Essential Studio for JavaScript Release Notes

February 5, 2019



  • #217407 - Improved filtering by providing option to include diacritic characters with suggestion list of AutoComplete control.

Bug fixes

  • #225245 – Resolved the issue with triggering select event multiple time while using selectValueByKey method and binding remote data to AutoComplete.
  • #223520 - Maintain the focus after resetting the autocomplete textbox.


Bug Fixes

  • #222466 - Now, on rendering the button with contentType as TextAndImage, button text will have pointer cursor.


Bug fixes

  • #223020 - The IFERROR formula is computed properly when arguments contain TIC character.


Bug Fixes

  • #224027 - Date parsing issue due to TimeZone offset calculation discrepancies has been fixed.
  • #221925 - On opening the DatePicker pop-up, issue with the value of aria-active descendant attribute of the input element has not mapped with an active date cell’s ID has been fixed.



  • #220289 - Provided a new property, disableTimeRanges to disable a set of time slots in the TimePicker.


Bug fixes

  • #153251 - Text node now renders properly in SVG mode.
  • #186056 - Issue with, “Connector position is misplaced when changes are undone in the swimlane shape” is fixed.
  • #225857 - When the lane’s header is modified at runtime, it updates properly.
  • #225671 - Now, able to drag the connector’s label if it is created at runtime.


Breaking Changes

  • #224998 - At initial time of FileExplorer rendering, if you specify selectedItems or selectedFolder API, select event will not be triggered hereafter. On UI interaction or when dynamically changing the above property values, select event will be triggered.


Bug Fixes

  • #223283 - Issue in parent task progress calculation has been fixed.
  • #223906 - The initial load performance has been improved for long duration tasks mapped with duration and start date values.
  • #225368 - Issue with initial load task dependency validations has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #223423 - Creation of Duplicate row is avoided when a record is updated using updateRecord method after sorting the data.
  • #223272 - Selection of Rows is maintained properly when enableVirtualization is true.
  • #222451 - Updating the scrollSettings through setModel after scrolling the data works fine when allowVirtualScrolling is enabled.
  • #222241 - Resizing cursor is displayed instead of Drag cursor for column resizing when grid is placed inside a dialog.
  • #222411 - Selection works fine when initial selection is enabled with enableVirtualization set as true.
  • #220300 - Resizing the column works fine when scrolling is enabled and resizeMode is set as Control.
  • #222104 - Conditional Formatting works fine even when some of the columns are hidden.
  • #221903 - Column Chooser works fine when the selectedRowIndex is given initially with virtual scrolling enabled.
  • #221798 - Expanding a detail row works fine when another expanded detail row is in edit mode.


Bug fixes

  • #221838 – Sorting is performed properly based on grouping header text in listbox items.


Bug Fixes

  • #224356 - Now, the stroke width is applied properly to navigation lines even when the zoom factor is specified.


Bug Fixes

  • #220634 - Issue with, “Playing a YouTube video” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #224987 - Menu locale throws console error when using RequireJS issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #224401 - Landscape document is now printed correctly.
  • #221606 - The PDF document is now rendered properly in full screen mode.
  • #225164 - Error will no longer occur while loading provided PDF document.


Bug fixes

  • #225146 - Option provided to customize the width and height of grid cells during PDF exporting.
  • #224475 - On computation in the pivot engine, the value “0” is displayed as such in grid cells.



  • #222076 - Provided InScope expression support for data region and its group elements.
  • #185159 - Provided support to use object functions in code modules.

Bug Fixes

  • #221279 - Applying transparent color for Tablix header cell content and background while exporting to PDF and Word export through the web ReportDesigner has been resolved.
  • #219805 - Now, excel sheet names with Unicode characters will export properly.
  • #221279 - Textbox report item height not updated problem based on line feed elements has been resolved.
  • #220969 - Resolved additional space problem in Excel export when the KeepWithGroup Before option is enabled in the Tablix report item.
  • #221556 - Now, report with Globals.PageName built-in collection can be exported directly through the ReportWriter.
  • #222390 - Resolved built-in collection Globals.PageNumber text run right alignment problem in PDF export.
  • #222198 - Dependent parameter value will update properly in rendering layout after clicking the view report.
  • #222840 - Now, tablix grouping column width will update properly in Excel export.
  • #219541 - Chart data label angle specified for line chart will display properly in the ReportViewer.
  • #222840 - Resolved the sheet name duplication problem when the sheet is named based on group in Excel export.
  • #223992 - Resolved the problem in initial preview and printing of Azure environment reports.


Bug Fixes

  • #224706 - Navigation buttons are rendered properly when rotator items loaded dynamically.


Bug fixes

  • #223779 - Change event triggers just for focus in with edge browser issue has been fixed.
  • #221308 - Height not updated with RTE Edit Table properties for selected rows in table issue has been fixed.
  • #223029 - Indent is not applied correctly with ordered and unordered list issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #224476 - An issue with generating Scheduler appointments, while defining recurrence rule simply as FREQ=WEEKLY has been fixed now.
  • #224465 - The cellHover event is triggering properly now, even when the work cells are customized with workCellsTemplateId.
  • #219100 - The appointments created during the Daylight Saving Time will now render properly in custom Scheduler views.



  • Scroll event bubbling from the scroll element to the parent elements can be prevented using the preventDefault property.


Bug Fixes

  • #224425 - Removed splitter expand/collapse icons when dialog shown above the splitter.



  • Provided import/export support for charts with Trendlines.
  • Provided support to highlight the invalid data while updating the value in validation applied cells.


Bug Fixes

  • #225333 - Issue with, “Compatibility CSS styles when using icon with ToggleButton” has been fixed.