Class BrushPainter
A helper class that provides the options to paints window background based on the BrushInfo information.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Syncfusion.WinForms.Core
Assembly: Syncfusion.Shared.Base.dll
public static class BrushPainter
DrawBorder(Graphics, Rectangle, BorderStyle, Border3DStyle, ButtonBorderStyle, Color)
Draws a border based on the border style and border color information.
public static void DrawBorder(Graphics g, Rectangle rc, BorderStyle borderStyle, Border3DStyle border3DStyle, ButtonBorderStyle borderSingle, Color borderColor)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | rc | A System.Drawing.Rectangle value. |
System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle | borderStyle | A System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle context. |
System.Windows.Forms.Border3DStyle | border3DStyle | A System.Windows.Forms.Border3DStyle context. |
System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBorderStyle | borderSingle | A System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBorderStyle context. |
System.Drawing.Color | borderColor | A System.Drawing.Color context. |
DrawBorder(Graphics, Rectangle, BorderStyle, Border3DStyle, ButtonBorderStyle, Color, Border3DSide)
Draws a border based on the border style and border color.
public static void DrawBorder(Graphics g, Rectangle rc, BorderStyle borderStyle, Border3DStyle border3DStyle, ButtonBorderStyle borderSingle, Color borderColor, Border3DSide sides)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | rc | A System.Drawing.Rectangle value. |
System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle | borderStyle | A System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle context. |
System.Windows.Forms.Border3DStyle | border3DStyle | A System.Windows.Forms.Border3DStyle used for the border style. |
System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBorderStyle | borderSingle | A System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBorderStyle context. |
System.Drawing.Color | borderColor | A System.Drawing.Color context. |
System.Windows.Forms.Border3DSide | sides | A System.Windows.Forms.Border3DStyle used for the 3-D border style. |
DrawBorder(Graphics, Rectangle, BorderStyle, Border3DStyle, ButtonBorderStyle, Color, Border3DSide, Boolean)
Draws the borders based on the specified styles information.
public static void DrawBorder(Graphics g, Rectangle rc, BorderStyle borderStyle, Border3DStyle border3DStyle, ButtonBorderStyle borderSingle, Color borderColor, Border3DSide sides, bool useTransform)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | rc | A output rectangle. |
System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle | borderStyle | A border style. |
System.Windows.Forms.Border3DStyle | border3DStyle | 3D border style. |
System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBorderStyle | borderSingle | Border style in single mode. |
System.Drawing.Color | borderColor | Border color in single mode. |
System.Windows.Forms.Border3DSide | sides | Sides that have to be drawn by methods. |
System.Boolean | useTransform | True - fix known bug in method, otherwise leave old code (for compatibility only). |
DrawLine(IntPtr, Pen, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Draws the line based on the position values.
public static void DrawLine(IntPtr hdc, Pen pen, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
Type | Name | Description |
System.IntPtr | hdc | A handle to the device context. |
System.Drawing.Pen | pen | A System.Drawing.Pen context |
System.Int32 | x1 | Start X position |
System.Int32 | y1 | Start Y position |
System.Int32 | x2 | End X position |
System.Int32 | y2 | End Y position |
DrawRectangle(IntPtr, Pen, Rectangle)
Draws the rectangle based on the System.Drawing.Pen information.
public static void DrawRectangle(IntPtr hdc, Pen pen, Rectangle rect)
Type | Name | Description |
System.IntPtr | hdc | A handle to the device context. |
System.Drawing.Pen | pen | A System.Drawing.Pen context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | rect | Rectangle area. |
FillGradient(Graphics, Rectangle, ArrayList)
Fills a rectangle with gradient style based on the foreColors values.
public static void FillGradient(Graphics g, Rectangle rc, ArrayList foreColors)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | rc | A System.Drawing.Rectangle value. |
System.Collections.ArrayList | foreColors | A System.Collections.ArrayList contains the colors details. |
FillGradient(Graphics, Rectangle, ArrayList, Boolean)
Fills a rectangle with gradient style based on the foreColors values.
public static void FillGradient(Graphics g, Rectangle rc, ArrayList foreColors, bool isVerticalGradient)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | rc | A System.Drawing.Rectangle value. |
System.Collections.ArrayList | foreColors | A System.Collections.ArrayList contains the colors details. |
System.Boolean | isVerticalGradient | Boolean value indicates to draw in vertical or horizontal. |
FillGradient(Graphics, Rectangle, Color, Color)
Fills the gradient style to rectangle based on the color values.
public static void FillGradient(Graphics g, Rectangle rc, Color color1, Color color2)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | rc | A System.Drawing.Rectangle value. |
System.Drawing.Color | color1 | A System.Drawing.Color contains the first color of gradient fill. |
System.Drawing.Color | color2 | A System.Drawing.Color contains the second color the gradient fill. |
FillGradient(Graphics, Rectangle, Color, Color, Boolean)
Fills the gradient style to rectangle based on the color values.
public static void FillGradient(Graphics g, Rectangle rc, Color color1, Color color2, bool isVerticalGradient)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | rc | A System.Drawing.Rectangle value. |
System.Drawing.Color | color1 | A System.Drawing.Color contains the first color of gradient fill. |
System.Drawing.Color | color2 | A System.Drawing.Color contains the second color the gradient fill. |
System.Boolean | isVerticalGradient | Boolean value indicates to draw in vertical or horizontal. |
FillGradient(IntPtr, Rectangle, Color, Color)
Fills the gradient style to rectangle based on the color values.
public static void FillGradient(IntPtr hdc, Rectangle rect, Color color1, Color color2)
Type | Name | Description |
System.IntPtr | hdc | A handle to the device context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | rect | Rectangle area. |
System.Drawing.Color | color1 | Starting color of the gradient. |
System.Drawing.Color | color2 | Ending color of the gradient. |
FillGradient(IntPtr, Rectangle, Color, Color, Boolean)
Fills the gradient style to rectangle based on the color values.
public static void FillGradient(IntPtr hdc, Rectangle rect, Color color1, Color color2, bool isVerticalGradient)
Type | Name | Description |
System.IntPtr | hdc | A handle to the device context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | rect | Rectangle area. |
System.Drawing.Color | color1 | Starting color of the gradient. |
System.Drawing.Color | color2 | Ending color of the gradient. |
System.Boolean | isVerticalGradient | Boolean value indicates to draw in vertical or horizontal. |
FillPath(Graphics, GraphicsPath, BrushInfo)
Fills the interior of a path based on the BrushInfo information.
public static void FillPath(Graphics g, GraphicsPath path, BrushInfo brush)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath | path | A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath context. |
BrushInfo | brush | A BrushInfo value. |
FillPath(Graphics, GraphicsPath, GradientStyle, Color[])
Fills the interior of a path based on the gradient style and color values.
public static void FillPath(Graphics g, GraphicsPath p, GradientStyle gradientStyle, Color[] colors)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath | p | A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath context. |
GradientStyle | gradientStyle | A GradientStyle value. |
System.Drawing.Color[] | colors | A array of the System.Drawing.Color value. |
FillPath(Graphics, GraphicsPath, Color)
Fills the interior of path based on the System.Drawing.Color value.
public static void FillPath(Graphics g, GraphicsPath path, Color color)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath | path | A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath context. |
System.Drawing.Color | color | A System.Drawing.Color value. |
FillPath(IntPtr, GraphicsPath, BrushInfo)
Fills the interior of a path based on the BrushInfo information.
public static void FillPath(IntPtr hdc, GraphicsPath path, BrushInfo brush)
Type | Name | Description |
System.IntPtr | hdc | A handle to the device context. |
System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath | path | A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath context. |
BrushInfo | brush | A BrushInfo context. |
FillPath(IntPtr, GraphicsPath, Color)
Fills the interior of a path based on the System.Drawing.Color information.
public static void FillPath(IntPtr hdc, GraphicsPath path, Color color)
Type | Name | Description |
System.IntPtr | hdc | A handle to the device context. |
System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath | path | A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath context. |
System.Drawing.Color | color | A System.Drawing.Colorcontext. |
FillRectangle(Graphics, Rectangle, BrushInfo)
Fills the interior of a rectangle based on the BrushInfo information.
public static void FillRectangle(Graphics g, Rectangle r, BrushInfo brush)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | r | A System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that represents the rectangle to fill. |
BrushInfo | brush | BrushInfo object that determines the characteristics of the fill. |
FillRectangle(Graphics, Rectangle, GradientStyle, Color, Color)
Fills the interior of a rectangle based on the gradient style information.
public static void FillRectangle(Graphics g, Rectangle r, GradientStyle gradientStyle, Color foreColor, Color backColor)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | r | A System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that represents the rectangle to fill. |
GradientStyle | gradientStyle | A GradientStyle value. |
System.Drawing.Color | foreColor | A System.Drawing.Color used for the fore color of the gradient fill. |
System.Drawing.Color | backColor | A System.Drawing.Color used for the back color gradient fill. |
FillRectangle(Graphics, Rectangle, GradientStyle, Color[])
Fills the interior of a rectangle based on the gradient style information.
public static void FillRectangle(Graphics g, Rectangle r, GradientStyle gradientStyle, Color[] colors)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | r | A System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that represents the rectangle to fill. |
GradientStyle | gradientStyle | A GradientStyle value. |
System.Drawing.Color[] | colors | An array of System.Drawing.Color used for the gradient fill. |
FillRectangle(Graphics, Rectangle, PatternStyle, Color, Color)
Fills the interior of a rectangle based on the pattern style and color values.
public static void FillRectangle(Graphics g, Rectangle r, PatternStyle hatchStyle, Color foreColor, Color backColor)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | r | A System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that represents the rectangle to fill. |
PatternStyle | hatchStyle | A PatternStyle information. |
System.Drawing.Color | foreColor | A System.Drawing.Color used for the fore color of pattern fill. |
System.Drawing.Color | backColor | A System.Drawing.Color used for the back color of pattern fill. |
FillRectangle(Graphics, Rectangle, Color)
Fills the interior of a rectangle based on the color value.
public static void FillRectangle(Graphics g, Rectangle r, Color color)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | r | A System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that represents the rectangle to fill. |
System.Drawing.Color | color | A System.Drawing.Color value. |
FillRectangle(IntPtr, Rectangle, BrushInfo)
Fills the interior of rectangle based on the BrushInfo information.
public static void FillRectangle(IntPtr hdc, Rectangle r, BrushInfo brush)
Type | Name | Description |
System.IntPtr | hdc | A handle to the device context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | r | A System.Drawing.Rectangle context. |
BrushInfo | brush | A BrushInfo context. |
FillRectangle(IntPtr, Rectangle, Color)
Fills the interior of rectangle based on the System.Drawing.Color information.
public static void FillRectangle(IntPtr hdc, Rectangle r, Color color)
Type | Name | Description |
System.IntPtr | hdc | A handle to the device context. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | r | A System.Drawing.Rectangle context. |
System.Drawing.Color | color | A System.Drawing.Color context. |
FillRegion(Graphics, Region, BrushInfo)
Fills the interior of a region based on the BrushInfo information.
public static void FillRegion(Graphics g, Region r, BrushInfo brush)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Region | r | A System.Drawing.Region structure that represents the region to fill. |
BrushInfo | brush | A BrushInfo object that determines the characteristics of the fill. |
FillRegion(Graphics, Region, GradientStyle, Color[])
Fills the interior of a region based on the gradient style.
public static void FillRegion(Graphics g, Region r, GradientStyle gradientStyle, Color[] colors)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Region | r | A System.Drawing.Region structure that represents the region to fill. |
GradientStyle | gradientStyle | A GradientStyle value. |
System.Drawing.Color[] | colors | An array of System.Drawing.Color used for the gradient fill. |
FillRegion(Graphics, Region, PatternStyle, Color, Color)
Fills the interior of a region based on the PatternStyle information.
public static void FillRegion(Graphics g, Region r, PatternStyle hatchStyle, Color foreColor, Color backColor)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Region | r | A System.Drawing.Region structure that represents the region to fill. |
PatternStyle | hatchStyle | A PatternStyle value. |
System.Drawing.Color | foreColor | A System.Drawing.Color used for the fore color of pattern fill. |
System.Drawing.Color | backColor | A System.Drawing.Color used for the back color of pattern fill. |
FillRegion(Graphics, Region, Color)
Fills the interior of a region based on the color value.
public static void FillRegion(Graphics g, Region r, Color color)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | g | A System.Drawing.Graphics context. |
System.Drawing.Region | r | A System.Drawing.Region structure that represents the region to fill. |
System.Drawing.Color | color | A System.Drawing.Color value. |
FillRegion(IntPtr, Region, BrushInfo)
Fills the region based on the BrushInfo information.
public static void FillRegion(IntPtr hdc, Region region, BrushInfo brush)
Type | Name | Description |
System.IntPtr | hdc | A handle to the device context. |
System.Drawing.Region | region | A System.Drawing.Region context. |
BrushInfo | brush | A BrushInfo context. |
FillRegion(IntPtr, Region, Color)
Fills the region based on the color information.
public static void FillRegion(IntPtr hdc, Region region, Color color)
Type | Name | Description |
System.IntPtr | hdc | A handle to the device context. |
System.Drawing.Region | region | A System.Drawing.Region context. |
System.Drawing.Color | color | A System.Drawing.Colorcontext. |