
Consumes messages from Email Server using POP3 protocol. The raw-bytes of each received email message are written as contents of the FlowFile.


Email, POP3, Get, Ingest, Ingress, Message, Consume


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, and whether a property supports the Expression Language Guide.

Name Default Value Allowable Values Description
Host Name Network address of Email server (e.g.,, . . .)
Supports Expression Language: true
Port Numeric value identifying Port of Email server (e.g., 993)
Supports Expression Language: true
User Name User Name used for authentication and authorization with Email server.
Supports Expression Language: true
Password Password used for authentication and authorization with Email server. Sensitive Property: true
Supports Expression Language: true
Folder INBOX Email folder to retrieve messages from (e.g., INBOX)
Supports Expression Language: true
Fetch Size Specify the maximum number of Messages to fetch per call to Email Server.
Supports Expression Language: true
Delete Messages false * true
* false
Specify whether mail messages should be deleted after retrieval.
Connection timeout 30 sec The amount of time to wait to connect to Email server


Name Description
success All messages that are the are successfully received from Email server and converted to FlowFiles are routed to this relationship

Reads Attributes:

None specified.

Writes Attributes:

None specified.


This Processor consumes email messages via POP3 protocol and sends the content of an email message as content of the Flow File. Content of the incoming email message is written as raw bytes to the content of the outgoing Flow File.
Since different serves may require different Java Mail properties such properties could be provided via dynamic properties. For example, below is a sample configuration for GMail:

Processor’s static properties:

Host Name -

Port - 995

User Name - [your user name]

Password- [your password]

Folder - INBOX

Processor’s dynamic properties:

mail.imap.socketFactory.class -

mail.imap.socketFactory.fallback - false

Another useful property is mail.debug which allows Java Mail API to print protocol messages to the console helping you to both understand what’s going on as well as debug issues.

For the full list of available Java Mail properties please refer to here