Enum ParseTokens
Defines the constants that specify the various pieces that go into making a valid rule that defines a set of recurring dates.
Namespace: Syncfusion.Schedule
Assembly: Syncfusion.Schedule.Base.dll
public enum ParseTokens
Name | Description |
AFTER | Indicates the beginning of an BeforeAfter clause. |
APR | Represents April. |
AUG | Represents August. |
BEFORE | Indicates the beginning of an BeforeAfter clause. Not currently used. |
DAY | Represents a Day. |
DEC | Represents December. |
EVERY | Indicates the beginning of an Every clause. |
FEB | Represents February. |
FRI | Represents a Friday. |
HR | Represents hours |
IN | Indicates the beginning of an In clause. Not currently used. |
JAN | Represents January. |
JUL | Represents July. |
JUN | Represents June. |
MAR | Represents March. |
MAY | Represents May. |
MIN | Represents minutes. |
MON | Represents a Monday. |
MONTH | Represents a Month. |
NOV | Represents November. |
NULL | Represents no entry. |
OCT | Represents October. |
ON | Indicates the beginning of an On clause. |
QUARTER | Represents a Quarter. |
SAT | Represents a Saturday. |
SEC | Represents seconds. |
SEP | Represents September. |
SUN | Represents a Sunday. |
THU | Represents a Thursday. |
TUE | Represents a Tuesday. |
WED | Represents a Wednesday. |
WEEK | Represents a Week. |
WEEKDAY | Represents a Week Day. |
WEEKEND | Represents a Week End. |
YEAR | Represents a Year. |