Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

August 06, 2019

Bug Fixes

  • #225399, #220198, #209881, #209466, #204167 - RTL text alignment and indent issues has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #240393 - Spacing issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #240393, #230817 - Shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #240393, #226352 - Paragraph is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #240393, #239828 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #240195, #242278, #241397, #238709, #238528, #240030, #239658, #238960 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #241373, #238528 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #239895 - Paragraph is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #238528 - Blank page preservation issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #238528 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #226594 - Underline is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF in fast rendering.
  • #239439 - Vertical text fill color is now drawn properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #239439 - Text box is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #238072 - Horizontally merged table cell border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.


Bug Fixes

  • #242223 – PDF pages are now displayed properly when using PDF Viewer in a Windows Application Packaging Project.


Bug Fixes

  • #240778 - Filtering is working properly when specifying DecimalSeparator as comma.


Bug Fixes

  • #I239286 – The InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown when dragging the Kanban card while updating the Kanban ItemSource dynamically.


Bug Fixes

  • #241353 - Table cell shading is now rendered properly.
  • #243443 - Remove hyperlink option now works properly after opening HTML file with hyperlink.
  • #241663 - Right border of a vertical merged cell is now rendered properly.
  • #237410 - Null reference exception will no longer be thrown on disposing SfRichTextBoxAdv control after printing the document without adding the control to UI.
  • #237401 - Text inside table cell with shading is now visible while printing.
  • #239574 - Exception will no longer be thrown while performing select all (Ctrl + A) and delete contents using backspace key.


Bug Fixes

  • #237235 - Legend is now preserved properly on setting custom data label.
  • #240083 - Chart data point is no longer missed in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #F145816 - Exception is no longer thrown on saving the workbook after invoking IApplication.IsSupported() method.