Enum GridBorderStyle
Defines the constants that specifies the style of a specific cell border in the GridBorder class.
Namespace: Syncfusion.WinForms.DataGrid.Styles
Assembly: Syncfusion.SfDataGrid.WinForms.dll
public enum GridBorderStyle
Name | Description |
DashDot | Border style that consists of a dash and dot line: .._. |
DashDotDot | Border style that consists of a dash and two dots: ...._.. |
Dashed | Border style that consists of a series of dashed lines: -------- |
Dotted | Border style that consists of a dotted line: ........... |
None | No border is drawn on the cell. |
NotSet | No edge style is set. |
Solid | Border style that consists of a solid line: ___________ |
Standard | Sets border as specified in grid property. |