Essential Studio for Universal Windows Platform Release Notes

August 22, 2019


Bug Fixes

  • #241691 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOC format Word document.
  • #240393 - Line numbers are now preserved properly when resaving the Word document.
  • #242018 - Text encoding issue has been resolved while opening a RTF format Word document.
  • #241885 - Line spacing is now preserved properly while converting a Word document into HTML.
  • #F143774 - Paragraphs are now preserved properly while performing horizontal cell merge in a Word document.
  • #241475 - Nested IF field result is now preserved properly while converting a Word document as a Text file.
    List value is now updated properly when converting a Word document to HTML.
  • #237339 - ActualFormatType is now considered as DOCX when creating a new Word document from scratch.
  • #239792 - Character format is applied properly in Inline content control while opening Word document.
  • #239895 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when updating the fields in the Word document.
  • #239579 - Text border is preserved properly when converting HTML to Word document.
  • #238722 - Character format is applied properly while updating document fields.
  • #F143772 - Nested bookmark is now preserved properly while opening a DOC format Word document.


Bug Fixes

  • #240456 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when merging the particular documents.
  • #241481 – Free text annotation will no longer return invalid text.
  • #242049 – PdfAnnotation will be cleared properly while removing the annotations.
  • #238304 – Font name will be retrieved properly from the PdfLoadedAnnotation.
  • #239222, #239219 – Radio button page will be null if it is not added in the page.
  • #238725 – Inserting long text in PdfLightTable cell works properly.
  • #238603 – 3D annotations will be rendered properly with different Pdf3DRendermode.
  • #238517 – PdfFreeTextAnnotation color will be preserved properly.
  • #242310 – Signature information will be rendered properly when applying security.
  • #244368 – Radio button will be added to the existing PDF documents.
  • #242644 – Symbols will be encoded properly in Code 39 Extended and Code 93 Extended barcodes.
  • #242717 – PdfLayoutResult will return proper bounds when enabling auto tag.
  • #243273 – Radio button field will be flattened properly in all PDF pages.
  • #242335 – Text will be rendered properly when filling and flattening text with right alignment.
  • #241159 – Code 32 barcode is now preserved properly for the input text containing zero.
  • #F145476 – Content inside the child grid will be wrapped properly.
  • #F145826 – Barcode will be generated properly with PdfCode93Barcode.
  • Underline will no longer be added for trailing white spaces when drawing text.
  • Fore color will be retrieved properly from the text box field.
  • PdfSignatureField name will be preserved properly.
  • Font size of the form field will be calculated based on the field size.


Bug Fixes

  • #F145117 - Font size will be applied properly for second paragraph of table cell.
  • #243282 - Images are now preserved properly while performing clone and merge in PowerPoint presentation.


Bug Fixes

  • /#233529 – The text of the grid cells is aligned properly when scroll down or right with frozen rows or columns.


Bug Fixes

  • #238575 – UserControl loaded in the template column will not be unloaded when MenuFlyout is shown on clicking a button in UserControl.
  • #243736 – Stacked headers will be printed properly when some columns in the grid are hidden.


Bug fixes

  • #240022 - Exception no longer be thrown when loading the ImageEditor window on second time using CoreApplication.CreateNewView().Dispatcher.RunAsync.

Breaking Changes

  • Modified the toolbar built-in FontFamily styles.



  • #244702 - Border support has been provided for FreeText annotation.

Bug Fixes

  • #237689 - Annotation orientation will be preserved properly while saving the PDF document.
  • #238215 - Application will no longer throw exception while opening a password protected PDF document.
  • #241400 - Application will no longer be crashed while tapping the line annotation.
  • #241400 – Now, the FreeText annotation will be deleted properly.
  • #237528, #239481 - Now, text in the FreeText annotation will be preserved properly while printing the PDF document.
  • #243035 - Application will no longer throw System.FormatException while deleting the shape annotation from SfPdfViewer.
  • #244703 - Now, FreeText and FreeText Callout annotations will be removed properly.
  • #244735 - Application will no longer throw System.FormatException while changing the text color of FreeText annotation.


Bug Fixes

  • #241353 - Table cell shading is now rendered properly.
  • #243443 - Remove hyperlink option now works properly after opening HTML file with hyperlink.
  • #241663 - Right border of a vertical merged cell is now rendered properly.
  • #239574 - Exception will no longer be thrown while performing select all (Ctrl + A) and delete contents using backspace key.
  • #244036 - No extra spaces added before the hyperlink display text while opening HTML file with hyperlink.
  • #239881 - Exception will no longer be thrown when height of table in header footer is greater than page height.
  • #241989 - Exception will no longer be thrown on disposing the previous document while opening document.
  • #238842 - The viewer is now properly interactive without scrolling to selected content while zooming.
  • #233913, #236783, #239205 - Merged cells in a table is now displayed with proper width.


Bug Fixes

  • #230042, #231663 - Number and date time values are now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #237114, #237576 - Line shapes are now rendered properly when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #240083 - Number alignment is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #235971 - Chart series type is now preserved properly while saving the workbook with combination chart.
  • #240200 - Pivot table background color is now preserved properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #240677 - Pivot chart is now preserved properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #240083 - Chart data points will no longer be missed when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #239969 - Argument exception will no longer be thrown on opening the Excel file containing external workbook.
  • #230937 - Excel document is now converted properly while using the OFFSET function.
  • #236370 - DateTime value is now returned correctly in UK culture.
  • #238322 - Pivot table row header is now preserved properly when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #236131 - PivotTable will no longer be crashed on refreshing the resaved Excel file.
  • #239384 - Performance delay will no longer occur while resaving the Excel document.
  • #237809 - Conditional format formula for specific text is now updated properly while copying cells.
  • #236873 - DisplayText is now returned correctly when accessing the date time using formula with DDDD number format.
  • #238626 - Creating table with invalid table name will throw an exception.
  • #236136 - PercentOfParent option is now set correctly while creating a pivot table.
  • #237114 - AutoShape text is now rendered properly when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #239217 - Cell text with lesser than and greater than symbols are now preserved properly when converting the worksheet to HTML.
  • #236197 - Time value is now set correctly for 1904 enabled workbook.
  • #241751 - Checkboxes are now checked properly after resaving the Excel document.
  • #238322 - Grand totals of rows and columns are now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #241336 - Excel document containing conditional formats will no longer be corrupted on inserting a row.
  • #237235 - Legend is now preserved properly on setting custom data label.
  • #240083 - Chart data point will no longer be missed when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #242245 - Performance has been improved while opening the SpreadsheetXML file.
  • #241403 - Vertical text alignment now works properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #242613 - Japanese characters are now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #242913 - Font name and font size will no longer be changed while opening the Excel document.
  • #244193 - Exception will no longer be thrown on converting the Excel document with date time to PDF.
  • #239659 - Checkbox when removed is now preserved properly.
  • #F144906 - Active worksheet is now unselected when multiple worksheets are selected in the Excel file.
  • #F145816 - Exception will no longer be thrown on saving the workbook after invoking IApplication.IsSupported() method.
  • Exception will no longer be thrown when getting intersect range from invalid named ranges.
  • Saving the input document as xlsx file after saving it as xml document will no longer be corrupted.
  • CalcEngine will no longer be reinitialized after performing Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Legend text color is now preserved properly on saving the Excel document.
  • Chart is now preserved properly on copying the worksheet using the AddCopy() method.
  • Output Excel file will no longer be corrupted when an empty pivot table is updated with data and saved using XlsIO.
  • Exception will no longer be thrown while using named range for page setup in XlsIO.
  • Formula is now correct on resaving the Excel document containing formula with external workbook reference.