Essential Studio for JavaScript Release Notes

July 3, 2017


Bug Fixes

  • #173091 - Issue with control re-rendering in KnockoutJS is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #180019 – Dependent formula cells are now updated properly when the value of precedent cell is changed.


Bug Fixes

  • #180315 – Chart with single data point in category axes is now rendering properly, when enableCanvasRendering property is set to true.
  • #180511 – Data labels are now center aligned to the bubble series.
  • #180808 – Now the tooltip is working properly, while rendering the chart inside the grid control.
  • #181702 – Now the data points in dateTime category axes are rendering properly, when toggling the legend.
  • F110871 – Chart control is now rendering properly with empty data source.


Bug Fixes

  • #181438 – Exception raised while rendering contextMenu in different culture is fixed.
  • #180343 – The hidden label is not exported properly in SVG format is fixed.
  • #178994 – nodeTemplate method is now working properly while loading the diagram.
  • #178770 – Docking is not proper with BPMN Shapes after performing save and load is fixed.
  • #180332 – Z-order is now working properly when performing multiple times.


Bug Fixes

  • #178704 - As per the applied locale, Folder column header text will change.
  • #180493 - When the duplicate file name exists, Selected and unselected Items were not returned properly issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #180638 – Row alignment issue in Gantt has been fixed.
  • #181547 - Issue in updating the duration of milestone task has been fixed.
  • #180215 - Issue in exporting Gantt as Excel file with resources has been fixed.



  • #177543 - Column renders fine with proper width when allowResizeToFit set as true.
  • #173146, #174120, #176687 , #182452 - The pixel conversion of column width is prevented when setting the column width as percentage.

Bug Fixes

  • #176468 - The mergeHeaderCellInfo event is triggered even after refreshing the header with refreshHeader().
  • #180781 - When batch editing is enabled, the context menu item Save and Cancel are shown properly in context menu after editing a cell.
  • #181250 - Column chooser renders fine with improper quotes provided for headerText.
  • #180822 – Checkbox selection works fine with dataSource as empty.
  • #181137 - maxFilterChoices works fine for Grid with allowVirtualScrolling as true.
  • #181006 - Grid renders fine with no script error when allowGrouping and showSummary is enabled, and dataSource as empty.
  • #177897 - Deprecated argument data as rowData in the Grid’s events.
  • #180265, #180517 - Changed the font-family “Segoe UI” to “Helvetica Neue” as it’s not available in MAC OS.
  • #180518 - No confirmation dialog is shown when clicking the print icon in grid toolbar with editMode set as batch.
  • #177509 - Scrollbar refreshed properly when we call the refreshContent() method.
  • #179768 - Dragging a row is possible without selecting the row.
  • #175094 - The keyboard navigation works fine after scrolling the scroller to bottom.
  • #173718 - Multiple grid exporting works fine.


Bug Fixes

  • #180821 – Script error issue is resolved while using remote data with filtering and enableTotalCount.


Bug Fixes

  • #180805 - The Context menu is will not be hidden even, when we right click at the bottom of target.


Bug Fixes

  • #181957 - Lint error validation failure in Pager has been fixed now.



  • #178539 - Provided support to restrict editing of form fields based on restriction summary available in the PDF document.
  • #174628, #178539 - Provided support to maintain the form fields as read only in the PDF documents, if it has read only property set.

Bug Fixes

  • #164281 - Restricted the page extraction based on the settings available in the encrypted PDF documents.
  • #180342 - The proper casing is provided to the keys in the AJAX request during the download operations.
  • #179586 - The colors of the image now preserve properly while rendering the PDF document.


Bug fixes

  • #180614 - Report manipulation is done properly with measure groups.


  • #179127, #179216 - KPI support has been provided for OLAP data source in Server Mode.



  • #180060 - Support provided to set the properties of unbind fields.
  • #177805 - Two way binding is possible in AngularJS.
  • #175739 - User can sort Row/Column by date type in relational database.
  • #175521, #178335 - User can group Row/Column by date type in relational database (only for Client Mode).



  • #178783 - Provided the cssClass API for ejRibbon, to customize the control appearance.


Bug Fixes

  • #181420 - Now you can set enableXHTML property is set to true and import a file without getting any console errors.
  • #180585 - New row can be added when tab key is pressed at the end of the table; that has only one row
  • #180585 - When new row is added in the table imported from word file, the styles will be copied to the newly created row.


Bug Fixes

  • #131046 - Issue with Scheduler days not navigating correctly, when showWeekend is set to false has been fixed.
  • #181230 - Header cells are not misaligned now, when work-week view is rendered with 7 days.


Bug Fixes

  • #180815 - Strokes breaking issue on mouse interaction in signature is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #178026 - Provided support to pass additional parameters to the server action through client-side event arguments.


Bug Fixes

  • #180749 - Issue with named range and misalignment in the name manager dialog is fixed.
  • #178198 - Issue with accounting format while importing is fixed.
  • #180029 - Issue with chart element, Hyperlink and filtering action complete arguments are not proper is fixed.



  • #180057 - Provided the positivePattern support for ejNumericTextbox.


Bug Fixes

  • #179540 - In TimePicker, font spacing is now corrected based on material theme standard.

  • #180395 - In TimePicker, number of hours resets when the right arrow key pressed issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #180866 – Alignment issues with expand/collapse icons in row template has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #181431 - The issue “Duplicate Nodes are rendered when set the parentId and Id as 0” has been fixed.
  • #181880 - The issue “The nodeDrag event does not have correct target information when drag on the insert line” has been fixed.