Essential Studio for Windows Forms Release Notes

February 5, 2019


Breaking Changes

  • Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 installed machine, Syncfusion Windows Forms Controls will not be configured in Visual Studio 2017 toolbox. Refer this documentation to configure the toolbox manually.

  • Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 installed machine, Syncfusion Windows Forms extensions will not be configured in Visual Studio 2017. Refer this documentation to configure the extensions manually.


Bug Fixes

  • #F142085 - The IFERROR formula computes properly when value_if_error argument has empty text.
  • #F142085 - Case insensitive SEARCH formula now computes values correctly.
  • #F142085 - The VLOOKUP formula returns calculated value properly when using it as an embedded formula of IFERROR formula.
  • #224844 - The COUNTA($A:$A) formula returns the count of cells correctly in all rows of the given range.


Bug fixes

  • #222206 – Now, the size is applied properly to the chart when printing.
  • #222433 – Now, the axis range is calculated properly when there is an empty point in the chart.
  • #225257 - Now, the chart renders the data source with null values properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #225140 - Focus rectangle position is now updated properly in the DateTimePickerAdv when the NullString property is set to empty.
  • #216133 - Anchoring is not working properly for controls added in the form if style changed in DateTimePickerAdv has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #225256 – When zooming the diagram, the ruler’s origin is now updated properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #221972 - Text is now highlighted properly while converting a Word document to tagged PDF.
  • #223350 - Table cell is now preserved properly while opening an HTML document.
  • #222922 - Image is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222713 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while adding a table.
  • #222608 - Font name is now preserved properly while converting an HTML document to Word document.
  • #222751 - The StackOverFlowException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222670 - Inline content control text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222320 - Hyperlink is now preserved properly in inline content control while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222345 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while updating TOC in RTF format document.
  • #221260 - Line space preservation issue has been resolved While converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #221153 - Inline content control custom XML data is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #221725 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while cloning a Word document.
  • #221611 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while saving a Word document.
  • #220710 - Table row is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #220324 - Checkbox content control state is now preserved properly while cloning a Word document.
  • #221455 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #221119 - List number is now preserved properly while opening an RTF format document.
  • #218943 - List bullet is now preserved properly while opening an RTF format document.
  • #219092 - Merge field before and after text is now preserved properly while executing mail merge.
  • #F141177 - The metafile images are now replaced by default bitmap images while converting a Word document to PDF in Azure platform.
  • #223340 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222852 - Footer content is now preserved properly while merging multiple RTF documents.
  • #223355 - Tab is now preserved properly while converting a cloned Word document to Image.
  • #222588 - Formula field result is now preserved properly while updating the Word document fields.
  • #224412 - Hanging issue has been resolved while opening a Word document.
  • #224323, #225518, #225883 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while calling the GetText API.
  • #224412 - Tab is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #223713, #223959 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #224287 - Image is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #223508 - Word document instance is now disposed properly while converting a Word document to PDF.


Bug fixes

  • #222663 – The cell value is rendered properly with numeric values in a combo box column.


Bug fixes

  • #F142118 – The Excel Like Filter in a ComboBox column now filters records properly with DisplayMember and ValueMember.
  • #225405 – The SelectedRecordsChanging event now triggers only once when the ListBoxSelectionMode.One is set and Cancel property of SelectedRecordsChangedEventArgs is set to true in the SelectedRecordsChanging event when selecting a particular record.


Bug Fixes

  • #224729 - BeforeSliding event will trigger properly even navigate through navigation button in ImageStreamer control.


Bug fixes

  • #221521 - Right-to-left is applied properly for ParentBarItem window.


Bug Fixes

  • #223775 - DateSeparator property is now working properly in MaskedEditBox.


Bug Fixes

  • #224304 - MetroForm border will no longer be cropped when it is in maximized state.


Bug Fixes

  • #222823 - Resize grip is shown properly on resizing when connected with External monitors.


Bug Fixes

  • #223966 - The XFA form fields are now retrieving properly by field name.
  • #224603 - The null reference exception will no longer occur when merging certain PDF documents.
  • #141148 - Tool tip is now preserving properly for PdfSignatureField.
  • #224531 - The null reference exception will no longer occur while saving the merged PDF document.
  • #223013 - The radio button field state is now importing properly from XFDF document.
  • #222779 - Attachment is now opening properly from the merged PDF document.
  • #222425 - The check box form field is now filling properly in PdfLoadedXfaDocument.
  • #222024, #224795 - The null reference exception will no longer occur when saving the PDF document.
  • #221122 - PDF security is now preserving properly when saving the PDF document twice.
  • #217591 - Font is now preserving properly in the flattened PDF document.
  • #221424 - The Brush property of the PdfPen is now initialized through the constructor.
  • #222811 - Line is now rendering properly when converting EMF to PDF document.
  • #222296 - Text is now preserving properly when converting EMF to PDF document.
  • #199783 - Content in EMF is now preserving properly when converted to PDF multiple times.
  • #222410 - EMF is now preserving properly when converting to PDF document.
  • #222516, 224611 - RTL text is now preserving properly when converting a word document to PDF.
  • #221808, #223751 - The “An error exists on this page” exception will no longer occur when converting a word document to PDF.
  • #223650 - The EMF images are now preserving properly when converting presentation to PDF.
  • #222811 - The EMF image is now scaling properly when converting EMF to PDF.
  • #222327 - Hebrew text is now preserving properly when converting XPS to PDF.
  • #219569 - The “Arithmetic overflow exception” will no longer occur while signing the PDF document.
  • #222059 - All hidden layers are now printing properly when saving and loading the PDF document.
  • #221328 - Performance has been improved when saving the uncorrupted PDF document.


Bug Fixes

  • #220725 - Application will no longer hang when extracting images from the PDF document.
  • #223187 - Application will no longer hang when compressing the PDF document.
  • #223623 - The AccessViolationException will no longer be thrown while using Pdfium rendering engine.


Bug fixes

  • #225900, F141382 - PivotGrid can be properly serialized using the SerializeXmlString method.


Bug Fixes

  • #224226 - Application will no more hang while adding an image to a PowerPoint slide.
  • #F141608 - Background color is now properly preserved while exporting a PowerPoint slide to EMF with 100% transparency.
  • #225390 - PowerPoint file will no longer get corrupted while resaving multiple times with charts.
  • #222440 - Notes in a PowerPoint slide can now be cloned and added to another slide.
  • #222693 - Hyperlinks in a PowerPoint slide are now embedded into the converted PDF document.
  • #226350 - Scaled images will now render properly in PowerPoint to PDF conversion.


Bug Fixes

  • #225101 - No more crash occurs on choosing the commands from MoreCommands in RibbonControlAdv.
  • #225101 -ToolStripDropDownButton does not clipped at the bottom of ToolStripPanelItem on setting AutoLayoutStrip property in RibbonControlAdv.
  • #224108, 225649 , 226357 - VisualStudio does not get freezes no more on closing the RibbonForm.
  • #222617 - Null reference exception will no longer be thrown in RibbonControlAdv in VS 2017.
  • #222617 - No more NRE crash occurs on clicking the Ribbon elements.
  • #220316 - Custom renderer is now working properly on toggling the BackStageView in RibbonControlAdv.
  • #223580 - Name of the ToolStripEx item no more changes after refreshing the view in RibbonControlAdv.


Bug fixes

  • #F142108 – The appointments are placed at proper time when dragging and dropping the appointments in DayView and WorkWeekView when DivisionsPerHour value is greater than 8.
  • #222707 – The FormatException is not thrown when February-29 day is shown in the month view, and CultureInfo.CurrentCulture has a non-leap year.
  • #222423 – The appropriate action information is returned in the ItemChanging event on clicking an appointment.


Bug Fixes

  • #222821 – Mouse click events are not working in SfCalendar has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #223732 – The ArgumentOutofRangeException is no longer thrown when pressing down the arrow key in AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend mode.
  • #224596 – The editor text is now not selected when entering an invalid character in the AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend mode.
  • #223089 – The ArgumentException is not thrown when binding the source with the same fields.


Bug fixes

  • #220577 – The IBeam cursor appears correctly when editing the cell with programmatic selection.
  • #222560 – The SelectionChanging and SelectionChanged events are not fired when the current cell is changed in the same row.
  • #220680 - SuggestAppend performs properly when editing a cell using KeyPress in combobox column.
  • #222936 – SelectedIndex value is properly updated when a row is selected programmatically.
  • #223149, #223149, #226410 - Filtering is applied properly to the numeric filter row cell when the Enter key is pressed with ImmediateFiltering enabled.
  • #F141566, #223979 - ArgumentException does not throw on exporting the DetailsView to Excel when bound with DataTable.
  • #223318 – The AutoSizeColumnsMode is working properly in the DetailsView grid when the window is maximized.
  • #219915 – The edit cursor is placed after the entered value in the combobox cell when editing using KeyPress.
  • #223885 – The ArgumentOutofRange exception is not thrown when clearing the GroupColumnDescriptions property with the CurrentCell.
  • #224309 – Data in a combobox column populates correctly in the DetailsView.
  • #224338 – The column header text wraps properly after sorting when the AllowHeaderTextWrapping property is enabled.
  • #226157 – The HeaderImage for a column loads properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #223804, #224726, #F142025 - ArgumentException will no longer occur while bind the text in SfDateTimeEdit using DataBinding.

Breaking Changes

  • Handle validation of DateTime values in SfDateTimeEdit using DateTimeValidating event instead of the Validating event. SfDateTimeEdit will not handle the validation of date values in Validating event from this release.


Bug Fixes

  • #F141717 – The NullReferenceException is no longer thrown when applying formatting for cells.
  • #F141595 – The NullReferenceException is no longer thrown when importing an Excel file with images in frozen rows.


Bug Fixes

  • #224825, #225731, #224932- Now, special characters are updated properly when UTF-8 encoding type is set in SyntaxEditor.


Bug Fixes

  • #224359 - TabPrimitives button size not updated properly while change the size of buttons using reflection in TabControlAdv has been fixed.

  • #224355 - Tab items not rendered properly based on “ItemSize” property while setting MultiLine mode in TabControlAdv has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #223436 - The text of TreeMenuItem is correctly aligned now at center of control in 150 scaling of TreeNavigator.
  • #223436 - Now, the height of the TreeMenuItem will be updated correctly for TreeNavigator.


Bug Fixes

  • #223588 - MultiSelectSameLevel selection behavior has been restricted to text bounds of TreeNodeAdv.
  • #223434 - The Width of root line in TreeViewAdv is now correctly aligned for higher scaling.


Breaking Changes

  • #222797 - AutoDetectComplexScript has been added in ExcelToPdfConverterSettings class to support complex script rendering in Excel to PDF conversion

Bug Fixes

  • #223667 - Exception no more thrown if chart’s data range column is deleted.
  • #225065 - Currency number format is now properly detected in XlsIO generated Excel File.
  • #224023 - Exception thrown while opening an XlsIO re-saved document with group shape is resolved.
  • #223946 - Conditional format is now preserved properly while saving the workbook multiple times.
  • #223839 - Infinite recursive loop on saving an Excel file after modifying chart data range with the improper series indices is resolved.
  • #224024 - Not implemented exception thrown while opening an Excel document external formula range in check box is fixed.
  • #223448 - Pivot table field settings are properly preserved on re-saving the Excel file.
  • #223167 - Custom time format [h]:mm:ss is now detected automatically.
  • #223376 - Exception occurs while saving Excel document with OLE object is resolved.
  • #223226 - NullReferenceException thrown while resaving an Excel file to HTML is fixed.
  • #223041 - Data validation formula is preserved proper while saving as XML.
  • #221229 - Issue with pivot field values due to improper pivot field data format, is resolved.
  • #214445 - Table.Refresh() is now working proper with ODBC connection.
  • #223918 - Conditional format is now preserved properly on converting Excel document to PDF.
  • #223859 - Hyperlink is now set properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #221079 - Exception thrown if print-title row height is higher in Excel to PDF conversion, is fixed.
  • #221693 - Parameter invalid exception thrown while converting Excel document into PDF is fixed.
  • #222797 - Incorrect Thai font in Excel to PDF conversion is fixed.
  • #F141101 - Issue with incorrect parsing of comment is resolved.
  • Issue with Conditional formatting operator type is incorrect in re-saved Excel document is fixed.
  • Setting a table column header name no longer corrupts the Excel.
  • DataBar color is now applied proper for negative values.
  • External formula is applied proper in NET Standard.


Bug Fixes

  • #220666 - Null crash will no longer occur on clicking the expander button.


Bug fixes

  • #222070 - Hidden state of the child toolbar is maintained properly inside the main toolbar during save and load operation.
  • #222721 - BarItems items can now be added or removed in the XPToolBar in a uncommon order.