Essential Studio for Windows Forms Release Notes

October 30, 2018
Starting with version 16.2 (2018 Vol 2), you need to include a valid license key (either paid or trial key) within your applications. Please refer to this help topic for more information


Bug Fix

  • #216638 -The Index was outside of the array exception will no longer be thrown when using two arguments in IF formula.
  • #216211 -The LOOKUP formula will return the calculated value properly when using result vector argument as an array.
  • #214966 -Expressions with parentheses are calculated properly in CalcEngine.
  • #F139434 -The StackOverflow exception will no longer be thrown in the VLOOKUP formula with exact matching when using large table to retrieve a value.
  • #214470 -The INDEX formula will return the calculated value properly when using argument as array parameter
  • #214237 -The IF formula will return the calculated value properly when using arguments as numeric values.
  • #214428 -The MINVERSE formula will return the calculated value properly when using as embedded formula of the MMULT formula.


Bug fixes

  • #216850 – Moving mouse over an empty series when trackball is enabled is working properly.
  • #215450 – Axis labels outside the y-axis is not drawn now.


Bug Fixes

  • #209819 - SelectedIndex will update properly when selecting an item without opening the dropdown.


Bug Fixes

  • #208432 - Currency textbox will now update properly while pasting the value.


Bug fixes

  • #216111 - When disposing the diagram control, objects reference no longer persisted in the memory.
  • #213871 - Exception no longer appeared when two control points merged as single point when dragging a node.


Bug Fixes

  • #216566 - The file will no longer be corrupted while adding Chart into a Word document (DOCX).
  • #215421 - Paragraph list is now preserved properly while merging a cloned paragraph with ImportOptions.KeepSourceFormatting.
  • #F139944, #215539 - Custom UI is now preserved properly while opening and saving a Word document (DOCX).
  • #214749 - The “FormatException” will no longer be thrown while opening a Word document.
  • #214664 - Table cell content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #214435 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to Image.
  • #213886 - List number is now preserved properly while opening and saving a Word document (DOCX).
  • #F139508 - Page border position is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #213327 - Shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #213151 - Bullets are now preserved properly while merging the Word documents.
  • #213042 - Unexpected frame preservation issue has been resolved while calling the WordDocument.Replace API for Word document.
  • #212593 - Text wrapping issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #212502 - Textbox is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #210586 - The “NotSupportedException” will no longer be thrown while converting a HTML document to Word document.
  • #182512 - The “OutOfMemoryException” will no longer be thrown while opening a Word document.


Bug Fixes

  • #217335 - Text value is changed when NegativeSign is modified through programmatically has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #212897 – The GridCurrencyTextBox cell will be rendered properly for numeric value with more than 4 decimal digits.
  • #213515 - The GridModel.RowsRemoving event will be triggered once when removing the rows.
  • #213926 – The cell gets activated properly when using custom cell types (DoubleTextBox, IntegerTextBox, and PercentTextBox).
  • #216098 – The IndexOutofRange exception will no longer be thrown when pressing F4 key with unbound value.


Bug fixes

  • #216938 – The ArgumentOutofRange exception will no longer be thrown when invoking GridModelSelections.GetSelectedCols() if the selected range contains GridRangeInfoType.Rows type alone.
  • #F134553 – The records will be filtered properly using Excel-Like Filter when filtering any column after the cells in checkbox column are clicked.


Bug fixes

  • #216111 - HTMLUI will no longer be thrown exception when loading a file with numeral sign in full path.


Bug fixes

  • #215621, #216586 - Unwanted border shown in the client area of MetroForm has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #215326 - Visual items Collection will now update properly when uncheck the selected items.

Bug Fixes

  • #216180 - The CollectionEditor window will no longer close automatically in designer when mouse hover.
  • #216180 - Designer crash will no longer be thrown when adding items through smart tag of NavigationDrawer.
  • #216180 - The BackColor not updated properly based on the selection change in NavigationDrawer has been fixed.
  • #216180 - The NavigationDrawer width and height not updated properly when expanding through mouse interaction has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #215358 - Custom theme colors of Office2010Form reset to blue theme when resizing the form has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #215133 - Performance has been improved when accessing the PDF document layers.
  • #210943, #216074 - String was not recognized as a valid DateTime exception will no longer occur while loading a PDF document.
  • #215941 - Barcode is now preserving with proper size when specifying the size of a barcode.
  • #215595 - The 1D barcode is now scanning properly with default width.
  • #215096 - FNC characters in the given input is now preserving properly for PdfGS1Code128Barcode.
  • #215166 - The Null-reference exception will no longer occur while loading a PDF document.
  • #214918 - Light table header is now preserving properly when providing the data source through IEnumerable.
  • #214401 - The ArgumentException will no longer occur when loading a PDF document.
  • #213436 - The ArgumentException will no longer occur while loading a PDF document with Spanish culture settings.
  • #217131 - File size has been decreased while redacting a PDF document.
  • #215998 - Performance has been improved when converting XPS to PDF document.
  • #215977 - Text is now redacting properly when redact with annotation.
  • #215817 - “A Graphics object cannot be created from an image that has an indexed pixel format.” exception will no longer occur when redacting a PDF document.
  • #213910 - Text is now preserving properly when converting a PDF document to PDF/A-1b document.
  • #214354 - The Hebrew text is now preserving properly in EMF to PDF conversion.
  • #213566, #213951 - Text is now preserving properly when converting word document to PDF in azure function app.
  • #212556 - The OutOfMemory exception will no longer occur when converting PDF to PDF/A-1B.
  • #217007 - The Null-reference exception will no longer occur when importing pages from the PDF document.


Bug Fixes

  • #215454 - The FindText method is now working properly for non-breaking space characters.
  • #203168 - The searched text is now highlighted properly after the page content is displayed.
  • #216845, #217721 - The System.IO.IOException will no longer be thrown while saving PDF documents.
  • #212974, #213119 - The FindText method is now working properly for vertical text.


Bug fixes

  • #217249 – Pivot fields can be dragged and dropped to filter group bar without distraction.
  • #217106 - Pivot schema designer is refreshed properly while changing the data source at runtime.


Bug Fixes

  • #213387 - Slide background is now preserved properly while converting a PowerPoint slide to image.
  • #213409 - Picture fill is now preserved properly in portable PDF rendering.
  • #207078 - The FormatException will no longer be thrown while resaving a PowerPoint document with formulated path points.


Bug Fixes

  • #213116 - Flickering issue in BackStageView designer when RibbonStyle is set to TouchStyle has been fixed.
  • #140305 , #217517 - ToolStripItem is not retained on switching the active form is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #216044 - The KeyPress event not triggered properly when pressing arrow keys in SfCalendar has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #214666 , #216582, #F140038 – The ArgumentOutofRange exception will no longer be thrown when selecting values by using arrow keys and mouse wheel.


Bug Fixes

  • #217671,#218246 – Thickness of the cell borders will be applied properly.
  • #215657 – Scrollbars will not be reset to the start position when the form is minimized and restored.
  • #216099 – The ArgumentNullException will no longer be thrown when adding TableSummaryRows in designer.
  • ##215741, #216066 – The CellButtonClick event of GridButtonColumn will fire properly for all buttons.
  • #215079 – The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown when reassigning the data source if the new data source has less records than SelectedIndex.
  • #F140292 – The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown when applying filter with ‘–‘ or space value in the numeric filter row cell.
  • #217209 - The DateTime calendar will be opened properly in advanced filtering when clicking the calendar icon.


Bug Fixes

  • #214668 - The Key down and Key press events not triggered properly in SfDateTimeEdit has been fixed.
  • #217085 - ContextMenuStrip is shown properly when right clicking the editable text area of SfDateTimeEdit.
  • #217070 - SfDateTimeEdit allows invalid input when starting value is null has been fixed.
  • #217037 - Mouse pointer now updated properly to IBeam when mouse over on SfDateTimeEdit editable box.


Bug fixes

  • #215182 – The maximize, minimize, and close buttons in the CaptionBar are rendered properly.


Bug fixes

  • #216139 – The checkbox state is updated properly for the records in collapsed groups when clicking the SelectAll item.


Bug Fixes

  • #216340 – The null reference exception will no longer be thrown when showing the tooltip after clicking the tooltip integrated control.


Bug Fixes

  • #211107 - Slide animation will work properly when the DesktopAlignment is set to Custom.


Bug Fixes

  • #213635 - ToolTipInfo will be shown when RenderHTML is set to true and even when Size is not defined.


Bug Fixes

  • #216883 - The selected text back color not visible in Syntax Editor has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #215850 - The image not rendered properly based on the ImageSize of TabPageAdv has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #139653 - Issue with VLOOKUP formula while setting custom separators in German culture is fixed.
  • #204947 - Exception thrown while opening Excel document with duplicate attributes is resolved.
  • #211036 - Performance issue while converting chart with formulas to PDF is resolved.
  • #212300 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while add copying the workbook with invalid sheet references.
  • #212300 - File corruption issue while copying a range having named range formula referring to External workbook is resolved.
  • #213242 - Chart default axis title area text settings and text box properties are now cloned properly in XlsIO.
  • #213274 - StandardHeight is now properly set for XlsIO generated Excel documents.
  • #213608 - Incorrect RichText format while saving the Excel document is fixed.
  • #213658 - Null reference exception thrown while getting ListOfValues property of Data Validation is fixed
  • #213658 - NumberFormatSettings returning null value while accessing particular range is fixed.
  • #213658 - Issue with FirstFormula property of Data Validation in binary Excel files is fixed.
  • #213819 - DeleteColumn method works properly for CSV file.
  • #214098 - Issue in setting Maximum labels count for chart numeric axis in chart to image conversion is fixed.
  • #214495 - Issue with slicer getting removed on saving the file in Excel 2007 version is fixed.
  • #214638 - Excel file with incorrect anchor type for shapes is resaved properly without any corruption.
  • #214638 - Excel file with text box is resaved properly in Excel 2007 version without any corruption
  • #214879 - Exception thrown while parsing the named range formula without worksheet reference is resolved.
  • #214895 - Alignment issue in Excel to PDF conversion for cells with conditional formats applied is fixed.
  • #214915 - Enabling WrapText property will no longer throw exception during BeginUpdate().
  • #214924 - Excel file with conditional formats is resaved properly without any corruption.
  • #215001 - Issue with horizontal alignment for textbox is resolved.
  • #215030 - Null reference exception thrown on casting chart data label as text area on parsing Excel file is fixed.
  • #215185 - Text box color and macro link are properly resaved in the Excel document.
  • #215197 - Issue with changing legend position from manual layout is fixed.
  • #215350 - Special characters (Ampersand and less-than symbols) can be used in HTMLString property without any exception.
  • #215591 - Issue with copying borders in merged cells is fixed.
  • #215649 - Date format is now preserved properly when creating Excel from data table.
  • #215896 - ArgumentException thrown while converting Excel file having background color set for text box to PDF is fixed.
  • #216094 - ArgumentException thrown while assigning “/” as cell value is fixed.
  • #216187,* #214895 - Performance issue while inserting rows is resolved.
  • #216305 - AutoFitColumn now works properly for currency values.
  • #217511 - Object reference exception thrown while converting Excel file with icon set in conditional formats to PDF is fixed.
  • ArgumentException thrown while accessing used range having styles alone is fixed.
  • Border set to a cell through BordersAround method is now applied properly.
  • Unhandled exception thrown while opening an Excel file with duplicate shape attribute is fixed.