 - Fixed table width is now proper while importing the document.
  • #I319778 - Control right and bottom border is now preserved properly.
  • #I319705 - Exception will be no longer thrown when loading document asynchronously.
  • #F163670, #I321719 - Table cell border properties are now preserved properly while export as XAML.
  • #I318021 - Hyperlink is now preserved properly while pressing backspace.
  • #I300490 - Null reference exception will be no longer thrown while changing control LayoutType.
  • #F165605 - The floating element is now preserved properly in the document header part.
  • #I324229 - Typing performance is now improved when editing large size document.
  • #I326131 - The exception will be no longer thrown when undoing the table deleting action.



  • #F149216 - The scheduler supports customizing the appointment display count control DataTemplate by using the MoreAppointmentsIndicatorTemplate property of the MonthViewSettings in the month view and the AllDayMoreAppointmentsIndicatorTemplate of the DayViewSettings in the all day panel of day, week and work week views.

  • #I308984 - The scheduler supports getting a notification on changing the reminder action like snooze, dismiss, or dismiss all in the reminder window by using the ReminderAlertActionChanged event.

  • #I308965 – The scheduler provides support to set an appointment background and foreground colors using the color editors in the built-in scheduler appointment editor window.

  • #I312366, #I315666, #I325514 - Provided the ISO Standard support for week number in the scheduler.

  • The scheduler provides view navigation support by using the AllowViewNavigation property. The current view of the scheduler should navigate to the respective day or timeline day view on clicking a month cell or a date in the view header.

  • The span recurrence appointment support has been provided for a duration less than 24 hours for different days.

  • Improved the keyboard interaction on scheduler for appointments and view type changes.

Breaking Changes

  • In the previous, if the monthly recurrence rule is added for the 31st day, an appointment is added on the last day of the month if the 31st date is not availed (Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep, Nov). But, now the occurrence is only added for the months that have the 31st date.

  • The ByDay support is removed from the daily recurrence type, but the same support is applicable in the weekly recurrence rule type.



  • #I320684 - Now, SfTextBoxExt supports clear button for single selection mode.

  • #I320677 - Now, SfTextBoxExt supports highlighting the unmatched characters in the suggestion box’s filtered items by setting TextHighlightMode to unmatched, as well as styling support for highlighted items in the suggestion box.

  • #I320396 - Now, the number of items displayed in the suggestion box can be customized.

  • #I320680 - Now, SfTextBoxExt supports highlighting background color of the selecteditem in the suggestion box.


Bug fixes

  • #I328952 - Here after, you will be able to select the entered text of SfTextBoxExt control when adding it as input view within SfTextInputLayout.


Bug Fixes

  • #I328367 - Now, numeric input from keyboard number pad works properly in SfTimePicker.



  • Provided the support to set the visibility of the grid lines by using SfTreeGrid.GridLinesVisibility property for record rows and SfTreeGrid.HeaderLinesVisibility property for header row.



  • #I312165 - Provided the support to select the nodes on loading or at run time by binding the HierarchyPropertyDescriptor.IsSelectedPropertyName property to ViewModel.
  • #I298982,I319725,I319398,I319724 - Provided the support to get the TreeViewNode at the specified point using TreeView.GetNodeAt method.


Bug Fixes

  • #I327135 - Now, the controls added as content of TabItems are loaded only once when IsDisableUnloadTabItemExtContent property value is true.


Bug fixes

  • #F163711 - Now, the Scrollbar will be visible on applying themes.
  • #I330715 - Now, the tile view items in TileView control can be maximized and minimized and are updated in UI properly.
  • #I325259 - When virtualization is enabled, Tileview items will be displayed properly when no value is assigned for RowCount and ColumnCount. Now, the maximized TileView item will render properly without unnecessary spacings when virtualization is enabled and application is resized. Now, size of all the minimized TileView items will be same when virtualization is enabled. Now, TileView items will be updated properly when navigating by scrollbar and virtualization is enabled.


  • #320059 - Provided support to update the order of the tile view items programmatically based on the CurrentItemsOrder.


Bug fixes

  • #I309801 - Band and BandIndex properties are now working properly to arrange the ToolBarItemAdv.
  • #I314832 - Forecolor of label is updated properly on floating the ToolbarAdv.


Bug Fixes

  • #I298679 - The scrolling was now proper while dropping an item from SfDataGrid to TreeViewAdv.


Bug Fixes

  • #I324337,I326020 - Now, the text will be visible on focusing the UpDown control.
  • #I327708 - Now, the value of UpDown updates properly when focus is lost.

Visual Studio Extensions


  • Added the ReadMe file in the Syncfusion WPF Project Template.
  • Enhanced the WPF Project Template user experience.
  • Provided the touch mode support in the WPF Project Template.


Breaking Changes

  • #I317951 - InvertIfNegativeColor property is added in IChartSerie interface to invert the color of data point of column and bar chart, if the data point value is negative.
  • #I316167 - NumberFormat property is added in IPivotDataField interface to get or set the number format of pivot data field.

Bug Fixes

  • #I317738 - Button position is now proper while resaving the Excel document.
  • #I313290 - Fixed the argument exception thrown while converting Excel to HTML.
  • #I317793 - Fixed issue of pivot table fonts getting changed while resaving the Excel file.
  • #I318471 - Font is correct in RTF text while parsing bullet formatting.
  • #I319080 - Correctly handled the Pivot cache area reference.
  • #I318774 - Two different types of conditional format icon sets are now applied correctly.
  • #I320381 - Excel file with the black-and-white option enabled in page settings is now converted properly to PDF.
  • #I319833 - OutOfMemoryException thrown while converting Excel to PDF is now resolved.
  • #I317378 - Cell border position is now correct for RTL direction in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I318795 - Hebrew text is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I318796 - Shape text for RTL direction is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I320700 - List data validation works properly when changing the culture to “pt-PT”.
  • #I315937 - Data is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion when using table formulas.
  • #I320153 - Pivot table auto-sort based on a data field is now correct.
  • #I318796 - Shape position is now proper for RTL direction in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I321087 - Table style color is now handled properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I323053 - List Data validation is now proper when resaving the Excel file in different cultures.
  • #I321505 - Argument separator is now correct for table formula in Spain culture.
  • #I315863 - Can’t Parse Formula exception thrown while saving the workbook after CopyTo is now resolved.
  • #I315863 - Fixed NullReferenceException while copying the workbook with unknown names.
  • #I315348 - Trendlines are now removed properly when they are deleted using the Legend Entries.
  • #I324692 - Font color is now applied correctly for RTF text.
  • #I314857 - Cell values with custom number format and word-wrap applied being replaced with # in Excel to PDF conversion is now resolved.
  • #I315699 - Format exception thrown while applying the number format with culture code is now resolved.
  • #I318802 - Data Validation is now proper for RTL direction in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I326500 - Bold style is now applied properly for RTF text.
  • #I325919 - Data now loads properly into Excel document having power query, after refresh.
  • #I325781 - Exception thrown while parsing picture type marker in the chart is now resolved.
  • #FB24874 - Application runs properly while opening an Excel document having custom XML.
  • #I326500 - Bullet color is now proper in RTF text.
  • #I327039 - Exception thrown while resaving an Excel file with chart having external data range is now resolved.
  • #I320095 - Inline styles are imported correctly in the HTML table to Excel conversion.
  • #I327973 - Application getting hanged while opening Excel document with conditional formatting is now resolved.
  • #I329443 - File corruption issue while resaving Excel document with VML shape is fixed.
  • #I327556 - Exception thrown while parsing Excel functions in parallel threads is now resolved.
  • #I327843 - Weekdays are now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I327841 - Date values are now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I327840 - Shape text is not proper in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I325116 - Exception thrown while opening Excel document with the combinational chart is now resolved.
  • #I329608 - Cell styles are now copied properly while applying template marker with nested objects.
  • #I323615 - Pivot Table layout is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I329723 - NullReferenceException thrown while opening Excel document in Windows Server 2012 R2 is now resolved.
  • #I327842 - Unicode symbols hidden in the header and footer text are now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I328837 - Font switching is now proper for the Bengali language in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I325276 - Arabic text is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I326280 - Category axis is now rendered properly in PDF conversion.
  • #I328825 - Chart trendline is now rendered properly in PDF conversion.
  • Fixed ObjectReferenceException while opening the Excel document.
  • Pivot border is now handled correctly in Pivot Layout.
  • Scatter chart with color to data point is now rendered correctly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • IndexOutOfRangeException thrown while converting chart series in PPTX to PDF is now resolved.
  • Worksheet protected with empty password is now handled correctly.