Class GridPaintTriangle
Implements the functionalities that encapsulates the painting logic for a triangle.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid
Assembly: Syncfusion.Grid.Windows.dll
public class GridPaintTriangle
Initializes the new instance of the GridScrollPositionChangingEventArgs class.
public GridPaintTriangle()
Paint(Graphics, Rectangle, GridTriangleDirection, Brush, Pen)
Paints a triangle to a given graphics canvas.
public static void Paint(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, GridTriangleDirection dir, Brush backBrush, Pen backPen)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | The System.Drawing.Graphics context of the canvas. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | bounds | The System.Drawing.Rectangle with the bounds. |
GridTriangleDirection | dir | The GridTriangleDirection which indicates the sort order. |
System.Drawing.Brush | backBrush | Brush to paint the inner region of the triangle. |
System.Drawing.Pen | backPen | Pen to draw a triangle boundary. |
Paint(Graphics, Rectangle, GridTriangleDirection, Brush, Pen, Boolean)
Paints a triangle to a given graphics canvas.
public static void Paint(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, GridTriangleDirection dir, Brush backBrush, Pen backPen, bool opaque)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | The System.Drawing.Graphics context of the canvas. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | bounds | The System.Drawing.Rectangle with the bounds. |
GridTriangleDirection | dir | The GridTriangleDirection which indicates the sort order. |
System.Drawing.Brush | backBrush | Brush to paint the inner region of the triangle. |
System.Drawing.Pen | backPen | Pen to draw a triangle boundary. |
System.Boolean | opaque | Specifies if the triangle should be drawn transparent. |
Paint(Graphics, Rectangle, GridTriangleDirection, Brush, Pen, Pen, Pen, Boolean)
Paints a triangle to a given graphics canvas.
public static void Paint(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, GridTriangleDirection dir, Brush backBrush, Pen backPen1, Pen backPen2, Pen backPen3, bool opaque)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | The System.Drawing.Graphics context of the canvas. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | bounds | The System.Drawing.Rectangle with the bounds. |
GridTriangleDirection | dir | The GridTriangleDirection which indicates the sort order. |
System.Drawing.Brush | backBrush | Brush to paint the inner region of the triangle. |
System.Drawing.Pen | backPen1 | Pen 1 to draw a triangle boundary. |
System.Drawing.Pen | backPen2 | Pen 2 to draw a triangle boundary. |
System.Drawing.Pen | backPen3 | Pen 3 to draw a triangle boundary. |
System.Boolean | opaque | Specifies if the triangle should be drawn transparent. |