Essential Studio for Windows Forms Release Notes

November 10,2107



  • #119434, #133890, #153524 - Provided support for array formula calculation like Excel.


Bug Fixes

  • #181099 - DashPattern is rendering properly for marker’s border, when we specify 0,0.
  • #185871 - Spline area chart in 3D mode is now rendering properly.
  • #187022 - Now we can customize the logarithmic axis labels text.
  • #189643 - Axis labels are positioned properly when ChartAxisLabelPlacement is set to BetweenTicks.
  • #189643 - Category axis is now rendering properly with the specified range.
  • #190382 - Vertical axis title is now rendering properly without clipping.


Bug Fixes

  • #189817 - In DropDownList mode, selection color is applied to the entire item even when height is changed.
  • #189241 - Drop down height will be updated properly when items added through DropDown event.


Bug fixes

  • #186786 - Unwanted Border will not be displayed, when Mouse Pointer hovered on MenuItem.



  • #179879 - Provided support for Office2016 Theme.


Bug fixes

  • #189354 – Second level of Nodes position are not updated properly while applying the hierarchical layout is fixed.
  • #187639 - Exception raised when moving the vertex points of the connectors is fixed.
  • #187746 - Exception raised when using the with Bezier/Spline connector in the automatic Layout is fixed.
  • #187639 - Diagram layer’s content does not update while disabling the layers is fixed.
  • #185153 - Node’s position not updated properly while performing Group/Ungroup operation for diagram’s nested group nodes is fixed.
  • #186330 - Connection have not established properly while adding a connector using drawing tool is fixed.



  • #80464, #139556, #176679 - Added line number support in Word to PDF conversion.
  • #179888, #182242 - Added support to continue or restart list number while importing Word document.
  • #186097, #179813 - Added support for list number types Kanji digit and Chinese counting thousand in Word to PDF conversion.
  • #189009 - Added HTMLExportImageAsBase64 property in SaveOptions class to embed images within the exported HTML as base64 string.
  • #180312 - Added support to update multiple Table of contents in a Word document.

Breaking Changes

  • WordDocument.Background.Type property will not return the value NoBackground, if show background in print layout view option is disabled and valid background is defined. In this case make use of new property WordDocument.Settings.DisplayBackgrounds to check whether show background in print layout view option is enabled or disabled.
  • #186150 - IsMaxCross property is set to true and secondary axis is added to the right side of the chart, while adding new secondary chart axis. You can set the IsMaxCross property to false, to add secondary axis on the left side.
  • The types Diagonl_Up, Diagonl_Down, From_Corner and From_Center of OfficeGradientStyle enumeration are now deprecated. The new types DiagonalUp, DiagonalDown, FromCorner and FromCenter are added to replace these deprecated types.
  • The property NumberSufix of WListLevel class is now deprecated. The new property NumberSuffix is added to replace this deprecated property.

Bug Fixes

  • #184513 - Formula fields are updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #183656 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while closing a particular Word document.
  • #183819 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while setting WMergeField.FieldName property.
  • #184348 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while parsing a Word document which contains shapes.
  • #186310 - Paragraph is preserved properly while resaving a particular RTF document as DOC format document.
  • #187463 - KeyNotFoundException will no longer thrown while importing a particular Word document.
  • #184941 - Bulleted list is preserved properly while merging multiple documents.
  • #186150 - Document protection is preserved properly while resaving DOCX document to DOCX.
  • #184955 - The Word document is no longer corrupted while setting the DateTime value as chart data.
  • #188782 - ActualFormatType property will retrieve a proper value for all Word formats document.
  • #188160 - Shape is preserved properly while resaving a particular Word document.
  • #189107 - No longer hangs while parsing a particular Word document.
  • #188296, #188686 - Field results are updated properly while performing Mail merge in a particular Word document.
  • #189378 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown while deleting a bookmark content from a particular Word document.
  • #183627 - Document background color is preserved properly while resaving a particular Word document.
  • #182050 - Page orientation is preserved properly while resaving a particular Word document.
  • #188048 - Tab preservation issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as HTML.
  • #187669 - IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document as HTML.
  • #176634, #179293, #184808, #189056 - Table grid’s column width is preserved properly while converting a particular HTML file to Word document.
  • #190219 - NotSupportedException will no longer thrown while opening a Word document which has an invalid OLE data path.
  • #186289 – Underlines is preserved properly while converting a particular Word document to Image.
  • #183778 - Table will no longer overlapped while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #182958, #184115, #187877 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #184228, #182740 - OutOfMemoryException will no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #183100 - Horizontal position of RTL text is preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #183007, #184047 – No longer hangs while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method for a particular Word document.
  • #182382 - Text missing and page count issues has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #183879 - Table is now positioned properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #182992 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while converting a Word document to PDF after calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #185358 - Text color is preserved properly in the text box while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #186983 - Chart series is preserved properly in chart to image conversion.
  • #186982 - Image is preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF in EnableFastRendering mode.
  • #182997 - Tab content is preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #186087, #186252 - RTL text is inverted improperly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #186496 - Word to PDF conversion no longer hangs when the Word document contains image inside a table.
  • #183778 - Word to PDF conversion no longer hangs when the Word documents contains a shape.
  • #185121 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF in 64-bit machine.
  • #186555 - Word to PDF conversion no longer hangs when the Word document contains a table with vertically merged header row.
  • #187867, #183038 - Word to PDF conversion no longer hangs when the Word document contains a floating item as a first element.
  • #185858 - List number is preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #185247 - RTL table cell is preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #184961 - Floating table is preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #183778 - Shape vertical position and empty space are preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #187877 - Images in heading are now included in table of contents while updating table of contents.
  • #185897 - Footnote is preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #188270 - TextBox text in footer is preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #188979 - NumPages field is updated properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #186641 - TextBox vertical text in footer is preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #187456 – The generated PDF file size is now reduced for large size Word documents.
  • #188258 - Horizontal text is preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #189117 - Empty line preservation issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #180328 – Tabs are now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document to HTML.


Bug fixes

  • #183484 - Now Text can be updated programmatically, when SelectionMode is set as Block.
  • #188673 - Expand / Collapse region will be rendered properly, when loaded in WPF Window using Element Host.


Bug Fixes

  • #188026, #188252 - The ControlText property of DoubleTextBoxCellRenderer is now updating properly while modifying a value at run time.


Bug Fixes

  • #178466 – Assertion and playback in Coded UI is now working properly for GridGroupingControl which has more than one child.
  • #184247 – The combo box drop down is now closing properly while clicking on the client area of grid.


Bug fixes

  • #187725 - Exception no longer occurs on closing the designer page.


  • #179879 - Provided support for Office2016 Theme.


Bug fixes

  • #188300 - BarItems will be merged properly, when IsMDIContainer property is enabled in Parent Form.


  • #179879 - Provided support for Office2016 Theme.


Bug fixes

  • #189390 - CaptionBarColor will be updated properly, when customized dynamically.



  • #179879 - Provided support for Office2016 Theme.


Bug Fixes

  • #189480 – Now, drop down items height can be customized using ItemHeight property.



  • Added HtmlToPdfConverter (WebKit) NuGet packages in Windows Forms platform.


Bug Fixes

  • #186604 - PDF document pages are no longer rotated, while merging a particular PDF document.
  • #186765 - Unexpected token error is no longer occurs, while loading particular document.
  • #185183 - The custom metadata added to PDF document is now displayed in custom window of PDF document properties.
  • #182001 - Form fields are not duplicated when load and save the PDF document.
  • #182438 - Named destinations are preserving properly while merging the particular PDF documents.
  • #183859 - The size of the Code128Barcode is now preserved properly.
  • #186261 - Background color will be preserving properly, while using ToImage in Barcode.
  • #186233 - Stream was not readable exception will no longer thrown, while signing PDF document by using certificate as stream.
  • #186884 - IndexOutofRangeException will no longer occur, while signing the particular PDF document.
  • #185605 - Extra space will not be added in the bottom of the image, while converting HTML to Image using IE.
  • #184245 - Output document is now preserving properly, when applying security to the loaded PDF document.
  • #185884 - Empty page is not created, when merging particular PDF document.
  • #185705, 183560 - Text is now preserving properly, when converting particular XPS document to PDF.
  • #185722 - PDF document with Adobe flash is now merging properly.
  • #185460 - Attachment collection is not empty, when loading a particular PDF document.
  • #185098 - Exception no longer occurs when merging particular PDF document.
  • #184712 - The document keywords are not duplicated when using commas along with keyword.
  • #184488 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when signing existing PDF document.
  • #183595 - ArgumentOutOfRange exception is no longer occurs when importing pages from a particular PDF document.
  • #183375 - Exception will not be thrown when converting a particular XPS Document to PDF.
  • #183112 - PdfConformance exception does not occur, when merging normal document with PDF conformance document.
  • #182417 - Annotation are now removing properly from PdfLoadedPage.
  • #188040 - Preservation issues will no longer occurs while drawing JPEG images.
  • #189319 - Out of memory exception will no longer occurs while compressing existing PDF document.
  • #188375 - Exception will no longer occurs while loading the particular XFA document.
  • #187013 - PDF layers count is now retrieving properly while loading the existing PDF document.
  • #188567 - The memory leak will no longer occurs while converting Word to PDF.
  • #175611 – Annotation appearance will be preserved properly in Foxit and Bluebeam PDF viewers.
  • #187909 - Exception no longer occur while loading particular PDF document.
  • #189668 - Output document is no longer corrupted when converting HTML to PDF and then appending to another PDF.
  • #189267 - “Font emSize should be greater than zero “ exception is no longer thrown while accessing used font from PdfLoadedDocument.
  • #189070 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while accessing cell padding property from PdfGridCellStyle.
  • #188258 - Text preservation issue no longer occurs when converting word document to PDF with PDFA1B conformance.
  • #187868 - Non-breaking space is now preserving properly for custom font while converting HTML to PDF.
  • #186097 - Chinese characters are now rendering properly when converting word document to PDF.
  • #185556 - The text in the signature image of word document is now properly aligning when converted to PDF.
  • #185589 - The text with custom font is now preserving properly when converting word to PDF.
  • #184961 - The image symbols are now preserving properly when converting Word to PDF
  • #188406 - PDF document is no longer corrupted while drawing specific JPEG image into PDF.
  • Child grid cell padding preservation issue is no longer occur in PdfGrid.
  • Annotation transparency is preserving properly when set opacity value as zero.
  • PdfFormFields are now preserving properly while creating in PDF document.
  • Bookmarks are now created properly for particular document.
  • Metadata property is now updating properly when changing document information in PDF document.
  • TextMarkupColor is now preserving properly in PdfFreeTextAnnotation when loading the particular PDF document.
  • The text in the PdfGrid is now aligning properly within the provided space.
  • Signature fields are not duplicating when loading and saving the signed PDF.
  • Form fields are not empty when loading and saving the PDF document.
  • PdfPopupAnnotation is preserving properly after flattening.
  • PDF documents are now compressing properly when using JBIG2 encoding.
  • Application crashing issue has been fixed, while performing OCR.
  • Tesseract engine has not been initialized exception will no longer thrown while performing OCR.
  • Preservation issues are no longer occurs, while compressing existing PDF documents.
  • PDF conformance is now preserving properly while converting Word to PDF.


  • #182338 – PdfHtmlTextElement supported HTML string can be drawn to the PdfGridCell directly.
  • #186261 – Added support for generating Data Matrix barcode as image to the desired size.
  • #185022 – Added the support to change the tab order of the form fields.



  • #186735 - Exposed an event ‘TextSelectionCompleted’ which will be triggered when the text selection operation is completed.

Bug Fixes

  • #182075 - All the texts in the PDF document are now rendered properly.
  • #184437 - Object Reference Exception will no longer been thrown in Page.Clear() method of PdfViewerControl.
  • #181027 - Contents of the PDF document will be rendered properly.
  • #184237 - Content in the PDF document is now rendered and printed properly using PdfViewerControl.
  • #182591 - Contents in the bottom of the PDF document is now rendered properly while viewing the PDF document using PdfViewerControl.
  • #180411 - Background color has been now preserved properly in PDF viewer.
  • #184645 - Hyperlink navigation is now working properly in Windows Forms platform.
  • #183884, #185363 - FitPage is now achieved as excepted while loading byte array to the PdfViewerControl.
  • #189134 - The bookmark pane is now moving as expected in left and right directions.
  • #188233 - All the characters in the PDF document are rendered properly.
  • #187700 - All the searched text instances are preserved properly when searching the text using ‘FindText’ API.
  • #180221 - The PDF document is now displayed properly in PDF viewer control, when hosted in Windows Form application using ElementHost.
  • #186435 - The provided PDF document will be displayed and printed properly.
  • #188144 - The provided PDF document will not be rendered blank in the PDF viewer control.
  • #182075 – All the text contents in the PDF document are now rendered properly.
  • #186312 – PDF viewer is displayed with the scrollbar when viewing the PDF document.

Predictive Analytics

Bug Fixes

  • #187834- Resolved issues with “InlineTable” property in “MapValues” transformation.
  • #187928- Resolved issues with scoring procedure of expressions in PMML transformations.
  • #190249- Resolved issues with Multinomial Logistic Regression model scoring procedure.



  • #182254 - Added support to render picture bullets while converting the PowerPoint slide to image.
  • #182254 - Added support to render the image with color transformations (Black and white - 25%, 50% and 75%) while converting the PowerPoint slide to image.
  • #178015 - Added support to render the image with gray scale while converting the PowerPoint slide to image.

Breaking Changes

  • IsMaxCross property is set to true and secondary axis is added to the right side of the chart, while adding new secondary chart axis. You can set the IsMaxCross property to false, to add secondary axis on the left side.
  • The types Diagonl_Up, Diagonl_Down, From_Corner and From_Center of OfficeGradientStyle enumeration are now deprecated. The new types DiagonalUp, DiagonalDown, FromCorner and FromCenter are added to replace these deprecated types.

Bug Fixes

  • #187206 - Data labels in the bubble chart is now added as expected while creating a chart in PowerPoint presentation.
  • #186544- Null reference exception is no longer thrown while creating a PowerPoint slide with SmartArt diagram.
  • #184264 - The PowerPoint presentation is no longer corrupted while setting the DateTime value as chart data.
  • #186100 - Guides are now preserved properly while creating a PowerPoint slide from an existing layout slide.
  • #186105 - Shape properties are now preserved properly while creating a PowerPoint slide from an existing layout slide.
  • #185808 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while converting a PowerPoint slide to image.
  • #185262 - Deleted legends in the charts is no longer visible in the converted PDF.
  • #185808 - Numbered list is now preserved properly while converting a PowerPoint slide to image.
  • #186643 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while converting a cloned PowerPoint slide to image.
  • #184456 - Background color of the text box will be preserved properly while converting the PowerPoint presentation to PDF.
  • #184967 - Argument out of range exception will not be thrown while cloning a PowerPoint slide with pie chart.
  • #182963 - FontSize property of Font class will now return the correct value.
  • #185237 - The shape name will be preserved like Microsoft PowerPoint, while creating new slide from an existing layout slide.
  • #185236 - The shapes in the footer will be preserved properly while creating new slide from an existing layout slide.
  • #188996 - Null reference exception will be no longer thrown while changing the slide background from SolidFill to PictureFill.
  • #188405 - Object disposed exception will be no longer thrown while saving the cloned PowerPoint presentations.
  • #188525 - Percentage symbols in the chart primary axis are now preserved properly while creating chart in PowerPoint slides.
  • #188081 - Now charts can be created using data from any worksheet of excel file in PowerPoint slides.
  • #188977 - Font color is now preserved properly in PowerPoint slides while retrieving it from the master slide.
  • #187656 - The font name and size are now preserved properly in PowerPoint slides while retrieving those from the master slide.


Bug Fixes

  • #190518 - Now it can be serialized properly in Diagram control.


Bug Fixes

  • #189579 - Now, Title will be positioned correctly in RibbonForm in inactive state.
  • #189579 - Title gets cropped in TouchStyle issue has been fixed.


  • #186721 - Separate icons can be used for the Ribbon items when it is added to QAT. Using this we can have Office 2016 Colorful theme behavior for QAT items.
  • #185151 - Support provided to specify the Position for ToolStripTabItem when merging using RibbonPanelMergeContainer.
  • #185151 - Support provided to group the ToolStripTabItem, ToolStripEx, ToolstripItem when merging using RibbonPanelMergeContainer.
  • #186539 - Provided support to customize the Size, Back color and Image of the Control box buttons like Close, Minimize, Maximize and Restore .


Bug Fixes

  • #188622 - The start day of WorkWeekView is now updating properly while navigating to the previous or next week.


Bug fixes

  • #187897 - Scroll Bar Thumb border color will be updated properly in pushed state.
  • #188242 - Visual Style will be updated properly, when used in DockingManager child control.
  • #188242 - Option provided to differentiate Vertical and Horizontal Scroll Bar.



  • #119434, #133890, #153524 - Provided support for array formula calculation like Excel.
  • #184580, #185999 - Provided support to cancel ribbon command execution.



  • #146130, #147141, #155355, #181688, #182296 - Support for chart manual layout is provided in the image and PDF conversions.
  • #156296, #F125729, #185873, #F57065 - Different odd and even page headers/footers, different first page headers/footers for worksheet and chart sheets are now supported in XlsIO.

Breaking Changes

  • #185530, #185561 - Exposed an API Name to get OLE object name in IOleObject class.
  • The properties EvenPage and FirstPage of type IPage are added in IPageSetup class.
  • The properties LeftHeader, CenterHeader, RightHeader , LeftHeaderImage, CenterHeaderImage, RightHeaderImage are added in IPage class to set text and images in the Even and First page headers/footers.

Bug fixes

  • #F132160 - Support is provided to change header label while importing data.
  • #181134 - Performance issue in converting Excel document into PDF with conditional formats is fixed.
  • #182915 - Issue with borders being cleared while merging cells is fixed.
  • #183016 - Issue with cell text casing while setting number format is fixed.
  • #183332 - Issue with conditional format is not preserved which has formula as another worksheet range, is fixed.
  • #183361 - Marker color gets changed on resave is fixed.
  • #183369 - Exception is no longer thrown on assigning the scatter chart category axis properties.
  • #183445 - Exception is no longer thrown while inserting rows in XLS format file.
  • #183738 - Performance issue while opening Excel file with multiple charts is fixed.
  • #183799 - Issue while setting print title rows for binary files is fixed.
  • #183807 - CopyTo() method is not working properly after applying AutoFilters is fixed.
  • #184328 - Exception is no longer thrown while applying data validation through ListOfValues property.
  • #184407 - Index out of range exception is thrown while setting RTF text is resolved.
  • #184407 - Key not found exception is thrown while setting RTF text is resolved.
  • #184540 - Binary Excel file gets corrupted while copying range with conditional formats is fixed.
  • #184569 - Cell value with comma character is changed while saving in CSV format is fixed.
  • #184894 - Exception is no longer thrown while adding IconSet multiple times.
  • #185139 - Argument exception is no longer thrown while copying worksheet with EMF images.
  • #185527 - Application hanging issue while opening the Excel file with table is resolved.
  • #184160 - Issue with incorrect margin values on resave is fixed.
  • #184801 - Issue with incorrect currency format in Excel to PDF conversion is fixed.
  • #183807, #187025 - CopyTo() method is working properly when AutoFilters are applied.
  • #187751 - External exception is no longer thrown while performing text AutoFit in a cell.
  • #186234 - Custom RGB tab color is no longer changed while resaving the Excel file in XlsIO.
  • #187234 - Issue with improper row height is resolved for the given Excel document.
  • #184407 - Exception is no longer thrown while setting RTF text.
  • #185577, #186951 - Rich-text is now properly set for complex RTF string.
  • #186451 - Date filter is now working proper in pivot table.
  • #186446 - UnKnownName exception is no longer thrown while opening CSV files.
  • #185221 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening Excel file with external workbook range in data validation formula.
  • #187026 - Exception is no longer thrown while resaving XLS file with table.
  • #187723 - Overflow exception is no longer thrown while accessing DisplayText for large numbers.
  • #185270 - Key not found exception is no longer thrown while copying range to another workbook multiple times.
  • #187025 - Text filter is now proper in XLSX document.
  • #187181, #187315 - Exception is no longer thrown while invoking IRange.BorderNone.
  • #185921 - File encoding is now correct while parsing zip file with Latin characters.
  • #186738, #187783 - DisplayText returns number value for cell reference formula in Portugal culture.
  • #184801 - Currency format is now proper in PDF conversion.
  • #185138 - Combination chart with bar series is rendered properly in chart to image conversion.
  • #188856 - Issue with incorrect formula values when formulas contain unknown prefix is fixed.
  • #189166 - Looping issue while converting Excel document into PDF is fixed.
  • #189191 - InvalidOperationException is thrown while saving Excel document with comments is fixed.
  • #189077 - Issue with InvertIfNegative in chart series data points is fixed.
  • #188263 - Issue with AutoFilterRange when AutoFilter collection is empty, is fixed.
  • #188856 - ReferToRange property now returns proper value for discontinued range.
  • #188787 - File is no longer corrupted while resaving Excel document with XML maps.
  • #188854, #190448 - Application hanging issue while opening Excel document with table AutoFilters is fixed.
  • #188687 - Exception is no longer thrown while adding worksheets after deleting named ranges.
  • #188620, #189263, #190029, #190818, #190866 - Formulas with external workbook reference gives incorrect formula string value is fixed.
  • #171967 - Issues with chart axis labels font size and automatic axis label rotation for 2D charts in chart to image conversion are fixed.
  • #155547 - XlsIO memory consumption in row storage class has been reduced.
  • #189351 - Issue with display unit label settings in chart to image conversion is fixed.
  • Sorting (descending order) is not working properly when filtering a column is fixed.
  • Issue with copy and paste of formatted cells is fixed.
  • Issue with IsBestFit property while accessing the SetColumnWithPixels method is fixed.
  • Stack overflow exception is no longer thrown while accessing RefersToRange property.
  • Argument exception is no longer thrown while copying one range to another range with styles.
  • Argument exception is no longer thrown when sorting filtered numbers in descending order.
  • The old and new cell values are validated on copy/paste through ValueChanged event.
  • AutoFit is now proper when text in the input file contains line feed and wrap text is set to false.
  • Performance issue in filtering when sheet has comments is fixed.
  • Exception is no longer thrown when coping the define names between different workbooks.
  • Exception is no longer throw when cloning shape during AddCopy() method.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while accessing table range using formula token.
  • Calculated column formula is not updated during AddCopy() is fixed.
  • Null reference exception is no longer thrown while serializing conditional formats during AddCopy().
  • Issue with ColorRGB in Borders is fixed.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while parsing category labels with external range.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while updating sheet names in Worksheet.AddCopy().
  • Exception is no longer thrown while opening file with PieChart.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while copying conditional formats to another workbook.
  • The old and new cell values are validated on copy and paste operation through ValueChanged event.
  • Format exception due to pivot table data type is fixed.
  • XlsIO returns correct date for the number formats in German culture.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while opening an Excel document with stacked marker chart.
  • CellStyle.Font.RGBColor of a range now returns proper value.
  • DisplayText issue for number formats with ‘GMT’ is fixed.
  • Rich-text is proper in Excel to PDF Conversion.
  • Clearing contents in a merged cell doesn’t remove cell formatting.
  • Issue with incorrect display text for FormulaArrays is fixed.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException is no longer thrown while resaving Excel documents with duplicate cell style name.
  • Issue with hidden rows not being copied while using CopyTo() is fixed.
  • Formulas with improper sheet references are now proper on resave.
  • Image rotation will be preserved properly in Excel documents.
  • Issue with incorrect DisplayText value when a cell contains particular IF formula is fixed.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while opening a file with chart sheet.
  • Issue with calculated column formula on resave is fixed.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while cloning a workbook containing table formula using AddCopy().