Supported Barcode types
18 Apr 20171 minute to read
The following table contains the supported types and associated valid characters.
Symbol | Enum Value | Supported characters | Length |
QRBarcode | [0–9]; [A–Z (upper-case only)]; [space $ % * + - . / , :]; [Shift JIS characters] | variable | |
DataMatrix | All ASCII characters | ||
Code39 | [0-9]; [A-Z]; [- . $ / + % SPACE] | variable | |
Code39Extended | [0-9]; [A-Z]; [a-z] | variable | |
Code11 | [0-9]; [-] | variable | |
Codabar | [0-9]; [- $ : / . +] | variable | |
Code 32 | Code32 | [0-9] | 8 |
Code93 | [0-9]; [A-Z]; [- . $ / + % SPACE] | variable | |
Code93Extended | All 128 ASCII characters | variable | |
Code128A | [0-9]; [A-Z]; [NUL (0x00) SOH (0x01) STX (0x02) ETX (0x03) EOT(0x04) ENQ (0x05) ACK (0x06) BEL (0x07) BS (0x08) HT (0x09) LF (0x0A) VT(0x0B) FF (0x0C) CR (0x0D) SO (0x0E) SI (0x0F) DLE (0x10) DC1 (0x11) DC2(0x12) DC3 (0x13) DC4 (0x14) NAK (0x15) SYN (0x16) ETB (0x17) CAN(0x18) EM (0x19) SUB (0x1A) ESC (0x1B) FS (0x1C) GS (0x1D) RS (0x1E) US(0x1F) SPACE (0x20)]; [" ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / ; < = > ? @ [ / ]^ _ ] | variable | |
Code128B | [0-9]; [A-Z]; [a-z]; [SPACE (0x20) ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / :; < = > ? @ [ / ]^ _ ` { | } ~ DEL (•) ] | variable | |
Code128C | ASCII 00-99(encodes each two digit with one code) | variable |