Sparkline Types

18 Sep 20233 minutes to read

Line Type

To render a Line type Sparkline, set the type as line. To change the color and width of the line, you can use the fill and width property.

  • HTML
  • "use strict";
    var sparklinedata = [
    { employeeId: 1, sales: 25 },
    { employeeId: 2, sales: 28 },
    { employeeId: 3, sales: 34 },
    { employeeId: 4, sales: 32 },
    { employeeId: 5, sales: 40 },
    { employeeId: 6, sales: 32 },
    { employeeId: 7, sales: 35 },
    { employeeId: 8, sales: 55 },
    { employeeId: 9, sales: 38 },
    { employeeId: 10, sales: 30 }];
            <EJ.Sparkline id="sparkline1"  dataSource = {sparklinedata}  type = 'line' fill = "#33ccff"
            xName = "employeeId" yName = "sales" ></EJ.Sparkline>,

    Column Type

    To render a Column Sparkline, set the type as column To change the color of the column, you can use the fill property.

  • HTML
  • "use strict";
            <EJ.Sparkline id="sparkline1"  dataSource = {sparklinedata}  type = 'column' fill = "#33ccff"
            xName = "employeeId" yName = "sales" ></EJ.Sparkline>,

    Area Type

    To render an Area Sparkline, you can specify the type as area. To change the Area color, you can use the fill property

  • HTML
  • "use strict";
                <EJ.Sparkline id="sparkline1"  dataSource = {sparklinedata}  type = 'area'
                fill = "#33ccff" xName = "employeeId" yName = "sales" ></EJ.Sparkline>,

    WinLoss Type

    WinLoss Sparkline render as a column segment and it show the positive, negative and neutral values. You can customize the positive and negative color of the win-loss type.

  • HTML
  • "use strict";
                <EJ.Sparkline id="sparkline1"  dataSource = {sparklinedata}  type = 'winloss'
                fill = "#33ccff" xName = "employeeId" yName = "sales" ></EJ.Sparkline>,

    Pie Type

    You can create a pie type sparkline by setting the type as pie. Colors for the pie can be customize using palette property.

  • HTML
  • "use strict";
        <EJ.Sparkline id="sparkline1"  dataSource = {sparklinedata}  type = 'pie' fill = "#33ccff"
         xName = "employeeId" yName = "sales" ></EJ.Sparkline>,