Essential Studio for JavaScript Release Notes

April 5, 2016



  • Angular 2 support has been implemented for most of important Syncfusion JavaScript controls. Syncfusion’s Angular 2 base is fully written in TypeScript, so you can seamlessly use the controls with Angular 2 plus a TypeScript environment.

Bug Fixes

  • #152984 - Allow access origin issue with ej icons is now resolved while using CDN links in applications

Breaking Changes

  • Proper naming convention is implemented in TypeScript definition file for Syncfusion JavaScript controls to ensure unique naming style followed throughout all the control. Each control model options has been moved to concern control’s namespaces. For example, ej.GridOptions will now moved to ej.Grid.Model. Also, interface names of complex properties are renamed to pascal casing of particular properties for ex., interface name of complex property “pageSettings” is now “PageSettings”.
  • errorClass, errorPlacement, ignore, errorElement should be defined in application level when jQuery validation property is enabled.

    Angular 2

Angular 2 support has been implemented for most of the important Syncfusion JavaScript controls. Syncfusion’s Angular 2 base is fully written in TypeScript, so you can seamlessly use the controls with Angular 2 plus TypeScript environment.

Known Issues

  • Faster scrolling with mouse wheel up/down in form controls such as NumericUpDown, PercentageTextbox, CurrencyTextbox causes infinite loop of value changes.


Bug Fixes

  • #153814 - Issue while enabling “EnableAutoFill” property with MultiSelectMode-VisualMode has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #152875 - Position of the text in button component is now aligned properly in vertical manner also


Bug Fixes

  • #150628 - Marker for Radar chart is now visible on redraw.
  • #150616 - Doughnut chart is now rendering properly for single point.
  • #149923 - Tooltip will work even while panning is enabled.
  • #148420, #149816 - axesLabelRendering event is now working properly.
  • #149936 - DataLabel text, now working properly when changing the axis range through set model.
  • #149756 - pointRegionClick event will not trigger when clicking the reset button.
  • #150865 - Now zooming is working properly with series and indicators.
  • #152876 - x axis and y axis titles are now rendering properly on removing the series from chart.
  • #151245 - Fixed the chart performance issues on rendering more data.


  • Provided support for multiple Pie and Doughnut series in chart.
  • #132860,#135883,#145113,#148827,#150523,#150718,#151711 - Provided support for customizing space between multiple Column series.
  • #118781 - Provided support to remove the legend item when series name is empty.
  • Provided support for selecting range on drag to get the selected data.
  • #140060 - Provided support for indexed category axis.
  • #154220 - Chart now have the option to enable the scrollbar to pan the zoomed data.
  • #135900,#137610,#140644,#147718 - Provided support for exporting the chart in server side.
  • #135903,#137028,#140019,#135530,#146627 - Provided support for changing the origin in axis.
  • #150938 - Line series will now render with multi-color.

Breaking Changes

  • canResize property in chart has been deprecated and it has been changed to isResponsive.


Bug Fixes

  • #150835 - The Checkbox value returns true, even if the ‘ejCheckbox’ control is in unchecked state issue is now resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #150339 - Fixed the exception, while setting showLabels to false in scales.


Bug Fixes

  • #153442 - Now it is possible to set the null value to DatePicker through setModel method


Bug Fixes

  • #152947 - Now, the DateTime value is sets properly when the DateTime value given as DateTime object


Bug fixes

  • #150437 - Issue with exporting the flowchart process shape is fixed.
  • #149903 - Issue with multiple selection in swimlane after saving the diagram is fixed.
  • #149450 - Exporting diagram as an image is working properly in safari browser now.
  • #150211,#150355,#150382,#150436,#150424,#150430,#150456,#150550,#150673 - Alternate solution for depreciated SVGPathSeg property in chrome browser has been implemented.
  • #151441 - Children are now removed from the Group collection when its removed from diagram.
  • #150964,#150966 - Exporting diagram with transparent background is working properly now.
  • #151419,#151430,#153371 - Lane’s header size are varies on drag and drop is fixed and Lane’s children ports are now visible after saving and loading the diagram.
  • #154252 - sizeChange event is not triggered by defining through TypeScript is fixed.
  • #153371 - Lanes added into diagram nodes collection on drag and drop is fixed.
  • #153562 - BPMN’s send task specification are wrong is fixed.
  • #153411 - Lane’s header moves along with node when dragging multiple elements is fixed.
  • #153157 - Exception raised while holding the connector thumbs and then dragging is fixed.
  • #152887 - Loading older versions of diagram to latest version is working properly now.
  • #151534 - Now rendering occurs properly when paletteItem’s width is greater than symbol palette width.


  • #148880 - Support to set the relative/absolute position for the port has been implemented.
  • #149275 - Support to draw polygon points dynamically using polygon tool has been implemented.
  • #144613,#144763,#147986 - Support to provide property change event for all diagram objects has been implemented.
  • #149890 - Support to print the diagram document with multiple page has been implemented.
  • #143026,#146924 - Support to provide multiple parents for automatic layout has been implemented.
  • #151213 - Support to render the tooltip within the viewport has been implemented.
  • #153384 - Support to set the paletteItem’s text with wrapping option has been implemented.
  • #135910,#143410,#146779 - AngularJS support for missing diagram properties has been implemented.
  • Support to disable expand/collapse of the palette header has been implemented.
  • Support to get the cause for the events has been implemented.
  • Support to arrange the layout within any custom bounds and align the layout has been implemented.
  • Option to preserve aspect ratio for image node and SVG background Image has been implemented.
  • Support to prevent runtime interaction for nodes and connectors has been implemented.

Breaking changes

  • Lanes and its children will be no more be added in diagram model’s nodes collection and you can get the lanes from swimlane object.
  • The data type of BackgroundImage property is changed as object. Use BackgroundImage.Source to set image path.
  • NodeConstraints.PointerEvents is added to NodeConstraints.Default. It should be added to enable interaction. When you load a diagrams that is saved in old version, use diagram.upgrade() to update data in serialized format.
  • MarginX and MarginY properties of Layout are depreciated. Instead, use Margin.Left and Margin.Top.


  • #142640 - Improved the performance of DropDownList much better on loading 50000 list items.
  • Functionalities of input and hidden input in DropDownList have been swapped. It will not raise any issues until we process directly the DOM element.
  • Reduced the unnecessary DOM elements related to checkbox when showCheckbox enabled
  • errorClass, errorPlacement, ignore, errorElement should be defined in application level when jQuery validation property is enabled.
  • Leading and trailing spaces not trimmed in DropDownList items.

Bug fixes

  • #153698 – DropDownList’s “addItem” method supports both string and object from TypeScript
  • #151276 - Background color and cursor for DropDownList textbox has not been override by ionic Framework
  • #151660 – Issues related to AngularJS support are resolved in DropDownList



  • #141707, #147094, #149877 - Now the FileExplorer has methods to assign permissions or access rights to specific users or groups of users.



  • Now performance has been improved while rendering large data with multiple predecessors for each tasks in Gantt.
  • #154812 – Now the placeholder text in the search text box in Gantt will be hidden on mouse click instead of keypress event.
  • #152733 – Now Gantt can be displayed in read-only mode by enabling readOnly property
  • #146694 – Now it is possible to reorder the Gantt rows by enabling allowDragAndDrop property.

Bug fixes

  • #150657 – Now Gantt can be displayed without using childMapping property with self-referential datasource.


Bug Fixes

  • #150335 - ng-click event is not unwired from the previously rendered tr in virtual scrolling.
  • #150656 - Validation messages is shown properly when render the Grid with empty records.
  • #150827 - Opening the Excel Filter behaves correctly with the disabled the enableTouch.
  • #151041 - Now template rendered correctly in AngularJS after grouping.
  • #151478 - OdataV4Adaptor is working properly after returning empty dataSource from server.
  • #151630 - When tab key trigger from Grid content the toolbar gets focused instead of Grid element.
  • #152989 , #153679 - Now, Grid width will get increase while window width is greater than initial grid width.
  • #153050 - SetCellValue will now set the values to the cell property while adding new record.
  • #153142 - Now, rowTemplate can be set through setModel.
  • #153269 - Now, updating the parent grid using setCellText method in Hierarchy Grid will now working properly.
  • #153454 - Now, Changed behavior show or hide column and grouping API in Grid samples and Online Sample browser.
  • #153658 - Filterbar re-render after updating columns via setModel.
  • #150900 - Provided supported to export the Grid Header & summary rows with normal font size.
  • #150270 - Now groupDropArea text will not be selected in firefox when perform keyboard interaction.
  • #151677 - detailsTemplate will be render even the detailsDataBound property is not set.
  • #148009 - Missing keys has been included in ej.localetext.en-US file.
  • #149518 - Grid filters the first value only in suggestion list while performing the custom filtering operation to the foreignKey column in Excel filter without selecting any of the suggestions issue has been fixed.
  • #151259 - Now, we can define stackedHeaderRows and queryCellInfo event parameters in TypeScript Grid.
  • #151042,#151507 - Exporting is working fine when we enable the stackedHeader in JavaScript Platform.
  • #151220 - Responsive Grid content will not misalign after filtering the column.
  • #151041 - template column rendering properly when ungrouping a column.
  • #150659 - scrollSettings.scrollOneStepBy property is working when defining in AngularJS.
  • #150544 - Column resize icon implies left border of the table issue has been fixed.
  • #150335 - detailsTemplate is compiled in AngularJS.
  • #150335 - template column becomes blank upon editing and saving a record issue has been fixed.
  • #150149 - Now in window resizing the headerText value is not encoded.
  • #150268 - Now, grid focus is maintain in IE.
  • #151680 - Date format issue has been fixed.

Breaking Changes

  • In ejGrid, when set the stackedHeaderRows API the showStackedHeader API will be now set to true by default .
  • In ejGrid, the property enableDropAreaAnimation of groupSettings has been deprecated.
  • In ejGrid, the properties templateID and isUnbound has been deprecated.


  • #130700,#130773,#132273,#133992,#140814,#142819,#142862,#146071,#146303,#146876,#147248,#150869,#151306,#153692 -Drag and drop grid rows.
  • #128602,#134342,#136143,#151027,#151374,#153441 -Multiple Records deleted in Grid.



  • #153847 - Provided the ‘dataSource’ support to the GroupButton control



  • The Kanban control provides an efficient way to visualize the workflow of tasks at each stage along its path to completion. This gives teams more flexible planning options, clear focus, and transparency throughout the development cycle.

  • Drag and Drop - Supports dragging and dropping of cards.
  • Swim lanes – Grouping of cards based on given key.
  • Editing - Offers card editing, inserting, and deleting.
  • Filtering - Supports filtering based on user Query.
  • Adaptive Rendering – Allows the Kanban to adapt to the screen size.
  • Templates for Cards – Offers to render the card based on user template.
  • Column level Constraint - Offers column or swim lane based constraint.
  • Stacked Header - Allows to categorize and group the column headers.
  • Keyboard Navigation – Allows to perform all common actions through keyboard input.


Bug fixes

  • #153241 : Issue with each ejListBox addItem or removeItemByIndex methods will add the same event handler to the global window object has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #139145 - The new API “showPromptChar” is provided to hide the mask prompt on focused state
  • #151678 - The MaskEdit value property is now supports the stripped values


Bug Fixes

  • #153885 - In ejNumericTextbox, ‘incrementStep’ API is now accepts the decimal type value also.


Bug fixes

  • #151437 - Compression/de-compression issue has been fixed in the “Czech” localized Cube.


Bug fixes

  • #153688, #151437 - Waiting pop-up disappears before rendering the complete PivotGrid has been fixed.
  • #153165 - When deleting any measure in Measure Editor, control isn’t refreshed properly. This has been fixed now.
  • #151437 - Compression/de-compression issue has been fixed in the “Czech” localized Cube.
  • #149669 - PivotGrid expander is not working while unique name contains (“.”) symbol and now it has been fixed.
  • #148491 - Checked state is not maintained properly for user-defined hierarchy in Mondrian Cube and it has been fixed now.



  • Support for printing PDF documents has been added.

  • Support for navigating to internal document links and web links has been added.



  • #134761, #136150, #143465, #144084, #145469, #146823, #146975, #150139 - Provided support for PivotGrid with OLAP data source completely on client mode.
  • #149646 - Provided write-back support for PivotGrid with OLAP data at server mode.
  • #150037, #150595, #147387 - Number format support for relational data source on client mode has been done.
  • Excel exporting of PivotGrid containing both OLAP and relational data source at client mode has been done.
  • Provided Grouping Bar support for OLAP data source on server mode.
  • State persistence in PivotGrid for relational data source has been done.

Bug fixes

  • #151437 - Compression/de-compression issue has been fixed in the “Czech” localized Cube.
  • #150733 - Restricting background operations have been done when any dialog appears at the front.
  • #150037 - Negative numbers are now supported for filtering using Conditional Formatting dialog.
  • #121914 - Issue in PivotGrid with paging option has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #153709 - rangeChanged event is now triggering properly.
  • #151307 - Start and end value of the selected range is now working properly, when setting allowSnapping to false.


  • Provided re-sizable scrollbar support for range navigator .
  • Provided support for highlight and selection for ranges.

Breaking Changes

  • Default value of intervalType property for higher level labels has been changed to auto from years.
  • Default value of intervalType property for lower level labels has been changed to auto from months.



  • #149631 - Provided support to silent print for rendered reports.

Bug Fixes

  • #151533 - Now, filtering working properly for Chart category.
  • #150775 - Data sorting working properly for similar field values.
  • #151615 - Hidden Parameter values are displayed properly while modifying the dependent parameters.
  • #151484 - Complex sum expression returns proper values for float data type.
  • #149737 - The content overlapping with page margin in print layout has been resolved for chrome browser.
  • #148598 - Timespan values are formatted to the given date time format.
  • #149573 - Now, images can be viewed while printing the report in chrome browser.
  • #149199 - The browser styles problem while rendering the report has been cleared.
  • #148598 - The CountRows expression working properly with dataset scope parameter.
  • #148367 - The Drilldown spanning issue has been resolved for adjacent groups.
  • #153576 - Now, code modules works with external assemblies.
  • #148168 - Now, images are positioned properly for nested Tablix in print layout.


Bug fixes

  • #152856 - Provided removeTabGroup method for removing Tab Groups.



  • Provided support to customize the Ordered List and Unordered List styles with list of default options or a user defined options.
  • Provided support to resize the table and its columns and rows individually.
  • Provided support to zoom and print the RTE contents.
  • Provided support to find and replace the text in RTE editor.
  • Provided context menu support which displays default menu options based on HTML elements and to customize the menu options.
  • Enhanced keyboard interaction support is provided for all Toolbar commands like Lowercase, Uppercase, Strike, Superscript, Subscript, and Insert Image to the content, Insert Video to the content, etc.
  • Provided jQuery form validation support in RTE.



  • The queryCellInfo event has been introduced to customize almost all the sub-elements of the Scheduler.

  • Scheduler can be now defined with different working hours and working days for each and every resources.

  • Recurrence Editor has been now defined as a new sub-widget with entire recurrence related information, so as to support the custom appointment window with complete recurrence options and also to be used as a separate widget.

  • Appointment resizing and dragging functionality has been enhanced with the preview of corresponding live time update over the appointments.

  • The Month view in Scheduler can now be able to show/hide the previous/next month dates.

Bug Fixes

  • #150110 - Issue with Scheduler work area not clipped properly, while printing in month view has been fixed.
  • #150680 - Appointments and tooltip are rendering properly now with Italian culture.
  • #150468 - Performance is enhanced, while resizing the schedule.
  • #150467 - Appointments are rendering correctly with equal spaces between them.
  • #150305, #150306 - Appointments are rendering properly when created with monthly recurrence series.
  • #150478 - When the appointment is clicked/dragged, tooltip is hiding properly.
  • #149431 - Dates are populating correctly in edit appointment window.
  • #149296 - cellWidth property is working properly in custom view.
  • #149296 - The custom date range is rendering correctly based on the current date.
  • #152959 - An issue with the improper display of timescale labels, while scrolling down the Scheduler has been fixed.
  • #152958 - An issue with the appointment rendering, while modifying resource dataSource via setModel has been fixed.
  • #123393 - An issue with work cell template while using it along with different time slot values has been fixed.
  • #152787 - Appointments with longer duration are now rendering correctly in All-day cell area.
  • #150096 - Edit Appointment window is opening properly in mobile device now, when the appointment is touched.



  • #151115 - Now, provided the nested control support within the Splitter component in the MVC6 platform



  • Provided support for Data Binding with Batch Save.
  • Provided support for Cell Binding.
  • Provided support for PivotTable.

Bug fixes

  • #153115 - Issue with ribbon element is not refreshed on resizing Spreadsheet is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #151596 - The Tab control now occupies the parent element height with the heightAdjustMode as “fill”


Bug Fixes

  • #153236 - The Toolbar control’s destroy method is now unbind the all bounded events.



  • The Tooltip control will display a popup hint when the user hover/click/focus to the element. Tooltip will be positioned based on browser window, mouse, and target element or (x, y) co-ordinates and can customize the Tooltip’s layout to create your own visualized element.


Bug fixes

  • #154122 - Now the expanded state of a parent row will be maintained on resizing browser window, when both enableVirtualization and enableCollapseAll properties are enabled.

Predictive Analytics


  • Added experimental support for PMML files generated by SAS for the following models:

  • Association Rules
  • Clustering model
  • Neural network model
  • Regression model
  • Tree model

  • Added support to provide input data as “ExpandoObject” and “Dictionary” object in GetResult() method.

  • Added support to provide input PMML file as “TextReader” object for PMML Evaluator.

  • Added support to perform PMML Schema validation on input PMML.

  • Tree model result returns “Predicted node” and “path” ID with predicted result.

  • Association rules model result returns “Confidence” value.