Enum AutoShapeType
Represent different auto shapes types.
Namespace: Syncfusion.XlsIO
Assembly: Syncfusion.XlsIO.Base.dll
public enum AutoShapeType
Name | Description |
Arc | Represents a arc shape. |
BentArrow | Represents a block arrow that follows a curved 90-degree angle. |
BentConnector2 | Represents a bentConnector type 2 shape. |
BentConnector4 | Represents a BentConnector type 4 shape. |
BentConnector5 | Represents a bent connector type 5 shape. |
BentUpArrow | Represents a block arrow that follows a sharp 90-degree angle. Points up by default. |
Bevel | Represents a bevel shape. |
BlockArc | Represents a block arc shape. |
Can | Represents a can shape. |
Chevron | Represents a chevron shape. |
Chord | Represents a chord shape. |
CircularArrow | Represents a block arrow that follows a curved 180-degree angle. |
Cloud | Represents a cloud shape. |
CloudCallout | Represents a cloud callout. |
Cross | Represents a cross shape. |
Cube | Represents a cube shape. |
CurvedConnector | Represents a curvedConnector shape. |
CurvedConnector2 | Represents a curved connector 2 shape. |
CurvedConnector4 | Represents a curved connector 4 shape. |
CurvedConnector5 | Represents a curved connector 5 shape. |
CurvedDownArrow | Represents a block arrow that curves down. |
CurvedDownRibbon | Represents a ribbon banner that curves down. |
CurvedLeftArrow | Represents a block arrow that curves left. |
CurvedRightArrow | Represents a block arrow that curves right. |
CurvedUpArrow | Represents a block arrow that curves up. |
CurvedUpRibbon | Represents a ribbon banner that curves up. |
Decagon | Represents a decagon shape. |
DiagonalStripe | Represents a diagonalStripe shape. |
Diamond | Represents a diamond shape. |
Dodecagon | Represents a dodecagon shape. |
Donut | Represents a donut shape. |
DoubleBrace | Represents a double brace shape. |
DoubleBracket | Represents a double bracket shape. |
DoubleWave | Represents a double wave. |
DownArrow | Represents a block arrow that points down. |
DownArrowCallout | Represents a callout with arrow that points down. |
DownRibbon | Represents a ribbon banner with center area below ribbon ends. |
ElbowConnector | Represents a elbowConnector shape. |
Explosion1 | Represents a explosion type 1 shape. |
Explosion2 | Represents a explosion type 2 shape. |
FlowChartAlternateProcess | Represents a alternate process flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartCard | Represents a card flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartCollate | Represents a collate flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartConnector | Represents a connector flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartData | Represents a data flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartDecision | Represents a decision flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartDelay | Represents a delay flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartDirectAccessStorage | Represents a direct access storage flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartDisplay | Represents a display flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartDocument | Represents a document flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartExtract | Represents a extract flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartMagneticDisk | Represents a magnetic disk flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartManualInput | Represents a manual input flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartManualOperation | Represents a manual operation flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartMerge | Represents a merge flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartMultiDocument | Represents a multi-document flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartOffPageConnector | Represents a off-page connector flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartOr | Represents a "Or" flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartPredefinedProcess | Represents a predefined process flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartPreparation | Represents a preparation flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartProcess | Represents a process flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartPunchedTape | Represents a punched tape flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartSequentialAccessStorage | Represents a sequential access storage flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartSort | Represents a sort flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartStoredData | Represents a stored data flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartSummingJunction | Represents a summing junction flowchart symbol. |
FlowChartTerminator | Represents a terminator flowchart symbol. |
FoldedCorner | Represents a folded corner shape. |
Frame | Represents a frame shape. |
HalfFrame | Represents a half frame shape. |
Heart | Represents a heart shape. |
Heptagon | Represents a heptagon shape. |
Hexagon | Represents a hexagon shape. |
HorizontalScroll | Represents a horizontal scroll |
IsoscelesTriangle | Represents a isosceles triangle shape. |
L_Shape | Represents a l shape. |
LeftArrow | Represents a block arrow that points left. |
LeftArrowCallout | Represents a callout with arrow that points left. |
LeftBrace | Represents a left brace shape. |
LeftBracket | Represents a left bracket shape. |
LeftRightArrow | Represents a block arrow that points left and right. |
LeftRightArrowCallout | Represents a callout with arrowheads that point both left and right. |
LeftRightUpArrow | Represents a block arrow with arrowheads that point left, right, and up. |
LeftUpArrow | Represents a block arrow with arrowheads that point left and up. |
LightningBolt | Represents a lightning bolt shape. |
Line | Represents a line shape. |
LineCallout1 | Represents a callout with border and horizontal callout line. |
LineCallout1AccentBar | Represents a callout with diagonal callout line and accent bar. |
LineCallout1BorderAndAccentBar | Represents a callout with border, diagonal straight line, and accent bar. |
LineCallout1NoBorder | Represents a callout with horizontal accent bar. |
LineCallout2 | Represents a callout with angled line. |
LineCallout2AccentBar | Represents a callout with angled callout line and accent bar. |
LineCallout2BorderAndAccentBar | Represents a callout with border, angled callout line, and accent bar. |
LineCallout2NoBorder | Represents a callout with no border and angled callout line. |
LineCallout3 | Represents a callout with callout line segments forming a U-shape. |
LineCallout3AccentBar | Represents a callout with accent bar and callout line segments forming a U-shape. |
LineCallout3BorderAndAccentBar | Represents a callout with border, accent bar, and callout line segments forming a U-shape. |
LineCallout3NoBorder | Represents a callout with no border and callout line segments forming a U-shape. |
MathDivision | Represents a division symbol. |
MathEqual | Represents a equivalence symbol. |
MathMinus | Represents a subtraction symbol. |
MathMultiply | Represents a multiplication symbol. |
MathNotEqual | Represents a non-equivalence symbol. |
MathPlus | Represents a addition symbol. |
Moon | Represents a moon shape. |
NoSymbol | Represents a NoSymbol shape. |
NotchedRightArrow | Represents a notched block arrow that points right. |
Octagon | Represents a octagon shape. |
Oval | Represents a oval shape. |
OvalCallout | Represents a oval-shaped callout. |
Parallelogram | Represents a parallelogram shape. |
Pentagon | Represents a pentagon shape. |
Pie | Represents a pie shape. |
Plaque | Represents a plaque shape. |
QuadArrow | Represents a block arrows that point up, down, left, and right. |
QuadArrowCallout | Represents a Callout with arrows that point up, down, left, and right. |
Rectangle | Represents a rectangle shape. |
RectangularCallout | Represents a rectangular callout. |
RegularPentagon | Represents a regular pentagon shape. |
RightArrow | Represents a block arrow that points right. |
RightArrowCallout | Represents a callout with arrow that points right. |
RightBrace | Represents a right brace shape. |
RightBracket | Represents a right bracket shape. |
RightTriangle | Represents a right-angled triangle shape. |
RoundDiagonalCornerRectangle | Represents a rectangle with rounded diagonal corner shape. |
RoundedRectangle | Represents a rounded rectangle shape. |
RoundedRectangularCallout | Represents a rounded rectangle-shaped callout. |
RoundSameSideCornerRectangle | Represents a rectangle with two-rounded corners that share a side. shape. |
RoundSingleCornerRectangle | Represents a rectangle with one rounded corner. |
SmileyFace | Represents a smiley face shape. |
SnipAndRoundSingleCornerRectangle | Represents a rectangle with one snipped corner and one rounded corner. |
SnipDiagonalCornerRectangle | Represents a rectangle with two snipped corners, diagonally-opposed. |
SnipSameSideCornerRectangle | Represents a rectangle with two snipped corners that share a side. |
SnipSingleCornerRectangle | Represents a rectangle with one snipped corner. |
Star10Point | Represents a 10-point star. |
Star12Point | Represents a 12-point star. |
Star16Point | Represents a 16-point star. |
Star24Point | Represents a 24-point star. |
Star32Point | Represents a 32-point star. |
Star4Point | Represents a 4-point star. |
Star5Point | Represents a 5-point star. |
Star6Point | Represents a 6-point star. |
Star7Point | Represents a 7-point star. |
Star8Point | Represents a 8-point star. |
StraightConnector | Represents a straightConnector shape. |
StripedRightArrow | Represents a block arrow that points right with stripes at the tail. |
Sun | Represents a sun shape. |
Teardrop | Represents a teardrop shape. |
Trapezoid | Represents a trapezoid shape. |
Unknown | Represents a unknown shape. |
UpArrow | Represents a block arrow that points up. |
UpArrowCallout | Represents a callout with arrow that points up. |
UpDownArrow | Represents a block arrow that points up and down. |
UpDownArrowCallout | Represents a callout with arrows that point up and down. shape. |
UpRibbon | Represents a ribbon banner with center area above ribbon ends. |
UTurnArrow | Represents a block arrow forming a U shape. |
VerticalScroll | Represents a vertical scroll. |
Wave | Represents a wave shape. |