Namespace Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Chart.Statistics
Result of Anova test is stored in this class. If AnovaResult.FRatio is farther from unity than FCritical value, then the null hypothesis (that all means are equal) fails. |
The BasicStatisticalFormulas class provides the functionality for the Basic Statistical formulas Mean,Median, . |
The result of statistical F test is stored in this class. If the F value is closer to 1.0 than FCriticalValueOneTail, then we can't deduce that first variance is smaller than second. But if F value is bigger than 1.0, then replace the series and run the test again. Maybe second series variance is smaller than first. Note: That if the second test also fails, this doesn't automatically prove that your variances are equal. |
The result of statistical T test is stored in this class. If the T value is closer to 0.0 than TCriticalValueTwoTail or even TCriticalValueOneTail, then we can't deduce that D(hypothesized difference) is not good mean value difference. In other case ( TCriticalValueTwoTail is closer to 0.0 than TValue), there is a huge probability that hypothesized difference D hadn't been chosen correctly. |
Class contains Gamma, factorial, Beta and other functions used in statistical distributions formulas. |
The result of statistical Z test is stored in this class. If the Z value is closer to 0.0 than ZCriticalValueTwoTail or even ZCriticalValueOneTail, then we can't deduce that D(hypothesized difference) is not good mean value difference. In other case ( ZCriticalValueTwoTail is closer to 0.0 than ZValue), there is a huge probability that hypothesized difference D hadn't been chosen correctly. |