Essential Studio for WinUI Release Notes

September 30, 2021


The following controls are production-ready for desktop applications:

  • DatePicker
  • TimePicker
  • NumberBox
  • Slider
  • Range Slider

SfCalendar Preview


  • By default, the first day of the calendar is now updated based on the current culture.

Breaking changes

  • Previously, the first day of the calendar was set to be Sunday by default. However, the first day is now updated by default based on the current culture.

SfCalendarDatePicker Preview


  • Provided header support for displaying content in the controls header.
  • Provided header template support, which is used to display the content of the control’s header.
  • Provided description support to display content, below the control and to provide guidance about the input expected by the control.
  • By default, the first day of the calendar is now updated based on the current culture.
  • Provided horizontal content alignment support, which allows the input text to be aligned to left, center, right, or stretch.

Breaking changes

  • Previously, the first day of the calendar was set to be Sunday by default. However, the first day is now updated by default based on the current culture.

SfCalendarDateRangePicker Preview


  • Provided header support for displaying content in the controls header.
  • Provided header template support, which is used to display the content of the control’s header.
  • Provided description support to display content, below the control and to provide guidance about the input expected by the control.
  • By default, the first day of the calendar is now updated based on the current culture.
  • Provided horizontal content alignment support, which allows the input text to be aligned to left, center, right, or stretch.

Breaking changes

  • Previously, the first day of the calendar was set to be Sunday by default. However, the first day is now updated by default based on the current culture.

SfComboBox Preview

The WinUI ComboBox control (dropdown) is a selection component that allows users to type a value or choose an option from a list of predefined options. It has many features, such as data binding, multiple selection with checkboxes, editing, searching, filtering, UI customization, and custom templates.

Key Features

  • Single and multiple selection - Select an item or multiple items from the drop-down.
  • Filtering - The ComboBox filters items based on the entered text and auto-fills with the first suggestion.
  • Editable mode - Supports editable and non-editable modes to choose items.
  • Watermark - Display hints using a watermark text when no item is selected.
  • Selection box UI - Selection box area can be customized based on the selected item(s).
  • Style - Dropdown list items can be customized with an image or custom control using templates.

SfDataGrid Preview


  • Provided the support to new time column that displays the DateTimeOffset type data and hosts the SfTimePicker for editor to edit and select time.
  • Provided the support to new numeric column that displays the double type data and hosts the SfNumberBox for editor to edit and select numeric values.
  • Provided the key navigation support for checked listbox items in filter popup.

Breaking Changes

  • In GridBaseSelectionController class, optional Boolean parameter has been added to ClearSelections method to identify whether the method is raised programmatically to avoid raising events for programmatic calls.
  • In DataGridRowControl class, SelectionBackground and GroupRowSelectionBackground property has been removed. Use SyncfusionDataGridRowSelectedBackground key instead to modify selection background of row or use DataGrid.SelectionBackground property.
  • In DataGridRowControl class, RowHoverBackground property has been removed. Use SyncfusionDataGridRowBackgroundPointerOver key instead to modify hover background of row.
  • In SfDataGrid class, GroupRowSelectionBackground property has been removed. Use SyncfusionDataGridRowSelectedBackground key instead to modify selection background of summary rows or use DataGrid.SelectionBackground property.
  • In SfDataGrid class, RowHoverBackground property has been removed. Use SyncfusionDataGridRowBackgroundPointerOver key instead to modify hover background of row.
  • In GridCell class, CurrentCellBorderThickness property has been removed. Use SyncfusionDataGridCurrentCellBorderThickness instead to modify the current cell border thickness background of row or DataGrid.CurrentCellBorderThickness property.
  • In GridCell class, CurrentCellBorderBrush property has been removed. Use SyncfusionDataGridCurrentCellBorderBrush instead to modify current cell border brush or use DataGrid.CurrentCellBorderBrush property.
  • In GridCell class, SelectionBackground property has been removed. Use SyncfusionDataGridRowSelectedBackground instead to modify selection background of row and cells or use DataGrid.SelectionBackground property.



  • Provided header support for displaying content in the controls header.
  • Provided header template support, which is used to display the content of the control’s header.
  • Provided description support to display content, below the control and to provide guidance about the input expected by the control.
  • Provided horizontal content alignment support, which allows the input text to be aligned to left, center, right, or stretch.



  • Provided support to control the number of fraction digits when editing.
  • NumberBox supports both default and custom context menus.
  • Provided support to hide or show the text box visibility.
  • Culture support was provided to enable the NumberBox to be configured for a specific language.
  • Provided InputScope support, which indicates the type of text input expected by the control.
  • Provided horizontal content alignment support, which allows the input text to be aligned to left, center, right, or stretch.
  • The clear button in NumberBox can now be displayed or hidden.

SfScheduler Preview


  • Provided the support to set the different calendar types by using the CalendarIdentifier property in the scheduler.
  • Provided the support to adjust the auto height of the resource view in timeline views based on the resource appointments and set the minimum height for the resource view in the timeline views.
  • Provided the support to customize the appointment selection border brush.
  • Provided the support to wrap the appointment text in the month view based on the AppointmentDisplayCount property value in MonthViewSettings and improved the month view span appointment rendering for a continuous date.
  • Provided the support to navigate the scheduler date using a built-in date picker available in the scheduler header by using the ShowDatePickerButton property.
  • Provided the support to allow scheduler views to be listed in the scheduler header to quickly navigate among them by using the AllowedViewTypes property in the scheduler.
  • Provided the support to appointment reminder by using the Reminders in ScheduleAppointment add notify the appointment reminder by using the ReminderAlertOpening event and EnableReminder property in the scheduler.
  • Now, fade animation will be applied when the scheduler view types have been changed.

SfSegmentedControl Preview

The Syncfusion WinUI SfSegmentedControl provides a simple way to choose from a linear set of two or more segments, each of which functions as a mutually exclusive option. It also supports features such as data binding, selection animation and appearance customization etc..

Key Features

  • Customize the segment background, text color, selection style, and more using the built-in features to fit your application’s theme.
  • Populate the segment items from a collection of strings and business objects.
  • Completely customize the segments with custom UI.



  • Provided header support for displaying content in the controls header.
  • Provided header template support, which is used to display the content of the control’s header.
  • Provided description support to display content, below the control and to provide guidance about the input expected by the control.
  • Provided horizontal content alignment support, which allows the input text to be aligned to left, center, right, or stretch.

SfTreeGrid Preview


  • Provided the support to new data column that displays the DateTimeOffset type data and hosts the SfCalendarDatePicker for editor to edit and select date.
  • Provided the support to new time column that displays the DateTimeOffset type data and hosts the SfTimePicker for editor to edit and select time.
  • Provided the support to new numeric column that displays the double type data and hosts the SfNumberBox for editor to edit and select numeric values.
  • Provided the key navigation support for checked listbox items in filter popup.

Breaking Changes