Getting Started with WPF Olap Chart

6 May 202116 minutes to read

Starting with v16.2.0.x, if you refer to Syncfusion assemblies from trial setup or from the NuGet feed, include a license key in your projects. Refer to this link to learn about registering Syncfusion license key in your WPF application to use the components.

This section covers the information required to create a simple OLAP chart bound to the OLAP data source.

Through Visual Studio

Open the Visual Studio IDE and navigate to File > New > Project > WPF Application (inside Visual C# Templates) to create a new WPF application.

After the WPF application is created, go to View menu and select Toolbox option. Now, the toolbox will appear inside the Visual Studio IDE. From the Visual Studio Toolbox, drag the OLAP chart under the Syncfusion BI WPF tag. It will automatically add the required assemblies to the application.

WPF OLAP Chart Getting-Started Image1

Add a Name to the OLAP chart component for accessing it through code-behind as shown in the following code sample.

  • XAML
  • <Window
        xmlns:syncfusion="" x:Class="SampleApplication.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
            <syncfusion:OlapChart x:Name="olapChart" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="319" Width="517"/>

    Include the following namespaces in the code-behind for using OlapReport and OlapDataManger in the application.

    • Syncfusion.Olap.Reports
    • Syncfusion.Olap.Manager
    using Syncfusion.Olap.Manager;
    using Syncfusion.Olap.Reports;
    namespace SampleApplication
    	public partial class MainWindow : SampleWindow
    		private string _connectionString;
    		private OlapDataManager _olapDataManager;
    		public MainWindow()
    			_connectionString = " Enter a valid connection string ";
    			//Connection string is passed to OlapDataManager as an argument
    			_olapDataManager = new OlapDataManager(_connectionString);
    			//A default OlapReport is set to OlapDataManager
    			//Finally OlapChart gets the information from the OlapDataManager
    			this.olapChart.OlapDataManager = _olapDataManager;
    		/// <summary>
    		/// Defining OlapReport with Dimension and Measure
    		/// </summary>
    		private OlapReport CreateOlapReport()
    			OlapReport olapReport = new OlapReport();
    			// Setting the Cube name
    			olapReport.CurrentCubeName = "Adventure Works";
    			DimensionElement dimensionElementColumn = new DimensionElement();
    			// Specifying the name of the Dimension
    			dimensionElementColumn.Name = "Customer";
    			// Specifying the Hierarchy and Level name
    			dimensionElementColumn.AddLevel("Customer Geography", "Country");
    			MeasureElements measureElementColumn = new MeasureElements();
    			//Specifying the Measure name
    			measureElementColumn.Elements.Add(new MeasureElement { Name = "Internet Sales Amount" });
    			DimensionElement dimensionElementRow = new DimensionElement();
    			// Specifying the name of the Dimension
    			dimensionElementRow.Name = "Date";
    			// Specifying the Hierarchy and Level name
    			dimensionElementRow.AddLevel("Fiscal", "Fiscal Year");
    			///Adding Dimension in column axis
    			///Adding Measure in column axis
    			///Adding Dimension in row axis
    			return olapReport;
    Imports Syncfusion.Olap.Manager
    Imports Syncfusion.Olap.Reports
    Namespace SampleApplication
    	Partial Public Class MainWindow Inherits SampleWindow
    		Private _connectionString As String
    		Private _olapDataManager As OlapDataManager
    		Public Sub New()
    			_connectionString = "Enter a valid connection string"
    			' Connection string is passed to OlapDataManager as an argument
    			_olapDataManager = New OlapDataManager(_connectionString)
    			' A default OlapReport is set to OlapDataManager
    			' Finally OlapChart gets the information from the OlapDataManager 
    			Me.olapChart.OlapDataManager = _olapDataManager
    		End Sub
    		''' <summary>
    		''' Defining OlapReport with Dimension and Measure
    		''' </summary>
    		Private Function CreateOlapReport() As OlapReport
    			Dim olapReport As OlapReport = New OlapReport()
    			' Setting the Cube name
    			olapReport.CurrentCubeName = "Adventure Works"
    			Dim dimensionElementColumn As DimensionElement = New DimensionElement()
    			' Specifying the name of the Dimension
    			dimensionElementColumn.Name = "Customer"
    			' Specifying the Hierarchy and Level name
    			dimensionElementColumn.AddLevel("Customer Geography", "Country")
    			Dim measureElementColumn As MeasureElements = New MeasureElements()
    			' Specifying the Measure name
    			measureElementColumn.Elements.Add(New MeasureElement With {.Name = "Internet Sales Amount"})
    			Dim dimensionElementRow As DimensionElement = New DimensionElement()
    			' Specifying the name of the Dimension
    			dimensionElementRow.Name = "Date"
    			' Specifying the Hierarchy and Level name
    			dimensionElementRow.AddLevel("Fiscal", "Fiscal Year")
    			''' Adding Dimension in column axis
    			''' Adding Measure in column axis
    			''' Adding Dimension in row axis
    			Return olapReport
    		End Function
    	End Class
    End Namespace

    Run the application. The following output will be generated.

    WPF OLAP Chart Getting-Started Image2

    Through expression blend

    Open Blend for Visual Studio and navigate to File > New project > WPF > WPF Application to create a new WPF application.

    Select the Project tab available in the left-corner of the Blend IDE. Right-click the References and select Add Reference. Now, browse and add the following assemblies to the project.

    • Syncfusion.Chart.WPF
    • Syncfusion.Olap.Base
    • Syncfusion.OlapChart.WPF
    • Syncfusion.OlapChartConverter.WPF
    • Syncfusion.OlapShared.WPF


    You can also get the assemblies by browsing to the default assembly location:
    {System Drive}:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\<version number>\precompiledassemblies\<version number>\<framework version>\

    On adding the above assemblies, the OLAP chart control will be added under the Assets tab automatically. Now, choose the Assets tab and drag the OLAP chart to the designer.

    WPF OLAP Chart Getting-Started Image3

    Add a Name to the OLAP chart component for accessing it through the code-behind as shown in the following code sample.

  • XAML
  • <Window
        xmlns:syncfusion="" x:Class="SampleApplication.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
            <syncfusion:OlapChart x:Name="olapChart" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="319" Width="517"/>

    Include the following namespace in the code-behind for using OlapReport and OlapDataManger in the application.

    • Syncfusion.Olap.Reports
    • Syncfusion.Olap.Manager
    using Syncfusion.Olap.Manager;
    using Syncfusion.Olap.Reports;
    namespace SampleApplication
    	public partial class MainWindow : SampleWindow
    		private string _connectionString;
    		private OlapDataManager _olapDataManager;
    		public MainWindow()
    			_connectionString = " Enter a valid connection string ";
    			//Connection string is passed to OlapDataManager as an argument
    			_olapDataManager = new OlapDataManager(_connectionString);
    			//A default OlapReport is set to OlapDataManager
    			// Finally OlapChart gets the information from the OlapDataManager
    			this.olapChart.OlapDataManager = _olapDataManager;
    		/// <summary>
    		/// Defining OlapReport with Dimension and Measure
    		/// </summary>
    		private OlapReport CreateOlapReport()
    			OlapReport olapReport = new OlapReport();
    			// Setting the Cube name
    			olapReport.CurrentCubeName = "Adventure Works";
    			DimensionElement dimensionElementColumn = new DimensionElement();
    			// Specifying the name of the Dimension
    			dimensionElementColumn.Name = "Customer";
    			// Specifying the Hierarchy and Level name
    			dimensionElementColumn.AddLevel("Customer Geography", "Country");
    			MeasureElements measureElementColumn = new MeasureElements();
    			//Specifying the Measure name
    			measureElementColumn.Elements.Add(new MeasureElement { Name = "Internet Sales Amount" });
    			DimensionElement dimensionElementRow = new DimensionElement();
    			// Specifying the name of the Dimension
    			dimensionElementRow.Name = "Date";
    			// Specifying the Hierarchy and Level name
    			dimensionElementRow.AddLevel("Fiscal", "Fiscal Year");
    			///Adding Dimension in column axis
    			///Adding Measure in column axis
    			///Adding Dimension in row axis
    			return olapReport;
    Imports Syncfusion.Olap.Manager
    Imports Syncfusion.Olap.Reports
    Namespace SampleApplication
    	Partial Public Class MainWindow Inherits SampleWindow
    		Private _connectionString As String
    		Private _olapDataManager As OlapDataManager
    		Public Sub New()
    			_connectionString = " Enter a valid connection string "
    			' Connection string is passed to OlapDataManager as an argument
    			_olapDataManager = New OlapDataManager(_connectionString)
    			' A default OlapReport is set to OlapDataManager
    			' Finally OlapChart gets the information from the OlapDataManager		
    			Me.olapChart.OlapDataManager = _olapDataManager
    		End Sub
    		''' <summary>
    		''' Defining OlapReport with Dimension and Measure
    		''' </summary>
    		Private Function CreateOlapReport() As OlapReport
    			 Dim olapReport As OlapReport = New OlapReport()
    			' Setting the Cube name
    			olapReport.CurrentCubeName = "Adventure Works"
    			Dim dimensionElementColumn As DimensionElement = New DimensionElement()
    			' Specifying the name of the Dimension
    			 dimensionElementColumn.Name = "Customer"
    			 ' Specifying the Hierarchy and Level name
    			 dimensionElementColumn.AddLevel("Customer Geography", "Country")
    			 Dim measureElementColumn As MeasureElements = New MeasureElements()
    			 ' Specifying the Measure name
    			 measureElementColumn.Elements.Add(New MeasureElement With {.Name = "Internet Sales Amount"})
    			 Dim dimensionElementRow As DimensionElement = New DimensionElement()
    			' Specifying the name of the Dimension
    			dimensionElementRow.Name = "Date"
    			' Specifying the Hierarchy and Level name
    			 dimensionElementRow.AddLevel("Fiscal", "Fiscal Year")
    			 ''' Adding Dimension in column axis
    			 ''' Adding Measure in column axis
    			 ''' Adding Dimension in row axis
    			 Return olapReport
    		End Function
    	End Class
    End Namespace

    Run the application. The following output will be generated.

    WPF OLAP Chart Getting-Started Image2

    Through code-behind

    Open the Visual Studio IDE and navigate to File > New > Project > WPF Application (inside Visual C# Templates) to create a new WPF application.

    To add the dependency assemblies within the application, right-click References in the solution explorer and select Add Reference. Then, add the following Syncfusion assemblies manually to the project from the installed location.

    • Syncfusion.Chart.WPF
    • Syncfusion.Core
    • Syncfusion.Olap.Base
    • Syncfusion.OlapChart.WPF
    • Syncfusion OlapChartConverter.WPF
    • Syncfusion.OlapShared.WPF
    • Syncfusion.Shared.WPF
    • Syncfusion.Tools.WPF


    You can also get the assemblies by browsing to the default assembly location
    {System Drive}:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\<version number>\precompiledassemblies\<version number>\<framework version>\

    Include the following namespaces in code-behind for using OlapChart, OlapReport, and OlapDataManger in the application.

    • Syncfusion.Olap.Reports
    • Syncfusion.Olap.Manager
    • Syncfusion.Windows.Chart.Olap
    using Syncfusion.Olap.Manager;
    using Syncfusion.Olap.Reports;
    using Syncfusion.Windows.Chart.Olap;
    namespace SampleApplication
    	public partial class MainWindow : SampleWindow
    		private string _connectionString;
    		private OlapDataManager _olapDataManager;
    		public MainWindow()
    			OlapChart olapChart = new OlapChart();
    			_connectionString = " Enter a valid connection string ";
    			//Connection string is passed to OlapDataManager as an argument
    			_olapDataManager = new OlapDataManager(_connectionString);
    			//A default OlapReport is set to OlapDataManager
    			// Finally OlapChart gets the information from the OlapDataManager
    			olapChart.OlapDataManager = _olapDataManager;
    			// OlapChart added to the Main Window Grid region
    		/// <summary>
    		/// Defining OlapReport with Dimension and Measure
    		/// </summary>
    		private OlapReport CreateOlapReport()
    			OlapReport olapReport = new OlapReport();
    			// Setting the Cube name
    			olapReport.CurrentCubeName = "Adventure Works";
    			DimensionElement dimensionElementColumn = new DimensionElement();
    			// Specifying the name of the Dimension
    			dimensionElementColumn.Name = "Customer";
    			// Specifying the Hierarchy and Level name
    			dimensionElementColumn.AddLevel("Customer Geography", "Country");
    			MeasureElements measureElementColumn = new MeasureElements();
    			//Specifying the Measure name
    			measureElementColumn.Elements.Add(new MeasureElement { Name = "Internet Sales Amount" });
    			DimensionElement dimensionElementRow = new DimensionElement();
    			// Specifying the name of the Dimension
    			dimensionElementRow.Name = "Date";
    			// Specifying the Hierarchy and Level name
    			dimensionElementRow.AddLevel("Fiscal", "Fiscal Year");
    			///Adding Dimension in column axis
    			///Adding Measure in column axis
    			///Adding Dimension in row axis
    			return olapReport;
    Imports Syncfusion.Olap.Manager
    Imports Syncfusion.Olap.Reports         
    Imports Syncfusion.Windows.Chart.Olap
    Namespace SampleApplication
    	Partial Public Class MainWindow Inherits SampleWindow
    		Private _connectionString As String
    		Private _olapDataManager As OlapDataManager
    		Public Sub New()
    			Dim olapChart As New OlapChart()
    			_connectionString = " Enter a valid connection string "
    			' Connection string is passed to OlapDataManager as an argument
    			_olapDataManager = New OlapDataManager(_connectionString)
    			' A default OlapReport is set to OlapDataManager
    			' Finally OlapChart gets the information from the OlapDataManager	
    			olapChart.OlapDataManager = _olapDataManager
    			// OlapChart added to the Main Window Grid region
    		End Sub
    		''' <summary>
    		''' Defining OlapReport with Dimension and Measure
    		''' </summary>
    		Private Function CreateOlapReport() As OlapReport
    			Dim olapReport As OlapReport = New OlapReport()
    			' Setting the Cube name
    			olapReport.CurrentCubeName = "Adventure Works"
    			Dim dimensionElementColumn As DimensionElement = New DimensionElement()
    			' Specifying the name of the Dimension
    			dimensionElementColumn.Name = "Customer"
    			' Specifying the Hierarchy and Level name
    			dimensionElementColumn.AddLevel("Customer Geography", "Country")
    			Dim measureElementColumn As MeasureElements = New MeasureElements()
    			' Specifying the Measure name
    			measureElementColumn.Elements.Add(New MeasureElement With {.Name = "Internet Sales Amount"})
    			Dim dimensionElementRow As DimensionElement = New DimensionElement()
    			' Specifying the name of the Dimension
    			dimensionElementRow.Name = "Date"
    			' Specifying the Hierarchy and Level name
    			dimensionElementRow.AddLevel("Fiscal", "Fiscal Year")
    			''' Adding Dimension in column axis
    			''' Adding Measure in column axis
    			''' Adding Dimension in row axis
    			Return olapReport
    		End Function
    	End Class
    End Namespace

    Run the application. The following output will be generated.

    WPF OLAP Chart Getting-Started Image2

    Design-time binding

    Design-time binding support for OLAP chart allows you to reduce the time spent on creating and customizing the report. Normally, it takes 5 to 10 minutes for creating a report and in case of unfamiliar cubes it may extend further. But by using design-time support, you can create a report in a couple of minutes. The following section explains how to create a report during design-time.

    First drag the OLAP chart control from the toolbox to the Visual Studio designer surface.

    WPF OLAP Chart Getting-Started Image1

    Right-click the OLAP chart available in the designer and go to Configure data source > Create/Edit data sourceā€¦ option in the context menu. Now, the Data Source Properties wizard opens.

    WPF OLAP Chart Getting-Started Image4

    From the Data Source Properties wizard, select the connection type. If you want to connect to SSAS, select Use server name and database to connect to a server and specify the necessary information to connect to the server. If you want to connect to an Offline cube, select Use a connection string to connect to a server and enter your connection string path.

    WPF OLAP Chart Getting-Started Image5

    If you want to test the connection, click the Test Connection button that is displayed on the bottom-left corner of the window. Click Next to proceed.


    The Next button is enabled only when any one of the connection option is filled properly.

    When the connection is valid, it displays the summary page of the Data Source Properties wizard. When you create a query for the first time, the MDX query text box in the summary page is empty. When you edit an existing query, it displays the current query in the text box.

    WPF OLAP Chart Getting-Started Image6

    For creating or editing a query, click the Create/Edit link that is displayed on the top-right side of the MDX query text box. This opens a Query Designer dialog.

    WPF OLAP Chart Getting-Started Image7

    When you edit an existing query, it displays the required dimensions in the specific axis of the query designer and the preview of that query is displayed in the chart control.


    It does not display any style/formatting applied to the chart. It only displays the result of the query.

    Drag the dimensions to frame a new query. Then, click OK to save the query or click Cancel to revert the changes made during this session.

    WPF OLAP Chart Getting-Started Image8

    The summary page of the Data Source Properties wizard displays the resultant MDX query.

    WPF OLAP Chart Getting-Started Image9

    Click Finish and run the application.

    WPF OLAP Chart Getting-Started Image10