Enum TBIFFRecord
Enum that defines constants for all known Biff records.
Namespace: Syncfusion.XlsIO.Parser.Biff_Records
Assembly: Syncfusion.XlsIO.Base.dll
public enum TBIFFRecord
Name | |
Array | Represents the Array Biff record. |
AutoFilter | Represents the AutoFilter Biff record. |
AutoFilterInfo | Represents the AutoFilterInfo Biff record. |
Backup | Represents the Backup Biff record. |
Begin | Represents the Begin Biff record. |
Bitmap | It stores the background bitmap of a worksheet. |
Blank | Represents the Blank Biff record. |
BOF | Represents the BOF Biff record. |
BOF2 | Represents the BOF2 Biff record. |
BookBool | Represents the BookBool Biff record. |
BookExt | This record contains workbook-specific information. |
BoolErr | Represents the BoolErr Biff record. |
BottomMargin | Represents the BottomMargin Biff record. |
BoundSheet | Represents the BoundSheet Biff record. |
CacheData | Represents the CacheData Biff record. |
CacheDataEx | Represents the CacheDataEx Biff record. |
CalcMode | Represents the CalcMode Biff record. |
CalCount | Represents the CalCount Biff record. |
CF | Represents the CF Biff record. |
CF12 | Represents the CF12 Biff record. |
CFEx | Represents the CFEx Biff record. |
Chart3D | Represents the Chart3D Biff record. |
Chart3DDataFormat | Represents the Chart3DDataFormat Biff record. |
ChartAI | Represents the ChartAI Biff record. |
ChartAlruns | Represents the ChartAlruns Biff record. |
ChartArea | Represents the ChartArea Biff record. |
ChartAreaFormat | Represents the ChartAreaFormat Biff record. |
ChartAttachedLabel | Represents the ChartAttachedLabel Biff record. |
ChartAttachedLabelLayout | Represents the ChartAttachedLabelLayout Biff record. |
ChartAxcext | Represents the ChartAxcext Biff record. |
ChartAxesUsed | Represents the ChartAxesUsed Biff record. |
ChartAxis | Represents the ChartAxis Biff record. |
ChartAxisDisplayUnits | Represents the ChartAxisDisplayUnits biff record. |
ChartAxisLineFormat | Represents the ChartAxisLineFormat Biff record. |
ChartAxisOffset | Represents the ChartAxisOffsetRecord biff record. |
ChartAxisParent | Represents the ChartAxisParent Biff record. |
ChartBar | Represents the ChartBar Biff record. |
ChartBegDispUnit | Represents the ChartBegDispUnitRecord biff record. |
ChartBoppCustom | Represents the ChartBoppCustom Biff record. |
ChartBoppop | Represents the ChartBoppop Biff record. |
ChartCatserRange | Represents the ChartCatserRange Biff record. |
ChartChart | Represents the ChartChart Biff record. |
ChartChartFormat | Represents the ChartChartFormat Biff record. |
ChartChartLine | Represents the ChartChartLine Biff record. |
ChartDat | Represents the ChartDat Biff record. |
ChartDataFormat | Represents the ChartDataFormat Biff record. |
ChartDataLabels | Represents the ChartDataLabels Biff record. |
ChartDefaultText | Represents the ChartDefaultText Biff record. |
ChartDropBar | Represents the ChartDropBar Biff record. |
ChartEndDispUnit | Represents the ChartEndDispUnitRecord biff record. |
ChartFbi | Represents the ChartFbi Biff record. |
ChartFontx | Represents the ChartFontx Biff record. |
ChartFormatLink | Represents the ChartFormatLink Biff record. |
ChartFrame | Represents the ChartFrame Biff record. |
ChartGelFrame | Represents the ChartGelFrame Biff record. |
ChartIfmt | Represents the ChartIfmt Biff record. |
ChartLegend | Represents the ChartLegend Biff record. |
ChartLegendxn | Represents the ChartLegendxn Biff record. |
ChartLine | Represents the ChartLine Biff record. |
ChartLineFormat | Represents the ChartLineFormat Biff record. |
ChartMarkerFormat | Represents the ChartMarkerFormat Biff record. |
ChartMlFrt | Represents the additional properties |
ChartObjectLink | Represents the ChartObjectLink Biff record. |
ChartPicf | Represents the ChartPicf Biff record. |
ChartPie | Represents the ChartPie Biff record. |
ChartPieFormat | Represents the ChartPieFormat Biff record. |
ChartPlotArea | Represents the ChartPlotArea Biff record. |
ChartPlotGrowth | Represents the ChartPlotGrowth Biff record. |
ChartPos | Represents the ChartPos Biff record. |
ChartRadar | Represents the ChartRadar Biff record. |
ChartRadarArea | Represents the ChartRadarArea Biff record. |
ChartSbaseref | Represents the ChartSbaseref Biff record. |
ChartScatter | Represents the ChartScatter Biff record. |
ChartSerAuxErrBar | Represents the ChartSerAuxErrBar Biff record. |
ChartSerAuxTrend | Represents the ChartSerAuxTrend Biff record. |
ChartSerFmt | Represents the ChartSerFmt Biff record. |
ChartSeries | Represents the ChartSeries Biff record. |
ChartSeriesList | Represents the ChartSeriesList Biff record. |
ChartSeriesText | Represents the ChartSeriesText Biff record. |
ChartSerParent | Represents the ChartSerParent Biff record. |
ChartSertocrt | Represents the ChartSertocrt Biff record. |
ChartShadow | Represents the ChartShadow Biff record. |
ChartShtprops | Represents the ChartShtprops Biff record. |
ChartSiIndex | Represents the ChartSiIndex Biff record. |
ChartSurface | Represents the ChartSurface Biff record. |
ChartText | Represents the ChartText Biff record. |
ChartTextPropsStream | Represents the chart text properties stream |
ChartTick | Represents the ChartTick Biff record. |
ChartUnits | Represents the ChartUnits Biff record. |
ChartValueRange | Represents the ChartValueRange Biff record. |
ChartWrapper | Represents the ChartWrapper Biff record. |
CodeName | Represents the CodeName Biff record. |
Codepage | Represents the Codepage Biff record. |
ColumnInfo | Represents the ColumnInfo Biff record. |
Compatibility | |
CondFMT | Represents the CondFMT Biff record. |
CondFMT12 | Represents the CondFMT12 Biff record. |
Continue | Represents the Continue Biff record. |
ContinueFrt | Represents the Continue Frt record. |
Country | Represents the Country Biff record. |
CRN | Represents the CRN Biff record. |
CustomProperty | Represents custom property record. |
DataItem | Represents the DataItem Biff record. |
DateWindow1904 | Represents the DateWindow1904 Biff record. |
DBCell | Represents the DBCell Biff record. |
DbOrParamQry | Represents a DbQuery or ParamQry record depending on the record. |
DBQueryExt | Rerpresents the External connection record. |
DCON | Represents the DCON Biff record. |
DCONBIN | Represents the DCONBIN Biff record. |
DConn | Represents the DataBaseConnection |
DCONNAME | Represents the DCONNAME Biff record. |
DCONRef | Represents the DCONRef Biff record. |
DefaultColWidth | Represents the DefaultColWidth Biff record. |
DefaultRowHeight | Represents the DefaultRowHeight Biff record. |
Delta | Represents the Delta Biff record. |
Dimensions | Represents the Dimensions Biff record. |
DSF | Represents the DSF Biff record. |
DV | Represents the DV Biff record. |
DVal | Represents the DVal Biff record. |
DxGCol | Represents the default column width for all sheet columns. |
End | Represents the End Biff record. |
EndBlock | Represents the end of a collection of records |
EOF | Represents the EOF Biff record. |
ExtendedFormat | Represents the ExtendedFormat Biff record. |
ExtendedFormatCRC | Represents the ExtendedFormatCRC Biff record. |
ExtendedXFRecord | Represents the Extension of ExtendedFormat Biff record. |
ExternalSourceInfo | Represents the ExternalSourceInfo Biff record. |
ExternCount | Represents the ExternCount Biff record. |
ExternName | Represents the ExternName Biff record. |
ExternSheet | Represents the ExternSheet Biff record. |
ExtSST | Represents the ExtSST Biff record. |
ExtSSTInfoSub | Represents the ExtSSTInfoSub Biff record. |
ExtString | Represents the Externalconnectioncollection |
Feature12 | Represents shared feature data that is used to describe a table in a worksheet |
FilePass | Represents the FilePass Biff record. |
FileSharing | Represents the FileSharing Biff record. |
FilterMode | Represents the FilterMode Biff record. |
FnGroupCount | Represents the FnGroupCount Biff record. |
Font | Represents the Font Biff record. |
Footer | Represents the Footer Biff record. |
Format | Represents the Format Biff record. |
Formula | Represents the Formula Biff record. |
Gridset | Represents the Gridset Biff record. |
Guts | Represents the Guts Biff record. |
HasBasic | Represents the HasBasic Biff record. |
HCenter | Represents the HCenter Biff record. |
Header | Represents the Header Biff record. |
HeaderFooter | This record specifies the even page header and footer text, and the first page header and footer text of the current sheet. |
HeaderFooterImage | Represents image in header or footer. |
HideObj | Represents the HideObj Biff record. |
HLink | Represents the HLink Biff record. |
HorizontalPageBreaks | Represents the HorizontalPageBreaks Biff record. |
ImageData | Represents ImageData biff record. |
Index | Represents the Index Biff record. |
InterfaceEnd | Represents the InterfaceEnd Biff record. |
InterfaceHdr | Represents the InterfaceHdr Biff record. |
Iteration | Represents the Iteration Biff record. |
Label | Represents the Label Biff record. |
LabelRanges | Represents the LabelRanges Biff record. |
LabelSST | Represents the LabelSST Biff record. |
LeftMargin | Represents the LeftMargin Biff record. |
LineItemArray | Represents the LineItemArray Biff record. |
MergeCells | Represents the MergeCells Biff record. |
MMS | Represents the MMS Biff record. |
MSODrawing | Represents the MSODrawing Biff record. |
MSODrawingGroup | Represents the MSODrawingGroup Biff record. |
MulBlank | Represents the MulBlank Biff record. |
MulRK | Represents the MulRK Biff record. |
Name | Represents the Name Biff record. |
Note | Represents the Note Biff record. |
Number | Represents the Number Biff record. |
OBJ | Represents the OBJ Biff record. |
ObjectProtect | Represents the ObjectProtect Biff record. |
OleDbConn | Represents the oledbconnection |
OleSize | Represents the OleSize Biff record. |
PageItem | Represents the PageItem Biff record. |
PageItemIndexes | Represents the PageItemIndexes Biff record. |
PageItemNameCount | Represents the PageItemNameCount Biff record. |
PageLayoutView | Represents the pagelayout view record |
Palette | Represents the Palette Biff record. |
Pane | Represents the Pane Biff record. |
ParsedExpression | Represents the ParsedExpression Biff record. |
Password | Represents the Password Biff record. |
PasswordRev4 | Represents the PasswordRev4 Biff record. |
PivotBoolean | Represents the PivotBoolean Biff record. |
PivotDateTime | Represents the PivotDateTime Biff record. |
PivotDouble | Represents the PivotDouble Biff record. |
PivotEmpty | Represents the PivotEmpty Biff record. |
PivotError | Represents the PivotError Biff record. |
PivotField | Represents the PivotField Biff record. |
PivotFormat | Represents the PivotFormat Biff record. |
PivotFormula | Represents the PivotFormula Biff record. |
PivotIndexList | Represents the PivotIndexList Biff record. |
PivotName | Represents the PivotName Biff record. |
PivotNamePair | Represents the PivotNamePair Biff record. |
PivotSourceInfo | Represents the PivotSourceInfo Biff record. |
PivotString | Represents the PivotString Biff record. |
PivotViewAdditionalInfo | Represents pivot view additional info record. |
PivotViewDefinition | Represents the PivotViewDefinition Biff record. |
PivotViewFields | Represents the PivotViewFields Biff record. |
PivotViewFieldsEx | Represents the PivotViewFieldsEx Biff record. |
PivotViewItem | Represents the PivotViewItem Biff record. |
PivotViewSource | Represents the PivotViewSource Biff record. |
PlotAreaLayout | Represents the ChartAttachedLabelPlotArea Biff record |
Precision | Represents the Precision Biff record. |
PrintedChartSize | Represents the PrintedChartSize Biff record. |
PrinterSettings | THis records saves settings and printer driver information. |
PrintGridlines | Represents the PrintGridlines Biff record. |
PrintHeaders | Represents the PrintHeaders Biff record. |
PrintSetup | Represents the PrintSetup Biff record. |
Protect | Represents the Protect Biff record. |
ProtectionRev4 | Represents the ProtectionRev4 Biff record. |
Qsi | Represents properties for a query table. |
Qsif | Represents the properties for a query table field. |
Qsir | Represents the properties related to the formatting of a query table. |
QsiSXTag | Represents the name and refresh information for a query table or a PivotTable view. |
QuickTip | Represents the QuickTip Biff record. |
RangeProtection | Represents range protection and error indicators. |
RecalcId | Represents the UnkEnd Biff record. |
RefMode | Represents the RefMode Biff record. |
RefreshAll | Represents the RefreshAll Biff record. |
RightMargin | Represents the RightMargin Biff record. |
RK | Represents the RK Biff record. |
Row | Represents the Row Biff record. |
RowColumnFieldId | Represents the RowColumnFieldId Biff record. |
RString | Represents the RString Biff record. |
RuleData | Represents the RuleData Biff record. |
RuleFilter | Represents the RuleFilter Biff record. |
SaveRecalc | Represents the SaveRecalc Biff record. |
ScenProtect | Represents the ScenProtect Biff record. |
Selection | Represents the Selection Biff record. |
SelectionInfo | Represents the SelectionInfo Biff record. |
Setup | Represents the Setup Biff record. |
ShapePropsStream | Represents the shape formatting properties for chart elements |
SharedFormula | Represents the SharedFormula Biff record. |
SharedFormula2 | Represents the SharedFormula2 Biff record. |
SheetLayout | This record stores the colour of the tab below the sheet containing the sheet name. |
SheetProtection | Represents the sheet protection biff record. |
Sort | Represents the Sort Biff record. |
SQLDataTypeId | Represents the SQLDataTypeId Biff record. |
SST | Represents the SST Biff record. |
StartBlock | Represents the beginning of a collection of records |
StreamId | Represents the StreamId Biff record. |
String | Represents the String Biff record. |
Style | Represents the Style Biff record. |
StyleExt | Represents the Extension of Style Biff record. |
SupBook | Represents the SupBook Biff record. |
TabId | Represents the TabId Biff record. |
Table | Represents the Table Biff record. |
Template | Represents the Template Biff record. |
TextObject | Represents the TextObject Biff record. |
TextQuery | Represents the Feature record for query table |
Theme | Represents the Theme Biff record. |
TopMargin | Represents the TopMargin Biff record. |
UnkBegin | Represents the UnkBegin Biff record. |
UnkMacrosDisable | Represents the UnkMacrosDisable Biff record. |
UnkMarker | Represents the UnkMarker Biff record. |
Unknown | Represents the Unknown Biff record. |
UseSelFS | Represents the UseSelFS Biff record. |
VCenter | Represents the VCenter Biff record. |
VerticalPageBreaks | Represents the VerticalPageBreaks Biff record. |
ViewExtendedInfo | Represents the ViewExtendedInfo Biff record. |
WindowOne | Represents the WindowOne Biff record. |
WindowProtect | Represents the WindowProtect Biff record. |
WindowTwo | Represents the WindowTwo Biff record. |
WindowZoom | Represents the WindowZoom Biff record. |
WriteAccess | Represents the WriteAccess Biff record. |
WriteProtection | Represents the WriteProtection record. |
WSBool | Represents the WSBool Biff record. |
XCT | Represents the XCT Biff record. |